Nasa Astronaut facts
While investigating facts about Nasa Astronauts and Nasa Astronaut Anne Mcclain, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Thanks to 3D printing, NASA can send plans for new tools and equipment to the Space Station over email. Instead of waiting months for gear, Astronauts can print new gear in hours.
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NASA ground controllers were once shocked to hear a female voice from the space station, apparently interacting with them, which had an all-male crew. They had been pranked by an astronaut who used a recording of his wife.
What is the nasa astronaut physical?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do nasa astronauts get paid. Here are 50 of the best facts about Nasa Astronaut Application and Nasa Astronauts Spacex Launch I managed to collect.
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Snoopy is NASA's official safety mascot. Every astronaut since 1968 has worn a silver Snoopy pin into space; upon return, the astronauts present the pin as a special recognition to a civilian team member who helped keep them safe.
When NASA was preparing for Sally Ride to travel as the first American female astronaut, engineers initially were at a loss about how many tampons to send. “Is 100 the right number?” they asked her. “No. That would not be the right number,” she replied.
Jonny Kim. His accomplishments include being a former Navy Seal with 100 combat missions, a Doctorate of Medicine from Harvard, and will soon be an astronaut for NASA
NASA, during the Apollo program, had to rename urinal sleeves in sizes "small, medium, and large" to "large, gigantic, and humongous" because astronauts would only select large (regardless of their size) and the sleeves kept slipping off.
NASA accidentally auctioned off for just $995 a bag that was used by Apollo 11 astronauts to collect the first lunar sample. When the buyer sent the bag to NASA for verification, the space agency realized its mistake and refused to return it.
NASA Astronaut Owen Garriott successfully pranked flight controllers by playing a recording of his wife whilst on SkyLab. There were no women on board the space station and was used to make it look like there was a stowaway.
The condom-based toilets used by male NASA astronauts to pee came in three sizes: "small", "medium", "large". After some leaking events, the sizes were informally changed to "extra large", "immense" and "unbelievable".
NASA hires a chief sniffer to inspect the smell of every item before it enters space. The lack of ventilation means astronauts are stuck with the smells that are onboard with them.
Nasa Astronaut data charts
For your convenience take a look at Nasa Astronaut figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why doesn't nasa send astronauts to space anymore?
You can easily fact check why doesn't nasa send astronauts to the moon by examining the linked well-known sources.
Due to the fact that NASA Astronauts were not allowed to take gifts or endorsements, GM leased several Astronauts Corvettes during the 1960s and 70s for just 1 dollar.
NASA has decided to use Metric Units for all operations on the lunar surface when it returns to the Moon. The Vision for Space Exploration calls for returning astronauts to the Moon by 2020 and eventually setting up a manned lunar outpost. - source
Scott Carpenter was the only NASA Mercury astronaut who hadn’t finished college. After his spaceflight, the university granted him his degree because "his subsequent training as an astronaut more than made up for the deficiency in the subject of heat transfer."
Mae Jemison, the first female African-American astronaut, was inspired to apply to NASA by the Star Trek character, Lieutenant Uhura. Jemison later went on to make a cameo appearance in Star Trek: The Next Generation. - source
When will nasa launch astronauts again?
The notion that NASA astronauts carry suicide pills for use in case they are marooned in outer space is untrue. Exposure to outer space results in a much faster and smoother demise compared to a suicide pill.
How to become a nasa astronaut?
The second American in space had hayfever and was almost disqualified from astronaut training, until NASA realised the absence of pollen in space
A NASA astronaut waited 19 years to fly in space. Don Lind was selected in 1966 but was chosen for canceled missions, or as backup for missions; he said, "I was backing up two of the most depressingly healthy people you can imagine." Lind finally flew on the space shuttle in 1985.
Apollo 12 commander Pete Conrad's first word upon setting foot on the Moon was "Whoopee!" in order to win a $500 bet with an Italian journalist that NASA didn't script astronaut declarations.
The drink mix Tang wasn't created by or for NASA. It was introduced in 1957 but sold poorly until the U.S. space agency used it for John Glenn's 1962 Mercury mission. Tang was then marketed as what the astronauts drank, but Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin later said, "Tang sucks."
Tom Hanks is an avid support of NASA's manned space programs and originally wanted to be an astronaut, but "didn't have the math". He was awarded the Douglas S. Morrow Public Outreach Award in 2006 for his contributions to raising public awareness of space programs.