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Morocco Moroccan facts

While investigating facts about Morocco Moroccan Prem and Morocco Moroccan Prem Table, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When Sultan Mohammed V of Morocco was commanded to round up all Moroccan Jews for relocation to Nazi concentration camps, he said "There are no Jews in Morocco. There are only Moroccan subjects." Not a single Moroccan Jew was deported or killed during WWII.

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Mohammed V, monarch of Morocco, and Vichy French colonial subject was ordered to produce a list of Jewish subjects, he responded: "There are no Jews in Morocco. There are only Moroccans""

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 15 of the best facts about Morocco Moroccan Prem Log and Morocco Moroccan Premier I managed to collect.

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  1. Morocco was in 1777 the first country to recognise the United States as an independent nation, and that the Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship, signed 1786, is the U.S.'s oldest unbroken friendship treaty.

  2. Another specimen of the Spinosaurus was discovered and described by Dale Russell in 1996. It was named the Spinosaurus marroccanus as it was found in Morocco, and means "Moroccan spine lizard."

  3. Despite the still-maintained Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship of 1786, which banned Moroccan piracy against American ships, America went to war with Morocco in 1802 over forced tribute payments to Moroccan pirates as part of the First Barbary War.

  4. Morocco was the first sovereign nation to recognize the United States of America as an independent country in 1776. American-Moroccan relations were formalized in a 1787 treaty, which is still in force today and is the oldest unbroken bilateral treaty in American history.

  5. In 1591, during a war between the Saadi Dynasty of Morocco and the Songhai Empire, the smaller Moroccan force was victorious due in no small part to a cattle stampede triggered by their gunpowder weaponry.

  6. Morocco was the first Sovereign state to recognize the U.S and the Moroccan-American Treaty is oldest unbroken U.S. treaty

  7. When Morocco was under control of the Nazis the king of Morocco Mohammed V was asked for a list of jews in Morocco and he replied “We have no Jews in Morocco, only Moroccan citizens." even though there was up to 300k Moroccan jews at the time.

  8. In 1952, Orson Welles's "Othello", filmed in Morocco, won the Palme D'Or. The festival's musicians did not play the Moroccan National Anthem because no one knew what it was.

  9. The 'Temara interrogation centre', an extrajudicial detainment and secret prison facility of Morocco. The Moroccan government has never acknowledged the facility's existence, despite known CIA involvement and reports of torture dating as far back as 1985.

  10. Moroccan Argan Oil - aka "Liquid Gold" - used in beauty and haircare products, is "processed" by tree-climbing goats in Morocco.

morocco moroccan facts
What are the best facts about Morocco Moroccan?

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

When a Nazi commander demanded a list of Jews in morocco, The king of Morocco refused by saying "We have no Jews in Morocco! Only Moroccan citizens". Potentially saving the lives of thousands of Jews. - source

The shortest international border in the world is 328 feet and exists between Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, a rock owned by Spain on the coast of Morocco, and the Moroccan mainland itself. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Morocco Moroccan. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Morocco Moroccan so important!

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