Mass Murderer facts
While investigating facts about Mass Murderers List and Mass Murderers In History, I found out little known, but curios details like:
NBC cancelled Rob Lowe's "Lyon's Den" show after 6 episodes but forced Lowe and creator to film the remaining episodes for DVD. Those two holding creative rights, filmed it as "absurd as possible" incl revealing the main character as a mass murderer
how many mass murderers were nra members?
Andrew Kehoe who committed the deadliest mass murder at a U.S. elementary school. May 18, 1927. It Included his wife, 6 adults and 37 children. In the aftermath, investigators found a wooden sign Kehoe had apparently wired to a fence on his farm that read, "Criminals are made, not born."
What mass murderer are you?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what was the biggest mass murderer in history. Here are 50 of the best facts about Mass Murderers Top 10 and Mass Murderers In The World I managed to collect.
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A South Korean man committed a mass murder when his girlfriend woke him up trying to swat a fly on his chest while he was asleep
During the Battle of Okinawa, Around 80,000 Japanese civilians committed suicide after being convinced by the Japanese Army that they would be "Tortured, Raped, and Murdered" by the American forces after they invaded. It is known as the biggest Mass suicide in history.
In 1832, 57 Irishmen were most likely murdered and buried in a mass grave in Malvern, Pa while working on a stretch of railway. Amtrak will not permit an excavation so the men are still buried there this day.
Oscar Romero, the Bishop of El Salvador, spoke out against poverty, social injustice, assassinations, and torture in his country. He was murdered by unidentified gunmen while celebrating Mass. He was later declared a saint by Pope Francis.
Dr Asperger's real accomplishment was identifying the full autism spectrum. He identified "higher functioning" autistic children to the Nazis in an effort to save them from mass murder in their eugincs program.
Leo Ryan, a congressman who was sent to investigate Jonestown who was murdered on orders of Jim Jones, along with an NBC news crew shortly before the infamous mass suicide
Once WWII ended, ethnic German civilians fell victim to mass-murders, mass-rapes, torture, and forced labor all throughout Europe.
Anders Breivik, the Norwegian mass murder who killed 77 people in 2011, threatened to go on a hunger strike in prison last year if the government did not upgrade his PS2 to a PS3.
The phrase "going postal" is derived from a series of incidents from 1986 onward in which USPS workers shot and killed managers, fellow workers, and members of the police or general public in acts of mass murder
There are survivors who consider the Jonestown incident as a mass murder rather than suicide.
Mass Murderer data charts
For your convenience take a look at Mass Murderer figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Mass murderer why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Auschwitz was a 100% subsidiary of IG Farben (Bayer), who conducted thousands of experiments which lead to the conviction of 24 IG Farben board members and executives on the basis of mass murder, slavery and other crimes by the Nuremberg Tribunal.
Vasily Blokhin who killed tens of thousands of prisoners by his own hand...making him the most prolific official executioner and mass murderer in recorded world history - source
Vasilli Blohkin, Stalin's chief executioner, who during the summer of 1940 personally executed 7,000 Polish POWs in just 28 days, making him the most prolific executioner and mass murderer in recorded history - source
In 1982 a Police Officer killed 56 people and wounded 35 in South Korea, the deadliest mass murder by a single gunman until the Norway attacks of 2011
About "The Slaying of the Spaniards" - the only recorded mass murder in Iceland. In October 1615, 32 Basque whalers were killed by the locals in the region of the Westfjords after a series of conflicts after their ships were driven on the rocks and crushed. - source
When did mass incarceration start?
One of Canada's most prolific mass murderers, Dale Nelson, was still hiding at the scene of his first killing when the police arrived. When the officers left he drove off with one of the bodies and killed a further 6 people.
In 1985, members of a Sikh militant group bombed a plane from Canada killing 329 people. It was the largest mass murder in Canadian history.
87 people were killed in NYC in 1990 by an arsonist with a small amount of gasoline. This mass murderer received a sentence of 4,350 years, but is up for parole in March of this year, 2015.
Whenever Germans conquered new territory during the war they had mass shootings of their opponents. These murders were carried out by specialized paramilitary units called Einsatzgruppen.
The March 14, 1891, New Orleans lynchings were the murders of 11 Italian Americans in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was perhaps the largest single mass lynching in U.S. history
The mass-murderer Charles Ng (currently on death row in San Quentin) cost the state of California 20,000,000 USD to ensure he had a fair trial.