Melbourne Australia facts
While investigating facts about Melbourne Australia Weather and Melbourne Australia Map, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Australia, the Shadow Minister for Justice at one point was the Representative for Batman. Batman is an electoral division in Melbourne.
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The Samurai was a Japanese series that was dubbed and aired in Australia, the first Japanese program to ever screen in the country. It became so popular that when lead actor Ose Koichi visited Melbourne, he was greeted by a crowd larger than that which had greeted The Beatles in 1964.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what time is it in melbourne australia right now pst. Here are 50 of the best facts about Melbourne Australia Time and Melbourne Australia News I managed to collect.
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In 2013, Melbourne, Australia assigned it's trees individual email address with the idea that if citizens had any concerns they could make reports. The plan backfired due to people sending love letters to their favorite trees.
The Melbourne, Australia holds the biggest Italian population outside of Italy and the largest Greek population outside of Greece
In 2004, a supercolony of ants measuring 62 miles wide was discovered under Melbourne, Australia.
There is a George Constanza themed bar in Melbourne, Australia, with the menu including references from the famous TV show 'Seinfeld'
The former capitol of Australia, Melbourne, was once called Batmania after it's founder John Batman
Every jar of Vegemite ever made has come from the same factory in Melbourne, Australia since 1923
The largest Greek population in the world outside of Greece can be found in Melbourne, Australia.
Half of the entire population of Australia lives in three cities Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. There are only 46 cities and towns in Australia with over 30,000 people.
In South Australia, local aboriginals told officials that 'Moomba' meant "let's get together and have fun" in their language, however, it actually means "up your bum/anus". As a result, there's a large mining town and popular Melbourne festival named Moomba.
About 40% of all Vietnamese people have the surname Nguyễn. It is also the 7th most popular surname in Australia, and 2nd in Melbourne in particular.
Melbourne Australia data charts
For your convenience take a look at Melbourne Australia figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is australian open in melbourne by examining the linked well-known sources.
Melbourne, Australia was once called 'Batmania'. Named after the Tasmanian explorer John Batman.
Melbourne, Australia gave some of its trees email addresses so residents could report problems. Instead, the trees received love letters. - source
The Summer Olympics have been hosted in Australia twice; Melbourne in 1956; Sydney in 2000.
Speedos were invented in 1928 by Alexander MacRae, a Scottish underwear maker in Australia. The bare-all swim brief only became popular after the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne when the Australian team (all wearing Speedos) won 8 gold medals. By 1968, 27 out of 29 gold medalists wore Speedos.
The largest city in Australia is Sydney, followed by Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth.
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The Burke & Wills expedition of 1860, Australia’s own Lewis & Clarke. Burke, Wills and 17 others set off to cross Australia South-North, from Melbourne to the Gulf of Carpentaria, a 3250km journey one way. Both men died. Only one, an Irish soldier named John King completed the journey back.
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Melbourne, Australia was founded by a guy named Batman and was originally called Batmania
In November 2016 in Melbourne, Australia a sudden thunderstorm caused 9 people to die of asthma.
At the age of 16 Wilma qualified for the 1956 Summer Olympics in Melbourne, Australia. She was the U.S. team's youngest member, and won a bronze medal in the 4 x 100 meter relay, along with Margaret Matthews, Mae Faggs, and Isabelle Daniels.
The first World Softball Championship game was played in 1965 in Melbourne, Australia. It was a woman's tournament.
Melbourne, Australia has the largest Greek population in the world outside of Greece itself.