Mlb Pitcher facts
While investigating facts about Mlb Pitchers and Mlb Pitcher Dies, I found out little known, but curios details like:
New York Yankee's pitcher David Wells stayed out all night partying until the next morning. While hung over he pitched a perfect game, retiring all 27 batters he faced marking the 15th perfect game in MLB history.
how many pitches can a pitcher throw in mlb?
A female minor league pitcher struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gerhig back-to-back in 1928. Her contract was voided; in 1952 MLB officially banned women, which was not rescinded until 1992.
What mlb pitcher has the most no hitters?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what mlb pitcher has the most home runs. Here are 45 of the best facts about Mlb Pitcher Rankings and Mlb Pitchers Today I managed to collect.
what mlb pitcher has the most strikeouts?
MLB pitcher Daniel Norris lives off just $800 a month, despite a million dollar salary. He says "Who am I to deserve that? What have I really done?" and "I'm actually more comfortable being kind of poor."
MLB pitcher Justin Verlander, while in high school, agreed to give his friend .1% of his eventual signing bonus in exchange for $.50 so that he could buy a chocolate milk. His signing bonus ended up being over three million dollars.
Dock Ellis was a MLB pitcher. He claims to have never pitched a single game while sober. He crowning achievement is pitching a no hitter while high on LSD.
Nolan Ryan is the only pitcher in MLB history to have struck out seven pairs of fathers and sons.
42 year old New York Mets pitcher Bartolo Colon used stem cells to regenerate broken tissue in his throwing arm. He is the oldest pitcher in the MLB.
A 17-year-old Japanese pitcher struck out 9 MLB stars including Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig. He refused to join MLB saying "My problem is I hate America, and I can't make myself like Americans." He had a 1.74 ERA over 7 seasons in Japan before joining the navy in 1943 where he died in action.
After 27 years in the MLB, at age 46, Nolan Ryan's final pitch clocked in at 89 mph. He had a lifetime winning percentage of .526, was an eight-time MLB All-Star, and his 5,714 career strikeouts rank first in baseball history. Ryan also threw a record 7 no-hitters, 3 more than any pitcher.
Despite throwing 7 no-hitters (most all time), striking out 5,714 batters (also most all time), and winning over 300 games, former MLB pitcher Nolan Ryan never won a Cy Young Award
In 1970, a MLB pitcher named Dock Ellis mistakenly took LSD before a game. He pitched a no hitter.
MLB player Shoeless Joe Jackson was originally a pitcher but threw the baseball so hard that he broke the catchers arm. So they moved him to the outfield.
Mlb Pitcher data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mlb Pitcher figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why can't mlb pitchers hit?
You can easily fact check why do mlb pitchers bat by examining the linked well-known sources.
The "Eephus Pitch" is a very low-speed junk pitch used to catch a batter off-guard after a pitcher has been throwing higher velocity pitches, however, in today's MLB, it is a rarity.
Despite a $2 million signing bonus, MLB pitcher Daniel Norris chooses to live out of a 1978 VW van in the off-season. - source
Jim Abbott was a very successful MLB pitcher through the 90's who only had one hand. - source
The first wife of former MLB pitcher, Milt Pappas, mysteriously disappeared on 9/11/1982. Though the notorious Chicago Rippers were suspected, they were unable to lead police to her remains. Nearly five years later, her car and body were found in a drained pond four blocks from their home.
In 2014, MLB veteran Jeff Francoeur was signed to a Minor League deal with the Padres, and was convinced by his teammates that pitcher Jorge Reyes was deaf. They kept up the bit for months before telling him. - source
When do mlb pitchers and catchers report?
Former MLB pitcher R.A. Dickey was born without the UCL ligament in his throwing arm and it was not discovered until after he was drafted out of college
How far is the pitcher's mound from home plate in mlb?
Hall of Fame MLB pitcher Pedro Martinez had a "lucky midget" he kept with him to win the 2004 World Series...
The shortest baseball game in MLB history. In August, 1916, the Asheville Tourists and the Salem Twins played a 31 minute game in which pitchers lobbed the ball and batters swung at the first pitch. Why? The game was scheduled for 2 o'clock but Asheville had to catch train back home at 3pm.
In 2007 a struggling MLB pitcher bought his aunt’s land so she could afford nursing home fees. A surveyor then informed him that he couldn’t build a house there because his new property was covered with $2.5 Billion worth of landscaping rock.
The Venditte Rule in MLB was created after Pat Venditte became the first ever active, ambidextrous switch-pitcher
Legendary MLB Pitcher Cy Young's real name was Denton True "Cy" Young.
Mlb pitcher infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Mlb Pitcher numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.