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Mile Stretch facts

While investigating facts about Mile Stretch Self Storage and Mile Stretch Road Biddeford Pool, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Gold is an inert noble metal as it does not react with other elements. It is the most malleable and ductile of all known metals. An ounce of gold can be beaten into a sheet measuring 300 square feet or stretched into a gold thread 5 miles long.

how to stretch before running a mile?

After Spartacus’ revolt in 73 BCE, 6,000 slaves were crucified along a 120-mile stretch of road called the Appian Way. This equated to roughly 50 slaves per mile or roughly 1 slave every hundred feet. The mass crucifixion served as a deterrent to anyone else who thought to defy Rome.

What is a 5 mile radius from my location?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is a 100 mile radius from me. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mile Stretch Road and Mile Stretch Road Biddeford Me I managed to collect.

what is a 5 mile radius from me?

  1. After a neo-Nazi group adopted a half-mile stretch of highway in Missouri, the state renamed it the "Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Memorial Highway"

  2. Africa is being split into two due to the birth of a new ocean. In 2005, an 8 m (26 ft) wide and 60 km (37 miles) long stretch of the earth opened up in just 10 days.

  3. 12 African nations have come together pledging to build a 9 mile wide band of trees that will stretch all the way across Africa, 4750 miles, in order to stop the progressive advancement of the Sahara.

  4. In WWII Charles Lindbergh instructed P-38 pilots how to stretch their typical 7 hour maximum flight endurance time to 9 hours (an extra 400 miles of range), which dramatically changed Pacific Theater operations

  5. There is a large frozen mass under Antarctica that stretches almost 14 miles and we have no idea what it is.

  6. The sled dog, Togo, was responsible for leading his team through the most dangerous and longest stretch of the 1925 Serum Run by 200 miles. Balto and his team led the last 55 mile stretch into the town of Nome getting most of the credit and media attention.

  7. Americans use an average of 433 million miles of toilet paper each year, enough to stretch to the sun and back

  8. During WWII, a single Australian division was purposely left behind, and ended up holding off the German army for 241 days. They protected the key port city of Tobruk, forcing the German supply lines to stretch over 900 miles to the next available port.

  9. Argentine ants in Europe have taken over a 3,700-mile stretch of coast along the Mediterranean Sea. This single colony is the largest ever discovered and it’s wider than Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

mile stretch facts
What is a 20 mile radius from me?

Why do mile markers go west to east?

You can easily fact check why are there mile markers every .2 miles by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 2013 some trading firms laid a new transatlantic fiber-optic cable stretching 3,000 miles and costing 300 million USD between London and New York. As a result, their stock trading orders are executed 5.2 milliseconds faster.

The Centralia mine fire is a coal seam fire that’s been burning underneath Centralia, PA since at least May 27, 1962; suspected to be from a trash burning that hit a coal strip in a cave. The fire burns at depths of up to 300 ft. over an 8 mile stretch and, as of 2015, continues to burn. - source

Due to rapidly descending and dense fog in California there was a 198 car pile up that stretched longer than a mile. While 41 people were injured, absolutely none were killed. Response teams and civilians alike recall the sounds of cars continually crashing for about 15 minutes. - source

Prora is a hotel at German island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea stretches over staggering three miles and has 10,000 bedrooms all facing sea and there is no single tourist who stayed at this place though it was built between 1936 and 1939. It is constructed on the orders of Hitler.

The Boardwalk Loop is an elevated trail that stretches 2.4 miles through Congaree National Park. This walkway was designed to enable visitors to walk through the swampy sections without disturbing the plant life.

What is mile radius?

Saturn's rings stretch nearly 250,000 miles wide but are on average only 55 feet thick

How to stretch for a mile run?

The large impact crater that dominates Phobos, Stickney, stretches nearly 6 miles (9.5 km) and covers most of its surface. The crater is so large that it likely came close to shattering the small moon. Hall named the crater after his dedicated wife, Chloe Angeline Stickney.

Naked mole rats live in complex underground tunnels that stretch 2 to 3 miles in length.

One section of the Congo River is referred to as "The Gates of Hell". It is a 75 mile long stretch of rapids.

Since the Italian peninsula is only 150 miles wide at its widest point, the Germans created defensive lines that stretched across the peninsula.

The Empire of Mali covered a two-thousand mile stretch from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Chad. It included present-day Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Gambia, Senegal, and Mauritania.

Interesting facts about mile stretch

There is a 500-mile belt of poverty, crime, and unemployment stretching from North Carolina to Mississippi that exactly follows the coastline of North America 100 million years ago.

The Shadow Wolves, a unit of Native American trackers, whose primary task is tracking smugglers through a 76-mile (122 km) stretch of the Tohono O'odham Nation territory that runs along the Mexico – United States border in the state of Arizona.

Chile is long and narrow, stretching 2,670 miles along the coast, and only 217 miles at its widest point inland.

The Chukchi Sea bottom's main geological feature is the Hope Basin - which stretches 430 mile-long. Approximately 56% of this basin is less than 160 feet deep.

Saturn's rings stretch out about 175,000 miles (282,000 km) from the planet but the vertical height is typically 30 ft (10 m).

With the amount of concrete that was used to build Hoover Dam, a 4000 mile two-lane highway could have been built. It would be able to stretch from San Francisco to New York.

The longest continuous roadway in the United States is Highway 20, at 3,365 miles it stretches from Newport, Oregon to Boston, Massachusetts.

There are several sub-basins on the floor of the Alboran Sea, including the most prominent structure - the Alboran Ridge which stretches 110 miles southwest from Alboran Island - a volcanic island.

The last eruption of Mauna Loa in 1984 resulted in lava flow that stretched as far 4.5 miles of Hilo. This eruption lasted from March 25th to April 15th.

There is a scale model of our solar system that stretches the 40 miles between Presque Isle and Houlton in the state of Maine. The sun is 15 meters and Pluto is 1inch in diameter.

High-tension power lines used to stretch from Sicily to the Italian mainland- a span of over 2 miles. The 761 ft tall steel towers still remain.

the state of Hawaii is actually over 1,500 miles long and consists of over 100 other islands that stretch west from the big 5.

The largest single organism on Earth is an enormous fungus. The fungus, residing in Oregon, stretches across nearly 2400 acres - almost 4 square miles!

The Gulf of Sidra has a coastline on the northern part of Libya that stretches 310 miles; it is made up of barren dessert.

The Himalayas stretch for more than 1500 miles from Eastern India to Pakistan.

Mackerels swim in large schools that can stretch up to 20 miles in length.

Two other armies joined Lee's army. This allowed the Confederate line to stretch for over three miles.

During WW2 the British military hired professional stage magician Jasper Maskelyne to deceive the enemy during major missions. This included hiding a 9-mile stretch of the Suez Canal using lights and mirrors.

While exploring an historic 1900s guana mine, cavers uncovered the largest limestone cave in the United states. Not only did the cave stretch 120+ miles but it also held a 20 ft gypsum chandelier and rare rock eating bacteria.

The Great Lakes contain 21% of the world's fresh water supply, cover 94,250 square miles (larger than 40 of the US states) and connect to the ocean via a series of waterways that stretches 2,340 miles.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Mile Stretch. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Mile Stretch so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor