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M And Ms facts

While investigating facts about Mrs And Ms and Mr And Mrs Smith, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Mars, Inc. thought E.T. to be so ugly they feared the character would frighten children and refused to allow M&Ms to be used in the movie. This opened the door to Hershey's, who took the opportunity to market Reese's Pieces.

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Blue M&Ms didn't exist until 1995, when a poll was held to replace the tan shade of M&M that was deemed redundant in addition to the brown M&M. Of pink, blue, and purple, blue won.

What does m and ms stand for?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are m and ms made of. Here are 50 of the best facts about My M And Ms and Mini M And Ms I managed to collect.

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  1. M&Ms were created so that military soldiers could enjoy heat resistant and easy to transport chocolate during war.

  2. J.K. Rowling is quoted as saying "I have met thousands of children now, and not even one time has a child come up to me and said, 'Ms Rowling, I'm so glad I've read these books because now I want to be a witch" when her books were accused of satanic themes.

  3. Van Halen's "no brown M&Ms" clause was to check that venues had adhered to the safety standards in the contract. If there were brown M&Ms, it was a tell tale sign they had not.

  4. The reason Van Halen had the "No brown M&Ms" clause was to ensure the promoter had read every single word in the contract, for the band and crew's safety.

  5. The blue dye in M&Ms has been found to reduce spinal injury in rats, with the unfortunate side effect of temporarily turning them blue.

  6. In 1998, Nestle trademarked the tubular packaging of Smarties. It later sued Masterfoods Denmark which marketed M&Ms in a similar package. The Supreme Court of Denmark later ruled that a basic geometrical shape couldn't be trademarked, and ordered the trademark to be removed.

  7. M&Ms were created to be convenient chocolate for the US Military & were Military-exclusive during WWII

  8. Red M&Ms were not sold for 10 years over concerns that red food dye was a carcinogen

  9. Mars makes 2 billion M&Ms every 8 hours.

  10. Red M&Ms were discontinued for 11yrs due to consumer fright & were ONLY brought back because of a joke that took off.

m and ms facts
What company makes m and ms?

M And Ms data charts

For your convenience take a look at M And Ms figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

m and ms fact data chart about Breakdown of M&Ms in my trailmix pack.
Breakdown of M&Ms in my trailmix pack.

Why were m and ms invented?

You can easily fact check why do mini m and ms taste better by examining the linked well-known sources.

Van Halen put absurd requests like No Brown M&Ms into their contract to check to see if the venue actually read their tech & safety requirements thoroughly

Van Halen would request for "No Brown M&Ms" to check the promoter had actually read the contract to ensure the safety of the lighting rig. - source

During World War 2, M&Ms were exclusively sold to the US military so soldiers could have chocolate in their rations in tropical climates - source

Doctors from teaching hospitals around the world regularly hold Morbidity and Mortality Conferences (or simply M&Ms), where they can candidly discuss unexpected patient deaths. The discussions are confidential and legally protected, and help improves patient mortality rates. - source

When were m and ms invented?

M&Ms are the official candy of The White House.

How many m and ms are in a bag?

The creator of peanut M&Ms, Forrest Mars, was actually allergic to peanuts

People will eat 43% more M&Ms when there are 10 colours in the bowl instead of seven. Hence your blue M&M.

Caramel M&M's are supposed to be released in 2017.

Why David Lee Roth insisted, by contract, on a bowl of M&Ms in his dressing room with the brown ones removed. If the band found brown M&Ms, then they knew other contractual stipulations were probably ignored, including safety checks, prompting a complete safety re-check of the concert setup.

The NASA space program participants prefer M&M's over most other chocolate.

When did m and ms come out?

When Pretzel M&M's were released in 2010 the spokescandy for the variety was Orange.

M&M's are a sponsor of the National Football League.

In 1954 the slogan "The milk chocolate that melts in your mouth, not in your hand" was trademarked, along with the M&M characters.

Ms. Brown M&M's voice is done by Vanessa Williams, and she was introduced in 2012.

M&M's were originally packaged in a cardboard tube. The bags they are packaged in today were not introduced until 1948.

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NASCAR made M&M's their official chocolate in 2006.

John Steinbeck’s dog, Toby, ate his manuscript of Of Mice and Men. There was no other draft. Steinbeck said of the incident, “I was pretty mad but the poor little fellow may have been acting critically. I didn’t want to ruin a good dog for a ms (manuscript), I’m not sure is good at all.”

M&M's often releases special holiday packaging versions of the chocolates and includes a variety of fillings and sizes.

M&Ms are a direct rip off of British Smarties. Forrest Mars Sr, copied the idea, when during the Spanish Civil War he saw soldiers eating British-made Smarties, chocolate pellets with a colored shell

Until 1954 the M on M&M's was printed in black ink. After 1954 it was printed in white. Prior to 1950 there was no M printed on M&M's.

There were once tan-colored M&Ms but they were replaced with blue M&Ms because the Mars candy company decided that having two shades of brown was unnecessary

M&M's were only introduced to the international market in the 1980s.

Every day more than 400 million M&M's are manufactured.

Blue M&M's only came about when a marketing campaign for the brand in 1995 asked consumers which color they would like to add to the candy. Blue was voted in.

In Hawaii, Florida, and Kansas, M&M's are the favorite Halloween candy.

The "no brown M&Ms" legend of rock-n-roll is a way for the artist to immediately determine if the venue completely read the contract regarding the technical needs/setup of the show. David Lee Roth started it to protect them from unsafe stage setups.

Van Halen had a clause for venues that required a bowl of M&Ms, but absolutely no brown ones. This wasn’t to be prima-donnas but rather to served a practical purpose: a simple way of ensuring the technical specifications of the contract had been thoroughly read, primarily for safety reasons.

There actually are more of some colors of M&Ms than others. Although the data is no longer public, Mars Inc precisely sets the color ratios for each package.

The Go Go boots for Green M&M were chosen to hide her unattractive ankles from earlier drawings.

Spielberg offered M&Ms a spot in E.T. as the alien’s favorite snack, but the company refused, thinking the movie would bomb and wouldn’t carry their product. So he instead offered the spot to the then unknown Reese’s Peanut-butter Cups, and the candy became the snack we all know and love

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about M And Ms. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is M And Ms so important!

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