Movie Theater facts
While investigating facts about Movie Theater Near Me and Movie Theaters Open, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Bill Hader got fired from his job working as an usher at a movie theater in Tempe because he "spoiled the ending of Titanic to noisy patrons"
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Bill Hader once worked as an usher at a movie theater and was fired for spoiling the end of Titanic to noisy patrons.
What movie theaters are open?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what movie theaters are open near me. Here are 50 of the best facts about Movie Theaters Open Near Me and Movie Theater Amc I managed to collect.
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On April 9th 2007, a theater filled with parents and their small children who were there to see 'The Last Mimzy' were accidentally shown 'The Hills Have Eyes 2', in which the beginning of the movie features a screaming, bruised, beaten, and bloodied woman delivering a deformed newborn
The movie Clue in 1985 had 3 endings that were randomly distributed to theaters. People argued about the ACTUAL ending although they’ve seen two different ones.
There is a group of about 400 ultra powerful and wealthy individuals that see movies on release day in their own home theaters. It costs $100k to join and $4k/month membership. It is called the Bel Air Circuit.
Movie theater Popcorn costs more per ounce than Fillet Mignon, the price of Popcorn is more than 1200% higher than its production costs.
Burger King filed an official complaint against the movie “It” and tried to get it banned from theaters, claiming unlawful free advertising for McDonald’s since Pennywise is “an exact replica” of Ronald McDonald, thus promoting the rival restaurant.
In 2004, a movie theater was found in the Paris Catacombs, with a fully stocked bar, a number of seats, and movies dating back to the 1950s.
Mars (the owner of M&M’s) rejected a product placement deal in a film (E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial) about a boy who befriends an alien by luring him with candy, but Reese’s Pieces ( owned by Hershey’s) took a shot and and sales shot up 65% in the first two weeks after the movie hit the theaters.
The term ''Nickelodeon'' was used for early movie theaters that cost 5¢ to enter. An ''odeon'' was any building used for live entertainment in ancient Greece and Rome.
Although being a giant box office success, movie theater business was less enthused about the movie "A Quiet Place" because the ambiance of the movie was such that any type of loud eating was shamed leading to people not buying any food. Cinemas normally earn more from food than tickets.
Popcorn was banned from movie theaters in the 1920's because of the noise it made while eating it
Movie Theater data charts
For your convenience take a look at Movie Theater figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bill Hader worked at a movie theater in college and was fired for telling rude customers how "Titanic" ended
At the height of her popularity Paris Hilton starred in "The Hottie and the Nottie," a movie so bad, the estimated opening night per-showing attendance was 5. It grossed $27,696 on opening weekend, despite being shown in 111 theaters. - source
Straight Outta Compton was never played in Compton because the city has no movie theaters. - source
The Dutch built a nursing home for Alzheimers patients that pretends as a village, complete with shops, restaurants, movie theaters, all staffed by personnel trained to care for dementia patients.
When movie theaters will reopen?
Juicy Fruit Gum, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Cream of Wheat, the moving walkway, and the movie theater were all introduced at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, among other inventions
How to make movie theater popcorn?
Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles premiered at a drive-in movie theater and people riding horses got free admission to watch the movie.
A man in China was dumped by his girlfriend because he was too poor to take her to the movies. Six years later, he booked four IMAX theaters in Beijing for one night and gave away all the tickets for free to prove how rich he is now and to show her what she was missing.
On May 24, 1996, a drive-in theater in Canada was destroyed by a tornado when the theater was scheduled to show the 1996 disaster movie ‘Twister’. In ‘Twister,’ a scene parallels the exact event of the theater destruction by a tornado during a showing of ‘The Shining.’
A man from Ohio bought $650 worth of tickets for the movie “The Interview” hoping to resell them for a higher price was declined a refund from the theater he bought them from after Sony decided to stream the movie online for half the price.
A man spend $40,000 buying out two IMAX theaters to prove ex-girlfriend wrong. "His ex-girlfriend dumped him seven years ago because he couldn't afford two movie tickets for a date".