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Named George facts

While investigating facts about Comedians Named George and Characters Named George, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Steven Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond film but was turned down by Eon Productions. When he told this to George Lucas, Lucas said he had a film that was just like it but even better. The story was about an archaeologist named Indiana.

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Steven Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond film, but he was turned down by the franchise's owners. When he told his friend George Lucas, Lucas said he had a film "just like James Bond but even better." It was a story about an archaeologist named Indiana.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is st george utah named after. Here are 50 of the best facts about Bonanza A Girl Named George and Country Singers Named George I managed to collect.

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  1. When George Foreman was asked why he named all 5 of his sons "George" he replied "Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Ken Norton, Evander let them hit you on the head and see how many names you can think of"

  2. There is a city in Washington named 'George'. Every year, George, Washington celebrates the 4th of July by baking the world's largest cherry pie.

  3. In Star Wars legends, Jar Jar Binks was given a father, named George R Binks, who was so ashamed of his son that he attempted suicide. In order to talk him down, his wife told him to think of his son. He then pulled the trigger

  4. Idaho got its name because some guy George M. Willing proposed the name to Congress, claiming that it was Shoshone Indian for "Gem of the Mountain," when it was really just a word he made up.

  5. In 2007, a nine-year-old Jack Russell Terrier named George sacrificed himself to save five children from an attack by two Pit Bulls. All three dogs had to be euthanized, but George was posthumously awarded a PDSA Gold Medal and his heroism was commemorated with a bronze statue.

  6. In 1944 a black teenager named George Stinney was accused of murdering two white girls on flimsy evidence, he was tried without legal representation with an all-white jury, and he was executed by electric chair at the age of 14

  7. The present-day Washington State was originally called "Columbia", but Congress forced the name change to "Washington" in honor of George Washington and to avoid confusion with the nation's capital, the District of Columbia

  8. George Washington and the Marquis of Lafayette were so close that they were like father and son. The relationship between the childless American and fatherless Frenchman was vital for the American Revolution. Lafayette named a son George Washington Lafayette.

  9. During WWII an American plane was shot down on the Japanese island of Chi Chi Jama. There were nine men on board, eight of whom were captured, tortured, beheaded, and eaten. The only one to evade capture had ditched his plane further from the island than the others. He name was George HW Bush.

  10. In 1983, a 19-year-old named George shot himself in the head in an attempt to end his battle with OCD. Instead of killing him, the bullet ended up destroying the part of his brain that controlled the obsessive behavior, curing the OCD.

named george facts
What is georgetown university named after?

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You can easily fact check why is george called george in peppa pig by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Georgia Tech student was accidentally sent 2 enrollment forms, he filled out both, creating a fictional man named George P. Burdell. The student did work for George and George graduated with a mechanical engineering degree.

Room 101, the torture chamber in George Orwell's 1984, was named after a meeting room at the BBC where Orwell would have to sit through tortuously boring meetings. - source

George Foreman was collecting 40% of the profits on the George Foreman Grill until they paid him $137 million to buy the rights to his name.

When Michael Chrichton was in college, he conducted an experiment to expose an English professor who he believed was giving him abnormally low marks. Crichton submitted an essay by George Orwell under his own name. The paper was returned by his unwitting professor with a mark of "B−". - source

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Yoda's full name – never revealed in the films – is "Minch Yoda." George Lucas deliberately decided to leave him with just one name to enhance the air of mystery and power around him.

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Spaceballs wasn't the the first Star Wars parody, a 13 minute short titled Hardware Wars released in 1978 was the first. With a production cost of $8k and box office of $1million it even beat the earnings ratio of Star Wars. During a 1999 interview George Lucas named it his favorite.

During Apartheid in South Africa, Glasgow renamed the street which at the time was the address of the South African Consulate from St George's Place to Nelson Mandela Place. Consular officials would be forced to look at his name when reading and addressing postal correspondence.

Mr. Roger’s parents adopted an African American teenager named George. Rogers came to consider George his older brother, and George later became an instructor for the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II-- and also taught Rogers how to fly.

Sir George Everest, the man after whom Mount Everest is named, actually pronounced his name "Eve-rest" and not "Ever-est"

George Orwell fought in the spanish civil war and was shot in the neck. There is now a square in Barcelona named after him called 'Plaça de George Orwell'. Ironically, the square was once one of the most heavily surveillanced places in Spain.

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George Washington's best spy, code named 'Culper Jr.', was only identified as Robert Townsend nearly 150 years after the war because a Long Island historian named Morton Pennypacker recognized his handwriting from some business receipts and matched it to intelligence correspondence.

The person who came up with the Big Bang Theory was a Catholic priest named Georges Lemaître.

George RR Martin is a big fan of football, but not of Coach Belichick and the Patriots. In "A Dance with Dragons", he even references the 2007 Superbowl where the Patriots fell after a perfect season to the Giants, naming a character "Belichio" who gets eaten by giants.

A German POW escaped his American prison camp near the end of WWII, and lived in the US for 40 years under a fake name, before finally admitting the fraud on the Today Show. His name was Georg Gärtner.

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Star Wars Emperor Palpatine was based on a U.S. President. When asked if had been a jedi, George Lucas responded, “No, he was a politician. Richard M. Nixon was his name. He subverted the senate and finally took over and became an imperial guy and he was really evil.

Tuberculosis has killed some of the most influential people in history. Popular names include Pocahontas, George Orwell, Andrew Jackson, Franz Kafka, Jane Austin, John Smith, Frederic Chopin, and Eleanor Roosevelt.

In the War of 1812 when the British burned Washington D.C., British Admiral George Cockburn had his soldiers burn a newspaper printing house and ordered them to "Be sure that all the 'C's are destroyed, so that the rascals cannot any longer abuse my name."

Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts and she has an on and off relationship with one Kenneth Carson. She is the daughter of George and Margaret, has 6 siblings, and got her love of reading from her grandmother

George Lucas offered his game developers the choice between naming a villain "Darth Icky" and "Darth Insanius", and was completely serious

Idaho is the only State in America named through a hoax. In 1860, George M. Willing, presented the name Idaho, claiming it derived from the phrase "Gem of the mountains." When in fact it means nothing.

The Traveling Wilburys are named after a slang term that George Harrison and Jeff Lynne gave to studio equipment. They referred to equalizers and limiters as "wilburys", as in "we'll bury that mistake in the mix".

The inspiration for Chewbacca was George Lucas' Alaskan Malamute who had a habit of riding in the passenger seat as Lucas drove. The dog's name was Indiana, and would go on to inspire another famous character. Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr.

The shark in Jaws was named Bruce after Bruce Ramer, a lawyer who was representing Spielberg during the making of the film. Ramer still works in Hollywood and continues to represent celebrities like Clint Eastwood and George Clooney

While writing Star Wars, George Lucas had an Alaskan Malamute (large dog breed) named Indiana. She went everywhere with him, so this inspired Lucas to give Han Solo a "big, furry" sidekick. She also inspired the name for Indiana Jones... who named himself after the family dog.

Georgia is not named after Saint-George. The name rather derives from the Persian word for wolf, gurğ, and the region was referred to as Gorgan, or "land of the wolves", for the heroic people who inhabited the territory. Its English name is a back-derivation of what was assumed to be George.

For a short time, Uranus used to be named 'George'.

The French version of George Orwell's Animal Farm changes the name of the pig Napoleon to Caesar. It is illegal to name a pig Napoleon in France.

The name 'Idaho' isn't actually based off of anything, it was basically just made up by a man named George M. Willing

The guy who discovered our 7th planet Uranus wanted to name it "George".

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Named George. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Named George so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor