Local Authorities facts
While investigating facts about Local Authorities Pension Plan and Local Authorities In England, I found out little known, but curios details like:
In 1987, in Brazil, a ship carrying 22tons of weed in 3lb cans dumped all of it in the sea after being chased by Brazilian authorities. The cans were carried to the coastline by the tides, and most ended up being found (and used) by locals. This event came to be known as "The Summer of the Cans"
how local authorities work?
An orangutan named Pony was used as a sex slave in a village in Borneo. She would automatically 'assume the position' whenever a man neared her. It took over a year for authorities to free her because she was a favorite of the locals who fought against her release.
What local authorities are not opening schools?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what local authorities means. Here are 33 of the best facts about Local Authorities In Scotland and Local Authorities In Wales I managed to collect.
what local authorities do?
Harrison Ford has personally provided emergency helicopter services at the behest of local authorities multiple times, in one instance rescuing a hiker overcome by dehydration in Jackson, Wyoming
After JFK was assassinated, there was a brief scuffle between local and federal authorities when the President's security detail wasn't allowed to remove his body from the hospital. It ended when the Secret Service agents put the local officials against the wall at gunpoint.
In response to the rioting and looting that followed the San Francisco 1906 earthquake, Mayor Eugene Schmitz authorized federal troops and local officers to "kill any and all persons found engaging in Looting or in the Commission of Any Other Crime"
On May 25th, 2015 a man discovered an orphaned baby moose in Yellowstone National Park in Montana. When he reported the calf to local authorities they shot the baby and blew up the carcasses of it, it's dead mother and sibling to prevent grizzly bears from being drawn to the area.
You don't have to pay parking fines from private companies, only from local authorities and councils. They may look like fines, but they are just cleverly disguised invoices.
The first victim of Jerry Sandusky to break the silence about his abuse was subjected to such intense harassment and threats of physical harm by the local community that he had to switch high schools and state authorities put in place a plan of witness relocation.
A local NYC News Station's investigation revealed that over 1,500 families with 6-figure incomes lived in subsidized New York City Housing Authority apartments, including one household that pulled in nearly $500K/year plus income from property holdings
In 2012 Afghan Taliban commander Mohammed Ashan turned himself into local authorities trying to claim the $100 reward for his own capture
Cambridge University was founded after local authorities in Oxford hanged two scholars for the death of a woman. In protest Oxford University went into suspension and many scholars moved to Cambridge, eventually forming the nucleus of a new university.
Local Authorities data charts
For your convenience take a look at Local Authorities figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about local authorities?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Freedom riders were often arrested and not given bail. So many Freedom Riders were arrested in Mississippi that the local, county, and state authorities began housing arrested riders in the maximum security state prison.
In 2012, an Afghan Taliban Commander Mohammed Ashan turned himself in to local authorities, trying to claim the $100 reward prize he had seen on a poster for his arrest. - source
Anton Chekhov bought a country estate in 1892 called Melikhovo. While there he began organizing relief efforts for those affected by cholera and famine. He built a clinic, fire station and three schools to help the local peasants. He also donated his medical services to help those in need, even while suffering with the symptoms of tuberculosis.
In England, local authorities can force homeowners to rent or lease residential premise if it has been unoccupied for at least 6 months under Empty Dwelling Management Order.
Until 1925, the Bill of Rights applied only to the federal government, and did not limit the powers of state or local authorities - source
When local and state authorities are overwhelmed?
Frank and his wife moved to Dakota Territory in 1888 and he opened a store. It went bankrupt after he gave people too much credit. He began editing a local newspaper until 1891.
How local authorities are funded?
Father Pat Noise, a fictitious Roman Catholic priest, who is described on a hoax commemorative plaque installed on O’Connell Bridge in Dublin, Ireland. The local authorities voted to keep it.
The song "Ode to Billie Joe" was so influential that it caused a spike in suicide attempts on the Tallahatchie Bridge. Because of this local authorities enacted a 100 dollar fee for anyone who tried to jump
There is an abandoned, never-used outdoor movie theater in the Sinai Desert - a visiting Frenchman decided to create this 'End of the World Cinema' without consulting local authorities
Increase in nutrients from discharged waste lead to an algal bloom, named 'The Blob', which almost threatened the sailing events of Beijing Olympics to cancellation before the authorities inspired the locals to pitch in to clear the algae which had spread over an area of 5000 sq. miles.
Britain got its first black police officer, John Kent, already in 1837. Kent was the son of an enslaved seaman, and worked for the local authorities before being allowed to join the police. His nickname was Black Kent, and adults would use it to scare their children into behaving
Local authorities infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Local Authorities numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Population changes in England and Wales by local authority over the last 15 years