Lithium Batteries facts
While investigating facts about Lithium Batteries On Planes and Lithium Batteries On Airplanes, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Over half of all the world's cobalt comes from the Congo, much of it mined by children and slaves, and is a crucial ingredient in all lithium-ion batteries, especially electric car batteries and clean energy storage, and is often classified as a conflict mineral.
how lithium batteries are made?
Once the Tesla Gigafactory is operating at 100% capacity, it will churn out more lithium-ion batteries in one year than were produced worldwide in 2013
What lithium batteries are not allowed on planes?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what lithium batteries are used for. Here are 50 of the best facts about Lithium Batteries Tsa and Lithium Batteries For Rv I managed to collect.
what lithium batteries are not allowed on airplanes?
It's a myth that you should fully discharge your cell phone/laptop batteries before charging - it's a holdover from the Ni-Cad chemistry era and its "memory effect", but lithium-ion batteries are at their healthiest when you use very little and charge very often
The man who invented the Super Soaker and the Nerf gun, invested his fortune in R&D and has created ceramic solid state batteries with 3 times the power of the best lithium-ion batteries
Disposable electronic cigarettes contain perfectly good rechargeable lithium ion batteries
It is optimal for your lithium ion smartphone battery to "top it off" and keep its charge between 40-80%, rather than let it drain to 0% and charge it all the way up.
If all new cars produced were powered by lithium batteries, the world would run out of lithium in ~30 years.
A sandwich has ~16x the energy density of a Lithium-Ion battery.
It dramatically reduces the life of a Lithium-ion battery to completely charge to 100% or for it to drain to 0%
Li-ion are lithium ion batteries and are not toxic and are smaller and charge faster than NiCd batteries. They are commonly used in tablets, gaming systems, and cell phones.
It's a bad idea to fully discharge modern Lithium batteries.
Researchers were able to recharge lithium ion batteries through ordinary wifi in 2015
Lithium Batteries data charts
For your convenience take a look at Lithium Batteries figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why lithium batteries explode?
You can easily fact check why lithium batteries are better by examining the linked well-known sources.
The energy density of some materials can be used to create power, such as that found in uranium and thorium. The energy density of uranium is 1,539,842,000 MJ/L, and this material is used for power plants, nuclear reactors, and industrial process heat. The energy density of a lithium battery is 4.32 MJ/L and is used to power a portable flashlight.
Lithium is used in producing glass and ceramics, but most well-known for batteries.
It is optimal for your lithium ion smartphone battery to "top it off" and keep its charge between 40-80%, rather than let it drain to 0% and charge it all the way up. - source
The inventor of the rechargeable lithium-ion battery, John Goodenough, does not own a cellphone.
The current availability of lithium is a deciding factor in the creation of larger batteries for electric car production.
When lithium batteries explode?
Half the world's reserves of Lithium, a key ingredient in batteries everywhere, are in politically turbulent Bolivia.
How lithium batteries work?
Li-Po are lithium polymer batteries and are light weight and have high current output. They are commonly used for remote control vehicles.
The battery percentage on your phone is not found directly from looking at the battery. Due to the volatility of lithium ion batteries, it is predicted by years of app data usage to predict your battery life. This also explains why your phone goes from 60% to 15% randomly, a bad prediction.
Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 was carrying 221kg of lithium ion batteries on board
It is dangerous to charge lithium based batteries at or below freezing temperatures
Virologists used viruses to help synthesize and assemble nanowires for lithium ion battery electrodes.