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Marcia Lucas facts

While investigating facts about Marcia Lucas Net Worth and Marcia Lucas Star Wars, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The wife of George Lucas, Marcia Lucas, won an Oscar in 1977 for Best Film Editing in Star Wars. To date, George Lucas has won zero Oscars.

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Marcia Lucas, George Lucas’ then wife, was the reason for major changes to the Original Star Wars film. Obi Wan’s death, Leia’s good Luck Kiss and re-editing the trench run to increase tension were all her ideas. She won the Academy Award for editing the film while George did not for directing.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 12 of the best facts about Marcia Lucas Today and Marcia Lucas Now I managed to collect.

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  1. Marcia, George Lucas's ex-wife, got an Oscar for her editing and was behind some of the better ideas of Star Wars. She got very little credit after the divorce.

  2. Marcia Lucas, George Lucas’ then wife, was the reason for major changes to the Original Star Wars film. Obi Wan’s death, Leia’s good Luck Kiss and re-editing the trench run to increase tension were all her ideas. She won the Academy Award for editing the film while George did not for directing.

  3. Marcia Lucas, George Lucas’ then wife, was the reason for major changes to the Original Star Wars film. Obi Wan’s death, Leia’s good Luck Kiss and re-editing the trench run to increase tension were all her ideas. She won the Academy Award for editing the film while George did not for directing.

  4. Marcia Lucas (George Lucas's wife at the time) won an Academy Award for editing Star Wars.

  5. Star Wars was saved in editing and turned into the film we love by Marcia Lucas, Richard Chew, and Paul Hirsch

  6. The Star Wars movie we all love, was largely made by a different Lucas; editor Marcia.

  7. Marcia Lucas, wife of George Lucas, won 1977 an Oscar for Best Film Editing in Star Wars. George Lucas has won zero Oscars.

  8. Marcia Lucas (Wife of George Lucas) won an Oscar for Best Film Editing for Star Wars (1977). To date, George Lucas has won no Oscars.

  9. Marcia Lucas, the wife of George Lucas, won an Oscar in 1977 for Best Film Editing in Star Wars. George Lucas has not won a single Oscar.

marcia lucas facts
What are the best facts about Marcia Lucas?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Marcia Lucas. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Marcia Lucas so important!

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