Menu Item facts
While investigating facts about Menu Items and Menu Item Material Ui, I found out little known, but curios details like:
“Shoeless” Joe Jackson was illiterate. In restaurants, rather than ask someone to read the menu to him, he would wait until his teammates ordered and then order one of the items that he heard.
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The McRib is being sold all year round at McDonald's in Germany, it has been a permanent menu item since 1985.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are the secret menu items at in n out. Here are 37 of the best facts about Menu Item Android and Menu Item Text Color Android I managed to collect.
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From 2010 to 2015, Taco Bell secretly reduced the sodium content in 33 menu items by 33%. Responding to consumer demand for healthier fare and without notifying the public, Taco Bell reduced the salt content in its food and instead substituted other spices to net the same taste.
One reason menus list a very expensive wine or specialty food item is to make everything else on the menu seem more reasonable, causing diners to spend more than they normally would.
In 1984 McDonald's ran a promotion where customers scratched off a ticket with the name of an Olympic event on it, and if the U.S. won that event then they would be given a free menu item. The promotion became a near financial disaster due to the Soviet boycott.
The iconic 1930s Hollywood Restaurant, The Brown Derby, served a salad after midnight using their leftover ingredients. When it became the most popular item on the menu they named it after the owner, Robert Cobb.
New fast food restaurants and menu items are tested first in Columbus, OH because it's demographics most closely represent the rest of the country
Jon Bon Jovi opened the “Jon Bon Jovi Soul Kitchen” where there are no reservations and no prices for menu items which can be paid through donating or volunteering in the kitchen.
"Apicius", a cookbook with authentic recipes from Ancient Rome. The Romans enjoyed a myriad of complex foods, recipes, and ingredients as a result of their conquests and empire. Exotic menu items were dolphin, ostrich, flamingo, mouse, eel, jellyfish, shark... and a variety of wines.
The Suicide Burger is 800 calories. It contains 175 mg of cholesterol and almost 2,500 mg of sodium. This item is on the 'secret menu" and contains four burger patties, four cheese slices, bacon, and special sauce.
Kobe Bryant was named after Kobe Beef - the most expensive item on a menu his father saw.
The Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas-- where people who weigh over 350lbs can eat for free-- has a vegan menu, whose only item is a pack of cigarettes ("100% Leaf Tobacco! No Meat Additives!")
Menu Item data charts
For your convenience take a look at Menu Item figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about menu item?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Flintstones was a popular cartoon that had a pet named Dino that was supposed to be a Brontosaurus. Bronto-burgers were also a popular menu item in the cartoon.
UberEATS, GrubHub, Postmates, and Door Dash all charge more than in-store menu price for each item you order (sometimes around 30% more) - source
About The Dwarf House, the original Chik-fil-a, built in 1946. Originally known as The Dwarf Grill, it initially sold a “deluxe steak” and the chicken sandwich wasn’t added to the menu until the 60’s. An item known as the Hot Brown, is chicken covered in gravy, with mashed potatoes and bacon. - source
Although it's seasonal in the US, the McRib is a permanent menu item in Germany
There are more Big Boy Restaurants currently operating in Japan than in the US. The Japanese Big Boy does not offer the Big Boy hamburger or most other American Big Boy menu items - source
When an item in a menu is black it means that?
The largest menu item is roasted camel, claimed to be a traditional Bedouin wedding dish. Like turducken; the steps are: "cook eggs and stuff into fish, cook the fish and stuff into cooked chickens, stuff the chickens into roasted sheep, stuff the sheep into a whole cook to taste"
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Some have accused Burger King of copying menu items from McDonald's due to the similarity between the Big King and Big Mac, and Spicy Chicken Sandwich and the Spicy McChicken sandwich.
A chef named Joe Schweska needed a new menu item at his Springfield restaurant, so he invented the Horseshoe: An open-faced sandwich with Texas toast, ham, fries and Welsh Rarebit sauce. The Horseshoe became an Illinois regional favorite. Variations include hamburgers and fish filets.
None of the menu items on the McDonald's menu are certified as vegetarian or vegan. Even their French Fries, which use natural beef flavoring.
There is an operational Yelp page for the fictional McDowell's Restaurant from the 1988 film "Coming to America". Real people are leaving reviews for the seedless bun Big Mick and other menu items.
there is a restaurant inspired by Tim Burton's movies in New York and LA called Beetle House. Not only are there special appearances by Beetle Juice and Sally themselves, but the menu items are also named after the movies, like Alice's Cup O' Tea or Edward Burger Hands.