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Managed Convince facts

While investigating facts about Managed To Convince and I Have Managed To Convince, I found out little known, but curios details like:

When ‘The Shining’ premiered, the MPAA wouldn’t allow blood to appear in any trailer “approved for all audiences,” but Stanley Kubrick managed to get a trailer comprised solely of the elevator scene passed by convincing the board the tsunami of blood was rusty water.

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Allen Klein, Rolling Stones manager and owner of the song "Dead Flowers," which plays at the end of "The Big Lebowski," initially wanted $150,000 for it. He was then convinced to let them use it for free when he saw the scene in which The Dude says, "I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!"

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what year did man land on the moon. Here are 37 of the best facts about We Managed To Convince and He Managed To Convince I managed to collect.

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  1. A radio DJ managed to get a non-existent book onto the New York Times Best Seller list by telling his listeners to request it in book stores, he also gave them a fake author name and a basic plot outline to convince others it was real

  2. During filming of The Usual Suspects director Bryan Singer managed to convince all the major actors that they were Keyser Soze. When Gabriel Byrne first watched the film he was so stunned that he wasn't Keyser Soze that he stormed off into the parking lot and argued with Singer for an hour.

  3. Allen Klein, Rolling Stones manager and owner of the song "Dead Flowers," which plays at the end of "The Big Lebowski," initially wanted $150,000 for it. He was then convinced to let them use it for free when he saw the scene in which The Dude says, "I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man!"

  4. Dave Grohl tried to quit Nirvana once, after he overheard Kurt Cobain calling him a 'shitty drummer', but was convinced to stay by the bands manager

  5. A fourteen year-old boy, bleeding from the anus and heavily drugged, managed to escape Jeffery Dahmer only to be returned to him after Dahmer convinced police the boy was his lover.

  6. In the late 1970s, Iranian authorities managed to convince conservative families living in rural areas to allow their daughters to study away from home. Authorities realised that in order to run the country they needed to educate both men and women

  7. The strip search phone call scam. Over a ten year period there were over 70 incidents where a man would call a restaurant or grocery store, claim to be a police officer, and convince managers to conduct extensive strip searches of female employees

  8. In 2002 a man managed to convince 30 people to quit their jobs and leave their homes to appear on a year long reality TV show that never existed.

  9. Mary Dohey, a flight attended who saved the lives of over 200 people when a potential bomber hijacked a plane. Over the course of 8 hours she managed to convince the hijacker to release every passenger on the plane, turning down her own release out of concern for her fellow crew members.

  10. The first steam locomotive in the United States lost a race to a horse when a belt broke. The race managed to convince executives of B&O to convert to steam.

managed convince facts
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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The brother of Mindy Kaling (Kelly Kapoor from The Office) faked being black in order to get into medical school. He was so convincing that he even managed to join an African American student Organization.

Dan Crowley worked as an undercover cop while he managed to convince the sports media to keep his secret, not publishing his photo or giving away details of his day job during his highly successful rugby career - wearing the Queensland Reds jersey 125 times and playing in three World Cups. - source

A con man from Mali stole $242m from a Dubai bank, by convincing the bank manager he could double money using black magic - source

A hoax caller convinced Donna Jean Summers, a McDonald's manager, to strip her 18 year old female worker naked, call her husband to McDonald's, and allow him to make the 18 year old perform naked jumping jacks, spank her, and examine her vagina. Donna was awarded 1.1 million dollars.

Paul McCartney did not accept any payment for his Destiny song, "Hope For The Future." When asked how they convinced him to create a track for the new game, Bungie's Community Manager, Eric Osbourne said, "There was no check involved, big or otherwise. He's in it for the creativity." - source

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Shi Pei Pu, a Chinese spy and opera singer, managed to convince Boursicot, his (male) lover of 20 years, that Shi was a woman forced to live as a man. Shi adopted a child who he claimed to have birthed. After discovering the truth, Boursicot attempted suicide.

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Rolling Stones manager Allen Klein wanted $150,000 for the use of a song in The Big Lebowski. When he was convinced into watching an early cut of the movie, he ended up loving the scene where Jeff Bridges exclaims, "I hate the fuckin Eagles man!" and decidedly waived the fee entirely.

About World War II-era Chernivtsi mayor Traian Popovici, who managed to save 20,000 Chernivtsi Jews (one-third of Chernivtsi's prewar Jewish population) from the Holocaust by convincing Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu not to deport them.

A man called 68 fast food restaurants claiming to be a cop and convinced the restaurant manager to strip teenage employees. He convinced one manager to slap the buttocks of the victim. McDonald's publicly blamed the victims.

About Mary Toft that managed to convince many of Englands best doctors in the 18th century that she had given birth to more than a dozen rabbits. She also managed to fool King George 1 that sent his best doctors to investigate. Later she was caught red-handed and imprisoned for fraud.

Compliance is a movie based on true events about how a prank caller convinced managers of more than 70 fast food stores in the US into strip-searching, humiliating and sexually abusing staff.

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On a class trip to Washington D.C., Jeffrey Dahmer called the White House and managed to convince officials to allow him and two other students into the vice president’s office. They got to meet Walter Mondale and columnist Art Buchwald.

A Chinese male spy managed to convince a French Embassy employee that he was a woman. They maintained a relationship for 20 years. He even convinced the Frenchman that they had produced a child.

Keith Moon and Pete Townsend, while staying at a hotel, tried taking a waterbed mattress into the elevator. It broke and caused a foot tall wave to form in the hallway. Moon managed to convince the hotel staff the bed broke and got upgraded to the Presidential suite. Which they then demolished

Bruce Springsteen wrote Hungry Heart for The Ramones, but was convinced by his manager to keep it for himself.

Carlos Kaiser—a Brazilian who managed a 20-year professional soccer career without really knowing how to play by using his fitness to convince coaches he could, faking injuries, befriending famous players, and carrying a fake cellphone around to pretend he was denying offers from other clubs.

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A football player named "Ali Dia" convinced the Southampton coach, Graeme Souness, that he was the cousin of George Weah and manage to sign a contract for one month and even play a game for 53 minutes against Leeds United in the Premier League (1996).

Florence of Florence + The Machine convinced Mairead Nash to manage her after drunkenly following Nash into a toilet and singing Etta James' 1962 song "Something's Got a Hold on Me".

In 1944 the Brooklyn Dodgers management was convinced that if their players wore satin uniforms during night games, their fans would be able to see them play better.

A woman managed to convince a british town for months she was a princess of a frictional island kingdom named Caraboo.

In response to voice on the phone claiming to be a police officer, a McDonald manager strip searches an 18 year old employee. The same man has convinced over 60 other managers across the country to perform similar acts.

After missing his flight, an unemployed man named Raejali Buntut managed to spend 18 days living multiple airport lounges by making simple boarding pass forgeries and convincing the employees of different lounges he belonged there.

Victoria cross recipient Charles Smith Rutherford, single-handedly took 45 German soldiers prisoner. After calmly drawing his revolver he managed to convince the enemy that were surrounded.

In 1863 a group of Samurai traveled to France to convince them to close the port of Yokohama and close off Japan to foreigners. They obviously failed but did manage to find time to stop by Egypt where this fascinating photo (by Antonio Beato) was taken.

Charles Daugherty, a 31 African American man who managed to convince several people he was the model SISTER of supermodel Kathy Ireland, as well as Donald Trumps niece and tried to live a luxurious super models life.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Managed Convince. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Managed Convince so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor