Marvel Comics facts
While investigating facts about Marvel Comics Characters and Marvel Comics Online, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In Marvel comics, The Beatles are actually a group of rogue skrulls who came to Earth to invade it but decided that the money and power was better.
how marvel comics started?
Marvel comics 'forgot' to credit writer Harlan Ellison for using one of his stories in the Incredible Hulk comic. Harlan could have successfully sued them, but settled for a normal writer's fee and a lifetime subscription to everything Marvel published.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what marvel comics should i read. Here are 50 of the best facts about Marvel Comics Pdf and Marvel Comics Movies I managed to collect.
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To save money in taxes, Marvel successfully argued in court that the X-Men, and mutants in general, did not qualify as human, directly contradicting one of the main themes of the comics.
In 1937, a man tried to find seats for himself and his wife on the Hindenburg, but there were none available next to each other. They took a plane home instead. Two years later, the man, Martin Goodman, went on to create Marvel Comics.
Marvel's near collapse led to dominance. In The 90’s they desperately sold film rights to their characters for operating capital. A few hits(Blade & X-Men) led studios to consider the comic movie viable. Failure by most caused many of the rights to return to Marvel, who created Marvel Studios.
Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
Marvel has to publish a Captain Marvel comic at least once every two years to not lose their trademark on the name, leading to several different characters using the name as an alias
When Barry Allen "died" in the DC Comics, Marvel introduced an amnesiac speedster with blonde hair and red suit who can't remember his name but knows it sounds like "Buried Alien". He was named the "fastest man alive" in his first appearance.
Michael Jackson attempted to purchase Marvel Comics back in the early 90's so that he could produce his own movie in which he would have been Spider-Man
In the Marvel comics Santa Claus is actually the world's most powerful mutant ever registered by the X-Men
Tony Stark owns Area 51 in the Marvel comics.
Marvel Comics writer Mark Gruenwald, upon his death in 1996, by request had his ashes mixed in with the printing ink for the collected edition of his series Squadron Supreme. Most first printings of the book likely contain his remains.
Marvel Comics data charts
For your convenience take a look at Marvel Comics figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is thor in marvel comics by examining the linked well-known sources.
In Marvel Comics, Doctor Doom's armor contains splinters of the True Cross in order to protect himself from vampires
To avoid the appearance of nepotism as the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola, Nicolas Kim Coppola changed his name early in his career to Nicolas Cage, inspired in part by the Marvel Comics superhero Luke Cage. - source
Marvel published a "Generic Comic Book", in order to trademark the names "Super-Hero" and "Super-Villain" - source
Marvel Comics created a superhero, Blue Ear, just for a 4 year old boy who was uncomfortable wearing his prescribed hearing aids. The boy told his mom "Superheroes don't wear hearing aids" so Marvel created one.
The rights to the original Captain Marvel have been owned by DC Comics since 1972. However, trademark conflicts with Marvel have resulted in DC marketing the hero under the name, "Shazam!" - source
When marvel comics created?
Godzilla fought the Avengers. From 1977 to 1979, Marvel ran a 24-issue comic book series featuring Godzilla, which saw him square off against both the Avengers and the Fantastic Four.
How marvel comics are made?
Marvel's near collapse led to dominance. In The 90’s they desperately sold film rights to their characters for operating capital. A few hits(Blade & X-Men) led studios to consider the comic movie viable. Failure by most caused many of the rights to return to Marvel, who created Marvel Studios.
Marvel comics was printing comics with Captain America fighting nazis before America had entered WW2 thus getting them accused as war provokers.
Marvel Comics G.I. Joe #21 (1984) was a completely silent issue. Writer/Artist Larry Hama wanted a complete story - beginning, middle, end, conflict, characterization, action, solid resolution - without the word balloons, captions, and sound effects.
Marvel ended the Fantastic Four comic and plans to replace the X-men with the lesser known Inhumans, all because FOX won't give them back the movie rights to X-men and Fantastic Four
Michael Jackson tried buying Marvel Comics in the 90s because he wanted to play Spiderman in a movie.
Marvel comics infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Marvel Comics numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.