Mountain Dew facts
While investigating facts about Mountain Dew Sweet Lightning and Mountain Dew Flavors, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A man once tried to sue Pepsi because he found a mouse in his can of Mountain Dew, Pepsi defended the case by proving that Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse in a few months.
how mountain dew is made?
In 2012, Mountain Dew asked the internet to name their new apple drink. Before the poll was shut down, the top four names were: "Fapple", "Gushing Granny", "Diabeetus" and "Hitler did nothing wrong".
What's mountain dew?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mountain dew is at kfc. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mountain Dew Zero and Mountain Dew Game Fuel I managed to collect.
what's mountain dew made of?
A man sued Pepsi when he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. Pepsi attorneys stated that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.
Regularly drinking excessive amounts of Mountain Dew (2-8L/day) can cause a rare neurological disorder with symptoms of memory loss, fatigue, headache & involuntary movements. The disorder is due to bromine accumulating from the brominated vegetable oils used in some citrus-flavored drinks.
Mountain Dew was created to be used as a mixer for Whiskey and the name was slang for Moonshine!
When Mountain Dew held an online poll to let fans choose the new for a new flavor, “Hitler did nothing wrong,” “Diabeetus,” and “Gushing Granny” all topped the online rankings.
"Mountain Dew" was originally slang for mountain-brewed moonshine. And the soda was originally sold as a whiskey chaser.
Mountain Dew Baja Blast is only sold at Taco bell because it is chemically formulated to taste best with their food.
Mountain Dew was developed by two dudes who wanted a good mixer for their liquor.
Mountain Dew was invented as whiskey mix
In 2008, Doritos launched a contest called "Doritos The Quest" with a $100,000 prize to guess a new mystery flavor. The mystery flavor turned out to be Mountain Dew.
Mountain Dew’s original tag line was “Ya-hoo, Mountain Dew! It’ll tickle yore innards!”
Mountain Dew data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mountain Dew figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why mountain dew is banned?
You can easily fact check why mountain dew is good for you by examining the linked well-known sources.
Mountain Dew held a democratic poll to name its new drink, the top suggestion was "hitler did nothing wrong"
There's an old vending machine in Seattle that has been spitting out sodas on the corner of John and Broadway for up to 15 years, but no one seems to know who re-stocks, maintains, or collects money from the thing. Some flavors include Mountain Dew White Out and Black Cherry Frescas. - source
Mountain Dew was originally created as a chaser for whiskey - source
Mountain Dew is slang for moonshine, and was originally created as a mixer for moonshine and whiskey in Tennessee.
Mountain Dew was originally meant to be mixed with whiskey, and its name comes from a slang for moonshine - source
When mountain dew was invented?
Mountain Dew was originally a mixer to Bourbon.
How mountain dew is bad for you?
In 2008, Doritos debuted a mystery flavor known as "Quest", featuring a campaign of online puzzles and prizes to identify the Quest flavor. The flavor was later identified as Mountain Dew.
Due to the popularity of Mountain Dew in the Appalachian region dentists there have pegged it as the leading cause of poor dental health or as they call it "Mountain Dew mouth".
Mountain Dew was originally invented as a mixer for whiskey