While investigating facts about Moon Rocks Carts and Moon Rocks Nevada, I found out little known, but curios details like:
There was an intern who stole moon rocks from NASA, spread the rocks on his bed and had sex on them, resulting in contamination making the rocks virtually useless to the scientific community. He was sentenced for more than 8 years.
how moon rocks are formed?
NASA once raided a Denny's as part of a sting operation to bust a 75 year old woman for possessing and attempting to sell a moon rock the size of a rice grain
What moon rocks are made of?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do moon rocks look like. Here are 50 of the best facts about Moon Rocks Nv and Moon Rocks Urban Dictionary I managed to collect.
what's moon rocks?
An Ancient Greek philosopher was exiled for claiming the moon was a rock, not a god.
Some of the profits from The Dark Side of the Moon, considered one of the greatest rock albums of all time, were invested in the making of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, considered one of the greatest comedy movies of all time.
moon rocks are a “National Treasure” and cannot be sold in the United States of America.
Coming back from the moon, Apollo astronauts had to go through customs and declare moon rock as cargo.
There is a 30 meters wide rock standing out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean which was walked on by less than 20 people - almost as few as the moon.
Thad Roberts, a NASA intern, spent 7 years in federal prison after having sex with his girlfriend on a bed full of stolen moon rocks.
Eugene "Gene" Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon, fulfilled a promise he made to his daughter Tracy by writing her initials on a moon rock. Those initials will probably remain there for thousands of years.
Russia attempted to send a satellite, Luna 15, to the moon to collect rocks and fire them back to Earth to beat the US in obtaining them first. In the end, Luna 15 crashed into the moon a safe distance away, just a few hours before Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin began their journey home.
What did we learn from moon rocks?
Related Topics to explore further why moon rocks are younger than most meteorites?
You can easily fact check why are moon rocks older than earth rocks by examining the linked well-known sources.
About Thad Roberts, a NASA intern who stole millions of dollars worth of moon rocks with his girlfriend, had sex with her on top of the moon rocks, tried to sell the rocks, and ended up in prison.
Seven sealed cases of moon rocks have yet to be opened since leaving the moon. - source
Moon Rock Given to Holland by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin tested to be Petrified Wood - source
After returning from the moon the crew of Apollo 11 had to go through US customs at Honolulu airport after splashdown. Their declaration stated three crew, no passengers and moon rock and moon dust samples as cargo.
A joint sting operation between NASA and the United States Postal Inspection Service busted an $5,000,000 illegal moon rock deal in 1998 - source
In 2003, during a case involving stolen lunar samples,a federal court set the value of the moon rocks at $50,800 per gram based on how much it cost the U.S. government to retrieve the samples between 1969 and 1972.
How much are moon rocks worth?
One of the moon rocks brought back to Earth from the Apollo 14 mission, was actually a rock formed on Earth 4 billion years ago, making it Earth's oldest rock.
Thad Roberts, an intern at NASA, stole roughly $21 million worth of moon rocks from NASA with the aid of his girlfriend. He loaded a 600 pound safe containing ~101 grams of samples and wheeled it out of the complex, destroying 30 years of the chief scientist’s research in the process.
There are 96 bags of astronaut poop, pee and puke on the moon. They were left behind to make room for bringing moon rocks back to earth. Theres also 12 Hasselblad cameras, a gold plated telescope, used wet wipes, space food wrappers, golf balls, 70 other space craft, and 12 pairs of boots there.
In 1978 the Canadian Museum of Nature fabricated a heist story to cover up the fact that they'd misplaced their Goodwill Moon Rock. The story was only given to one person: the 17 year old who'd delivered it 4 years earlier. He later found it in 2000 in a giant warehouse for museum exhibits.
Thad Roberts, a NASA intern, stole $21 million worth of moon rocks and dust just so he could symbolically "have sex on the moon"
Interesting facts about moon rocks
Former astronaut Scott Parazynski took a moon rock to the top of Mount Everest. He took the moon rock and a rock from the top of Mount Everest and gave them to then current astronaut George Zamka. He then took both rocks into space on the International Space Station.
Twelve American astronauts landed on Earth's Moon during NASA's Apollo program from 1969 to 1972 and brought back rock samples. During that mission, astronaut Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the surface of the Earth's moon.
It is the only moon known to have a magnetosphere. That implies there is something inside helping to generate strong magnetic field. Like Europa, Ganymede is thought to have a subsurface ocean, overlying a liquid iron and nickel core. That core is what helps generate the magnetic field. A spherical shell of mostly ice surrounds the rock shell and the core. The ice shell appears to be very thick, maybe 497 miles (800 km) thick. Though it is mostly ice, the ice shell may have rock mixed in.
In 2002 three NASA interns stole moon rocks and tried to sell them in Belgium. Did not end well for all involved.
Moon rock samples retrieved by NASA's Apollo missions found zirconium to be present in lunar rock.
How to vape moon rocks?
The NASA Apollo missions to the Moon brought back samples of lunar rock which contained yttrium.
Moon rocks collected by during the Apollo program were found to contain traces of apatite.
Nixon ordered the distribution of 270 Goodwill Moon Rocks to all countries and states. Unintentionally a huge black market was created with some selling for as much as $5 million dollars and fake pebbles for $400,000. Only 90 of the 270 are accounted for.
Of the 270 Apollo 11 and Apollo 17 Moon Rocks that were given to the nations of the world by the Nixon Administration, approximately 180 are unaccounted for.
Basalt is also an abundant rock found on the Moon with much of its surface underlain by basaltic lava flows and flood basalts as well, with the areas known as "lunar maria."
Visitors to red Rock State Park can participate in guided nature walks, guided bird walks, lectures, the full moon hike, and can choose to go on self-guided hikes as well.
Scientists are unsure of the birth of Phobos and Deimos. Some scientists concluded that they came from the asteroid belt, with Jupiter's gravity long ago nudging them into orbit around Mars. Others believed these dark moons may have formed as satellites around Mars, created by dust and rock that was drawn together by gravity. Another hypothesis is that Mars may have had an existing moon that may have collided with the red planet and created dust and rubble which drew together to form Phobos and Deimos.
NASA has lost or misplaced more than 500 of the moon rocks its Apollo astronauts collected and brought back to Earth.
When Apollo 11 returned samples of moon rocks to earth, scientists at NASA fed them to cockroaches, fish, rats, birds and shellfish to insure contact with them would not cause harm to the organisms a present a threat to earth's ecosystem.
In 2002 a few NASA interns stole nearly all of the moon rocks collected from all Apollo missions, then had sex on them
Resurfacing of the Moon in large areas has taken place due to extensive basaltic flows which may have been triggered by major impact events. The ages of the areas can be measured by observing the density of impact craters. Older flows will have more craters.
Former presidential candidate Ross Perot once fronted five million dollars for an undercover sting operation to purchase a stolen moon rock from a private seller in Honduras.
Rock musician Alan Parsons (of The Alan Parsons Project) is also an audio engineer and helped to produce such iconic albums as the Beatles Abbey Road and Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon
All three of the Apollo 11 astronauts had to sign a customs and immigration form for their moon rock and moon dust samples. The departure point was listed as "Moon"
The origin of Mars" moons is controversial. Some scientists believe that they came from the asteroid belt, with Jupiter's gravity long ago nudging them into orbit around Mars. Others believed the moons may have formed as satellites around Mars, created by dust and rock that was drawn together by gravity. Another hypothesis is that Mars may have had an existing moon that may have collided with the red planet and created dust and rubble which drew together to form Phobos and Deimos.
This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Moon Rocks. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Moon Rocks so important!