Big Mac facts
While investigating facts about Big Mac Sauce and Big Mac Calories, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A McDonald's Caesar Salad has more calories, fat and salt than a Double Big Mac burger. Nutrition fact.
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McDonalds has a Gold Card that entitles the holder to free, unlimited food. Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have one, as does Charles Ramsey, who ditched his half-eaten Big Mac to help rescue three kidnapped women.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's big mac sauce made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about Big Mac Salad and Big Mac Index I managed to collect.
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McDonalds sued Irish fast food chain Supermac for trade mark infringement but failed and ended up losing their Big Mac trade mark as well because they were unable to prove that they had used the Big Mac trade mark in the EU.
In 1984 Mcdonalds offered free Big Macs,Fries, or a Coke for each Gold Silver or Bronze in the Olympics. During that year the Soviet Union boycotted the US olympics and therefore the US got many more medals than expected which became a huge failure for Mcdonalds
All the McDonalds in Argentina were forced to sell the Big Mac at an artificially low price to hide inflation, and to manipulate the country's performance on the Big Mac index
The kale salad with dressing at McDonald’s has more calories than a Double Big Mac. Nutrition fact.
According to a report about movie theater popcorn by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, "A medium-size buttered popcorn contains more fat than a breakfast of bacon and eggs, a Big Mac and fries, and a steak dinner combined."
The Big Mac Index, which helps explain purchasing power parity to the layman. You compare the price of a Big Mac in one country to the price in another to determine if exchange rates are overvalued.
Charles Ramsay, who stopped eating his Big Mac to save the three women kidnapped in Cleveland, was awarded the elusive McGold card which gives you free McDonalds for life
Both the McDonald's caeser salad and kale salad has more calories, salt and fat than a Big Mac. Nutrition fact.
Big Mac data charts
For your convenience take a look at Big Mac figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check mac why is system so big by examining the linked well-known sources.
McDonald's offers product placement rewards to rap artists who mention the Big Mac in their songs. - source
There is a man who has been eating McDonald's Big Macs every day for almost 45 years since 1972 except for missing 8 days. - source
The Big Mac had two previous names, both of which failed in the marketplace: the Aristocrat, which consumers found difficult to pronounce and understand, and Blue Ribbon Burger. The Big Mac debuted at a Uniontown, Pennsylvania restaurant in 1967, selling for 45 cents.
The Human Torch would have to eat 41,740 Big Macs every hour to fuel his powers - source
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An Outback Steakhouse Bloomin' Onion has 160 grams of fat. That's like a tray of 6 Big Macs.
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An individual in India would have to work for 6 hours in order to earn enough to buy a Big Mac.
The inventor of the Big Mac Burger lived to be 98. His name was Michael Delligatti.
Stevie Nicks was absent during the original recording of Fleetwood Mac's hit, "Big Love". The "female" "ahh" during the "oh-ahh" vocal exchange, which many assumed to be Nicks, is actually Lindsey Buckingham, who sampled and altered his voice to mimic that of a woman.
McDonalds India has the Chicken Maharaja Mac, instead of the Big Mac