Incredible and fun facts to explore

Lines Dialogue facts

While investigating facts about Lines Dialogue, I found out little known, but curios details like:

For the film Speed, Joss Whedon was brought in a week before shooting began, wrote "98.9% of the dialogue", added major plot points, and is credited with creating the "Pop quiz, hotshot" line.

Sleeping Beauty herself only has 18 lines of dialogue in the entire movie.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 27 of the best facts about Lines Dialogue I managed to collect.

  1. Comedy film Airplane! is a direct parody of 1957 movie Zero Hour! Many scenes, situations, lines of dialogue, as well as the entire storyline, are redone almost verbatim

  2. The directors for Guardians of the Galaxy wrote a script with actual dialogue for Vin Diesel so that he would know what inflections to give when he said his lines as "I am Groot".

  3. During the fundraiser scene for The Dark Knight, Michael Caine was supposed to have some dialogue when the Joker first shows up. However, as it was his first time seeing Heath Ledger in his full Joker costume, he was so terrified that he forgot every single one of his lines.

  4. Hans Zimmer created the Interstellar theme with no context to the movie, just a short story and 2 lines of dialogue.

  5. Jason Alexander of Seinfeld fame is a Star Trek fanatic and can quote every line of dialogue (from all characters) from the original series.

  6. Oogie Boogie in the Nightmare Before Christmas was inspired by Cab Calloway's dialogue in a Betty Boop Cartoon, directly borrowing the line "Whatcha gonna do now?" "Gonna do the best I can!"

  7. Most of the dialogue in the original Iron Man film was ad-libbed by Robert Downey Jr, and that Gwyneth Paltrow had more trouble matching him with a suitable line, since she never knew what he would say next.

  8. There is one line that Southpark has never crossed due to network censorship. 9 years ago Comedy Central censored images and dialogue of the Prophet Muhammad from an episode.

  9. Writer Chuck Ross sent the screenplay, 'Casablanca' to 214 agencies under the name, 'Everyone Dines At Ricks.' Ross was met with criticisms such as, "Too much dialogue, not enough exposition, the story line was weak, and in general didn’t hold my interest.”

  10. Mel Blanc was not the primary voice actor for Elmer Fudd. Radio actor Arthur Q. Bryan voiced the character for 20 years from his creation in 1939 until Bryan's death in 1959, with Blanc providing only three total lines of dialogue for the character.

lines dialogue facts
What are the best facts about Lines Dialogue?

Lines Dialogue data charts

For your convenience take a look at Lines Dialogue figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

lines dialogue fact data chart about Lines of dialogue per character in the original Star Wars tr
Lines of dialogue per character in the original Star Wars trilogy

What is true about lines dialogue?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

The writer and director of the infamously bad 'Troll 2' did not speak english when he wrote the script. When the actors suggested they ad-lib their lines, he forbid them from altering his dialogue.

Harpo Marx only had one line of dialogue during his entire film career. It was in a silent film. - source

In the film Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966), the title character (played by Christopher Lee) does not speak at all; he merely hisses. Lee claimed that he hated the dialogue he was given, while the screenwriter said he didn't write any lines for Lee. - source

SNL Alum Comedian Dana Carvey made his film debut in Halloween II (1981). He's on screen for 10 seconds and has zero lines of dialogue. His character is credited as "assistant."

In a number of early drafts of the Blade Runner screenplay Deckard kills Rachel, in some he realizes he is actually a Replicant, and in one Roy Batty's last line of dialogue before dying is "Crap". - source

Actress Ellen Burstyn received a Best Supporting Actress Emmy nomination for the HBO movie “Mrs. Harris”. She appeared on screen for fourteen seconds and only had two lines of dialogue.

Jeff Goldblum and Harry Shearer had no written lines for their roles in The Right Stuff. Instead, they both improvised the dialogue in their shared scenes.

South park - Most lines of Dialogue for Entire Cast

In Star Wars The Empire Strikes back, Prowse—who spoke all of Vader's lines during filming—was given a false page that contained dialogue with the revelatory line being "Obi-Wan killed your father." Hamill did not learn of the plot point until just before the scene was filmed

The first spoken line of dialogue came the movie “The Jazz Singer”, the line was, “Wait a minute, wait a minute, you ain’t heard nothing yet!”

Jackie Chan often gets his tongue in a twist when he's trying to deliver his English lines. "To me, action scenes are so easy, but dialogue scenes drive me crazy", he says

Interesting facts about lines dialogue

"Moonraker" was the first film to use the line "Play it again, Sam" in dialogue

Throughout the whole Back To The Future series, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson exchange only one line of dialogue together

Many lines of the dialogue of Fellini's "8 1/2" were written only during post production, while the actors on the set mouthed random lines.

Topher Grace of That 70's Show did a supercut of the Star Wars Prequels removing all of Jake Lloyd’s scenes and most of Jar-Jar, who’s here reduced to a single line of dialogue.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lines Dialogue. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lines Dialogue so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor