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Michael Jacksons facts

While investigating facts about Michael Jackson Documentary and Michael Jackson Thriller, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After closely investigating Michael Jackson for more than a decade, the FBI found nothing to suggest that Jackson was guilty of child abuse.

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When Michael Jackson granted Weird Al Yankovic permission to do "Fat" (a parody of "Bad"), Jackson allowed him to use the same set built for his own "Badder" video from the Moonwalker film. Yankovic said that Jackson's support helped to gain approval from other artists he wanted to parody.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what michael jackson did. Here are 50 of the best facts about Michael Jackson Net Worth and Michael Jackson Leaving Neverland I managed to collect.

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  1. Michael Jackson wanted to be Spiderman so bad that he attempted to buy Marvel.

  2. Michael Jackson was a huge fan of Weird Al Yankovich. The pop star eagerly let Al do parodies of 'Beat It' and 'Bad,' and actually let him use the subway set of 'Bad' to film a music video for 'Fat.' Michael Jackson also did his best to convince other artist to let Al parody them.

  3. A supermarket was closed down so that Michael Jackson could fulfill his dream to go to a supermarket and shop like everybody else and experience what it was like to “put things in a basket.” It was populated with his friends and family pretending to be fellow shoppers and employees.

  4. Michael Jackson was a big fan of Weird Al, but requested that he not record a parody of 'Black or White' because the message was too important.

  5. As a child, Michael Jackson's father would torment him about his appearance, calling him 'fat-nose'. Michael went on to have four rhinoplasties and fussed over how his body and face looked for the rest of his life.

  6. After Michael Jackson's hair was accidentally set on fire during the shooting of a Pepsi commercial in 1983 he chose not to sue but instead asked Pepsi to fund the creation of a burn center.

  7. Michael Jackson would requested his wine be served in Diet Coke cans during flights, because he didn't want his kids to see him drinking alcohol.

  8. Jordan Chandler sternly denied the allegations that Michael Jackson abused him until after he was administered sodium amytal [a drug known to enable false memories to be implanted] by his dentist father who had first made the allegations before his son did.

  9. Michael Jackson used to relentlessly prank call Russel Crowe, even though they never met each other in person.

  10. Bubbles the Chimp (who once was famously Michael Jackson's pet) is alive and well, living in a Florida sanctuary for retired apes - and that he HATES cameras these days

michael jacksons facts
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You can easily fact check why michael jackson mp3 by examining the linked well-known sources.

Michael Jackson had over 1,000 unreleased songs on a harddrive at home which Sony bought for 250 Million after he died.

In 2000 The Guinness Book of World Records cited Michael Jackson as the most philanthropic pop star in history. He gave over $300 million dollars to charity in his life, and visited hospitals and orphanages at every stop of his tours handing out gifts and making donations. - source

Michael Jackson was so keen to play Spider-Man that he attempted to buy Marvel just to make it happen. - source

When Michael Jackson was 15 years old, a family member arranged for two prostitutes to take his virginity Before being locked in a room with him. Michael picked up a Bible and read bible verses to the girls. The girls left in tears.

Michael Jackson once spent $150,000 to put a curse on Steven Spielberg because he didn’t give him the role of Peter Pan in the movie Hook - source

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After Michael Jackson bought the publishing rights to the Beatles catalog, he also acquired all of the rights to Little Richard's publishing. As soon as Michael found that out, he gave Little Richard all of his publishing rights back, compensating him of tens of millions of dollars.

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Even after years of lying about her brother Michael Jackson being a pedophile as a way to extort money from the press, when La Toya Jackson asked him for forgiveness he simply opened his arms, hugged her and said “I will always love my sister.”

David Bowie ripped into MTV for not embracing black artists in 1983 but Michael Jackson's Thriller likely saved the network.

In 1983 a boy named Dave was doused in kerosine and set on fire by his father burning 90% of his body. Shortly after, Michael Jackson heard about the story, met, befriended and supported Dave throughout his whole life.

The bias and slanted media coverage of the 2005 Michael Jackson molestation trial has been referred to as "One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History". The media would extensively cover the seedy accusations but completely unreported witnesses crumbling under cross examination.

The band playing most of the songs on Michael Jackson's Thriller album was Toto.

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When Michael Jackson's car broke down once in Beverly Hills, he called 911 for help. He was advised to only use 911 in emergency situations. He was very suprised when they refused to assist him, even after he told them that he was Michael Jackson.

Eddie Van Halen's guitar solo on Michael Jackson's "Beat It" caused a speaker to catch on fire during its recording

Michael Jackson had a friend who owned a mall close the entire thing down and populate it with people he knew to act as regular shoppers so the pop star could go shopping without being swarmed by fans.

Super Bowl performers have a strict 12 minute time limit so most performers try and squeeze as much as they can in that given time frame. Not Michael Jackson. After exploding onto stage, he stood still, staring at the world for 90 seconds.

Joseph Jackson tried to teach his kids a lesson about leaving their bedroom windows open, so one night while his son Michael was asleep, Joseph wore a mask, climbed through the window, and shouted at him. Michael Jackson would later have recurring nightmares of being kidnapped from his bedroom.

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While planning his comeback in Las Vegas in 2007, Michael Jackson wanted to build a 50 foot tall robot replica of himself that would roam the desert under the flight paths of incoming planes, shooting lasers out of its eyes in order to get the attention of the tourists flying into the city.

Michael Jackson composed songs despite not playing any instruments. He would build each element of a track with his voice, so pitch perfect that studio musicians could match chords to his singing.

When Freddie Mercury recorded the album Mr. Bad Guy he planned on collaborating with Michael Jackson but cancelled after one song because he felt uncomfortable recording with Jackson's pet llama in the studio.

Michael Jackson tried to hang out casually at a club and people watch but was surprised when he heard the DJ play remixes of his songs and said “Wow, I didn’t know that they still played my music” in 2008

In Michael Jackson's music video for 'Beat It' he cast 80 members of the feuding gangs, Bloods and Crips, in an attempt to foster peace between them

Michael Jackson's estate continues to allocate 20% of his posthumous earnings to various charities, as specified in his will.

Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury collaborated with each other in the 80s, but Mercury broke it off because Jackson kept bringing in his pet llama to the recording studio

When Michael Jackson died, overall web traffic increased by up to 20%, websites like Twitter and Wikipedia all crashed and Google initially believed they were under DDoS attack. It is seen as an unprecedented moment in the history of the Internet.

After discovering his hotel alias, Michael Jackson used to prank call Russell Crowe and say things like "'Is Mr. Wall there? Is Mrs. Wall there? Are there any Walls there? Then what's holding the roof up?"

Michael Jackson admired Eminem as an artist but was disappointed when the rapper made fun of him in "Just Lose It" and said that "I've never attacked a fellow artist. Great artists don't do that".

Michael Jackson's Pepsi accident, where his hair caught fire, occurred exactly on the middle day of his life.

Michael Jackson donated to more charity organisations than any other entertainer

Biggie Smalls did not allow his best friend Lil Cease into the studio when he recorded 'This Time Around' with Michael Jackson because Big didn't trust Michael with kids (Cease was 16 at the time)

Jesse Jackson, Jr. and his wife were sentenced to jail for using $750,000 in campaign money for over 3000 personal purchases that included a Michael Jackson fedora and cashmere capes.

Michael Jackson attempted to purchase Marvel Comics back in the early 90's so that he could produce his own movie in which he would have been Spider-Man

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Michael Jacksons. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Michael Jacksons so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor