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Listerine Mouthwash facts

While investigating facts about Listerine Mouthwash Ingredients and Listerine Mouthwash Price, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A Listerine mouthwash ad from the 1920s coined the phrase, "Often a bridesmaid but never a bride" to describe women with bad breath.

how listerine mouthwash works?

Listerine coined the term 'halitosis' in order to boost the sales of their mouthwash by telling people that they had a health condition. This has historically been one of medicalization's most successful stories.

What happens when you swallow listerine mouthwash?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is in listerine mouthwash. Here are 15 of the best facts about Listerine Mouthwash Side Effects and Listerine Mouthwash Reviews I managed to collect.

what happens if you swallow listerine mouthwash?

  1. Bad breath wasn't considered a real problem until Listerine, who said their mouthwash cured "Halitosis" — a non-medical term.

  2. In 2006, the makers of Listerine sued the makers of Crest for saying that four out of five dentists recommended Crest mouthwash. They claimed that the 269 dentists surveyed were each paid $75 for participating.

  3. Before Listerine was marketed as a mouthwash, it was sold as a surgical antiseptic, a floor cleaner, a foot scrub, and as cures for gonorrhea and dandruff.

  4. Essential oils extracted from the leaves and flowers contain substance called thymol. This substance has antiseptic properties. Thymol is active ingredient in the popular mouthwashes such as Listerine.

  5. Aside from being marketed as a mouthwash, Listerine was marketed as a surgical antiseptic, a floor cleaner, and a cure for gonorrhea. It has also been marketed to cure colds and sore throats and to prevent "infectious dandruff." For a short time they also sold Listerine cigarettes.

  6. A lot of alcoholics regularly drink Listerine Mouthwash because it contains 54 proof Ethanol and is relatively not poisonous despite the poison control label

  7. Listerine, used today primarily as a mouthwash has been sold as a surgical disinfectant, a cure for dandruff, a floor cleaner, a hair tonic, a deodorant, and as a "beneficial remedy" for diseases ranging from diphtheria to gonorrhea.

  8. Listerine Mouthwash has multiple uses besides being a mouthwash

  9. Listerine mouthwash was invented 133 years ago, first as a surgical antiseptic, but also as a cure for gonorrhea (don’t try that at home). An article from 1888 recommends Listerine "for sweaty feet, and soft corns, developing between the toes."

  10. Not really) that Listerine was used as a floor wash, among other things, before it became a popular mouthwash.

listerine mouthwash facts
What to do if you swallow listerine mouthwash?

Why does listerine mouthwash sting?

You can easily fact check why is listerine the best mouthwash by examining the linked well-known sources.

A Listerine mouthwash ad from the 1920s coined the phrase, "Often a bridesmaid but never a bride" to describe women with bad breath.

The phrase "always a bridesmaid, never a bride" was popularized in ads for Listerine mouthwash in the 1920s. - source

A Listerine mouthwash ad from the 1920s coined the phrase, "Often a bridesmaid but never a bride" to describe women with bad breath. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Listerine Mouthwash. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Listerine Mouthwash so important!

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