Mr Roger facts
While investigating facts about Mr Rogers and Mr Rogers Movie, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1969 most public swimming pools were still segregated. Mr Rogers invited a black police office on his show to cool their feet together in a plastic swimming pool. By doing so, the 2 gentlemen broke a major color barrier.
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Mr. Rogers responded to every fan letter he received. He would wake up 5 every morning, pray, and begin answering letters as part of his daily routine. Many children wrote to him about their personal issues, such as family members dying. He received between 50 and 100 letters every day.
What did mr rogers die from?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was mr rogers neighborhood about. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mr Rogers Neighborhood and Mr Rogers Documentary I managed to collect.
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Mr. Rogers told the U.S. Supreme Court during the attempt to ban VCRs that he sided with the VCR, as it helped families to watch his show together. Supreme Court said his testimony was a contributing factor which allowed VCRs
Mr. Rogers saved PBS from massive budget cuts by giving a 7 minute testimony to Congress. At the conclusion of Mr. Rogers testimony about how he helps children deal with their emotions and to feel special, Senator Pastore proclaimed “Looks like you just earned the $20 million.”
Mr. Rogers was bullied as a child for being fat. "We're gonna get you, Fat Freddy!", the bullies would shout. “I used to cry to myself when I was alone,” Rogers said. “And I would cry through my fingers and make up songs on the piano.”
Mr Rogers' Neighborhood featured an episode with Lou Ferrigno on the set of "The Incredible Hulk" to teach children not to be scared of fictional characters in heavy makeup.
Mr. Rogers was a lifelong vegetarian because he didn't "want to eat anything that has a mother"
Mr Rogers poured the 100 billionth Crayola crayon
Pittsburgh put up "Kindness Zone: BE NICE / ALL DAY EVERY DAY" street signs this year as part of a statewide campaign to honor Mr. Rogers
Mr. Rogers once sued the Ku Klux Klan for pretending to be him
In 1968, During the Height of the Civil Rights Struggle in the U.S., Mr. Rogers Shared a Wading Pool with the Police Officer on His Show, a Black Man, and Later Shared a Towell and Dried His Feet For Him a Revolutionary Act at the Time
Mr Roger data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mr Roger figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why mr rogers mug by examining the linked well-known sources.
that Fred Rogers' (Mr. Rogers) slow speaking style was based on science that showed maximum comprehension for children
All of the sweaters that Mr. Rogers wore on his show were knitted by his mother. He liked wearing them because they made him think of his mother. - source
The reason Mr. Rogers said out loud he was feeding his fish was because a visually disabled fan wrote in and said she was worried about the fish. - source
Mr. Rogers would announce what he was doing because a blind girl asked him to do so in a letter
In 1969, Mr. Rogers appeared before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications to argue against the cutting of Federal Funds for PBS. He was successful in preventing the cuts. - source
When mr rogers died?
Mr. Rogers always kept these words from a social worker in his pocket: "Frankly, there isn't anyone you couldn't learn to love once you've heard their story."
How did mr rogers die?
Koko the Gorilla was a fan of Mr. Rogers and got to meet him.
In 1990, Mr. Rogers sued the KKK for impersonating his voice in prerecorded messages. These messages said "AIDS was divine retribution" and included radio skits simulating lynchings of black children on a playground. The tapes were circulated among elementary and middle school children.
In 1996 Mr. Rogers poured the 100 billionth Crayola crayon. The commemorative replica that Mr. Rogers received at the event is housed in the Fred Rogers Archive.
Mr. Rogers made a point of mentioning out loud when he was feeding his fish after he got a letter from a family whose blind daughter asked him to do so, because she couldn't tell if the fish were being fed.