Moon Landing facts
While investigating facts about Moon Landing Date and Moon Landing 1969, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The US Air Force seriously considered and researched Nuking the Moon as a show of force after Russia launched Sputnik, but scrapped it at the last minute as they felt landing on it would be better received by the public.
how moon landing changed the world?
Faking the moon landing in 1969 would have been harder than actually going to the moon
What time was the moon landing?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the date of the first moon landing. Here are 50 of the best facts about Moon Landing Video and Moon Landing Anniversary I managed to collect.
who was president at moon landing?
The American flag deployed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was inserted only seven inches deep and was placed about 27 feet from the Eagle landing craft. As a result, it was blown over by the blast of the rocket exhaust during the takeoff back to Earth.
Immediately after landing on the moon, the Apollo 11 crew was supposed to sleep for 5 hours. They didn't, because they figured they wouldn't be able to.
For the Apollo 11 moon landing conspiracy theory to be true, over 400,000 people would need to be part of the secret.
For the Apollo 11 moon landing conspiracy theory to be true, over 400,000 people would need to be part of the secret.
Bart Sibrel lured Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, to a hotel to interview him for a documentary. Sibrel, poking Aldrin with a bible, called him a "thief, liar and coward", demanding he swear the moon landing wasn't staged. Instead, Aldrin punched Sibrel, and was not prosecuted.
When the Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the moon in 1969, they left behind a white pouch containing a silicon disc slightly bigger than a silver dollar. Inscribed in microscopic font on the disc are 73 messages, each from a different country, expressing wishes of goodwill and peace.
Barely a year after the 1969 moon landing the American public had completely lost interest in space exploration - to such an extent that 90% of people surveyed could not remember Neil Armstrong's name.
The flag erected on the Moon during the Apollo 11 landing was purchased at a local Sears store for US$5.50.
Apollo 10 was under-fueled on purpose, just in case Stafford and Cernan got any cowboy ideas on trying to land on the moon. Nelson said that NASA was concerned they would attempt an unplanned landing, writing they said "Don't give those guys an opportunity to land, 'cause they might!"
Baseball player Gaylord Perry's manager once remarked that "They'll put a man on the moon before he hits a home run.". On July 20, 1969, just an hour after the Apollo 11 spacecraft carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon, Perry hit the first home run of his career
Moon Landing data charts
For your convenience take a look at Moon Landing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why moon landing failed?
You can easily fact check why is china landing on the moon by examining the linked well-known sources.
During the first moon landing, the average age in the mission control room was 28.
Preventing an abort of the Apollo 11 mission has been attributed to the work of Margaret Hamilton, the lead flight software designer for Project Apollo. She was 31 when the lunar module landed on the moon, running her code, and is credited for coining the term “software engineering.” - source
Buzz Aldrin once punched a conspiracy theorist in the face after he was accused of faking the moon landing - source
In 1969, NASA possessed the technology to land on the moon but not the technology to fake the moon landings.
When Apollo 11 landed on the moon, it only had about 25 seconds of fuel left. - source
Who was president when moon landing?
Thad Roberts, a former intern at NASA, who served a 6 year sentence in a federal prison after having sex with his girlfriend on a bed full of stolen moon rocks gathered from the Apollo 11 moon landing mission
How many moon landings?
Buzz Aldrin punching a moon landing-denier (Bart Sibrel) in the jaw occurred after Aldrin was tricked into believing he would be appearing on a Japanese children's television show. Sibrel had brought a film crew to record Aldrin swearing on the bible that the moon landing wasn't faked.
NASA lost the original Moon landing footage by accidentally reusing the tapes.
During the english broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing Pink floyd was the background music, jamming live in the BBC studios.
During the planning for NASA's moon landings of the 1960s, it was suggested that the United Nations flag be used instead of the U.S. flag
NASA no longer has the original recording of the moon landing because it has been recorded over and reused. NASA admitted it back in 2006
Moon landing infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Moon Landing numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.