Mona Lisa facts
While investigating facts about Mona Lisa Smile and Mona Lisa Lyrics, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The displaying of the Mona Lisa has caused its colors to become quite faded. A sister painting made by a student of Da Vinci at the same time was kept in storage and is much more vibrant.
how mona lisa was stolen?
There's a second Monalisa in Museo del Prado, Madrid, that was probably painted by one of Da Vinci's pupils. When viewed combined with the original Mona Lisa, it can create a 3-D effect, making it the first stereoscopic image in world history.
Where is the original mona lisa at?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mona lisa really looked like. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mona Lisa Pizza and Mona Lisa Touch I managed to collect.
why is the mona lisa at the louvre?
Leonardo Da Vinci etched his initials into the Mona Lisa's right eye
There is a second "Mona Lisa" painting held in a secret vault in Switzerland also thought to have been painted by Leonardo DaVinci that shows a much younger version of the female subject
Mona Lisa is far from unique. There were several contemporary versions made by Da Vinci's presumed male lover Salai, including a nude version.
The Mona Lisa wasn't famous until it was stolen from the Louvre in 1911.
Pablo Picasso was questioned as a suspect when Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911.
The term "Sweet Death" refers to dying of hypothermia, because you feel an innocent desire to lie down and sleep. A certain feeling of wellness overcomes you. And with a sardonic ‘Mona Lisa’ smile on your face, you die.
In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia, wanting to bring the Mona Lisa back to Italy after “It was stolen by Napoleon”, simply walked in the Louvre, lifted off the painting, took it to a nearby service staircase, removed the frame, put it under his smock, and simply walked out with it in plain sight.
The Mona Lisa was not widely known until it was stolen by a man named Vincenzo Peruggia in 1911 and recovered three years later
In 2005 Agostino Vespucci's notes were found, written in 1503, revealing that Leonardo Da Vinci was busy painting a "half-length portrait painting of Lisa del Giocondo", Mona Lisa.
Before the theft of the Mona Lisa in 1911, the painting was so unknown that the Washington Post used the wrong image of the painting in their article reporting the theft
Mona Lisa data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mona Lisa figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why mona lisa is so famous?
You can easily fact check why mona lisa has no eyebrows by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Mona Lisa's true colours are rather... colourful - due to age, her current colours look faded and yellowed. Many old paintings are vibrant in reality, but currently lack that aspect due to decomposition.
Pablo Picasso went on trial for stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre - source
Picasso was once arrested under suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa - source
The Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911. The thief hid in a closet overnight, took the painting off the wall when the museum was closed, and walked out with it under his cloak in the morning.
When painting the Mona Lisa,"to keep his subject relaxed and entertained, Da Vinci had six musicians to play for her and installed a musical fountain invented by himself. Different, beautiful works were read out loud and a white Persian cat and a greyhound bitch were there for playing with." - source
When mona lisa painted?
The Mona Lisa used to have eyebrows, but they were rubbed off through years of rough cleaning.
How mona lisa was made?
When the Mona Lisa was stolen in 1911, crowds of people still flocked to see the empty wall space where it had hung.
The Mona Lisa was not famous until after it was stolen in 1911 and recovered two years later.
When “Mona Lisa” was stolen in 1911, the police arrested and questioned Pablo Picasso for stealing it.
Vincenzo Peruggia who 100 years ago hid in a closet until the coast was clear, pulled the Mona Lisa off the wall of the Louvre and simply walked out with it under his shirt. It took a full day for someone to notice!!!
Napoleon had the Mona Lisa hung on his bedroom wall.