Master Degrees facts
While investigating facts about Master Degrees Online and Master Degrees For Nurses, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Tom Scholz, founder of the band Boston, received bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT, and got a job at Polaroid. He used the money to make a studio in his basement, which he used to record 'Boston' by himself. The band was just for touring and vocals.
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The writing staff of Futurama held 3 Ph.D.s, seven master's degrees, and cumulatively had more than 50 years at Harvard University. Series writer Patric M. Verrone stated, "we were easily the most overeducated cartoon writers in history".
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what master's degrees can an english major pursue. Here are 50 of the best facts about Master Degrees For Teachers and Master Degrees In Psychology I managed to collect.
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Ed Smith created a fake student called George Burdell when Georgia Tech sent him two enrolment forms by mistake. He signed Burdell up for all his classes and did all his work twice with minor changes so teachers wouldn't catch him. The school awarded Burdell a bachelor's and a master's degree.
Alex Smith took so many AP tests in high school that he entered university as a junior. The quarterback received his bachelor's degree in two years, and began working on a master's degree, before becoming the first overall pick in the 2005 NFL draft.
A girl who had half of her brain removed at age 8 grew up to earn a Master's degree and become a speech pathologist
Michael Nicholson, a man from Michigan who has one bachelor's degree, two associate's degrees, 22 master's degrees, three specialist degrees and one doctoral degree, making him the most credentialed person in history.
The writing staff of Futurama held three Ph.D.s, seven masters degrees, and cumulatively had more than 50 years at Harvard
Ron Jeremy was a teacher before going into Porn, and holds a masters degree in Special Education.
Charles S. Dutton went from "jail to Yale." While in solitary he picked up an anthology of black playwrights. He convinced the warden to start a drama group, later earning a Master's degree in acting from Yale. He has starred in films by David Fincher, Robert Altman, and Guillermo del Toro.
Simpsons characters Lenny and Carl both possess master's degrees in nuclear physics.
The writing staff for Futurama held three Ph.D.s, seven master's degrees, and cumulatively had more than 50 years at Harvard University
Master Degrees data charts
For your convenience take a look at Master Degrees figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about master degrees?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Heather Bresch, the CEO behind the increase in EpiPen costs, was awarded a masters degree she did not properly earn because she was the governors daughter, leading to the dean at West Virginia resigning.
Peter Weller, the original Robocop, has a Master’s degree in Roman and Renaissance Art and is now an art historian. - source
Finland was the first country in the world to offer a master’s degree in futures studies, and its government is required by law to produce an official review of the future every four years. - source
Dolph Lundgren aka Drago has a masters degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney(‘82)and Royal Institute of Technology(‘80). He received a fulbright scholarship to MIT(‘83). He’s European Champion in Karate (‘81) and has an IQ of 160.
The couple that founded Panda Express both have degrees in Mathematics. The husband has a masters and the wife has a PhD - source
When to capitalize master's degree?
Dolph Lundgren has a master's degree in chemical engineering and had a Fulbright scholarship to MIT in 1983. He left MIT when actress Grace Jones, whom he was having a relationship with, convinced him to move to NYC and take up acting.
How master's degrees are graded?
Child prodigy Michael Kearney learned how to read by 10 months old, graduated high school at age 6, earned an Anthropology degree at age 10, earned two Master's degrees in Chemistry and Computer Science at ages 14 and 18 respectively, and earned his PhD in Chemistry at age 22
All candidates in Iranian elections must have a master's degree.
Finland is a future-obsessed nation. It was the first country in the world to offer a master’s degree in futures studies, has a special parliamentary committee for the future, and its government is required by law to produce an official review of the future every four years.
Willie Nelson became a fifth-degree Tae Kwon Do black belt in 2014. He would train by himself on his tour bus and send videos to his master for critique.
Dolf Lungren has a degree in chemistry from Washington State University, a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in the early 1980s, then a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney.