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Lighthouse Keeper facts

While investigating facts about Lighthouse Keeper Jobs and Lighthouse Keepers Lunch, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The Eilean Mor Lighthouse Mystery. All three Lighthouse keepers on a remote island vanished. The logs found reference a brutal storm that lasted days, even though a neighboring island that had view of the Lighthouse reported calm weather.

how to become a lighthouse keeper?

In 1881 an ice floe forced the Sharp's Island Lighthouse off its foundations, after which it floated nearly five miles down the Chesapeake—with its keepers still inside—until it ran aground, allowing the men to escape unharmed.

What kind of life did a lighthouse keeper live?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what do lighthouse keepers do. Here are 15 of the best facts about Lighthouse Keeper Jobs 2019 and Lighthouse Keeper Salary I managed to collect.

what does a lighthouse keeper do?

  1. A lighthouse keeper's cat named Tibbles is said to have single-handedly driven an entire species of wren into extinction, making the bird "the only known species on Earth to be entirely wiped out by a single being".

  2. During the Krakatoa eruptions and resulting tsunamis, a javanese lighthouse keeper refused to leave his post, survived after the lighthouse collapsed, lost his wife and child, and built a makeshift light just a few hours afterward so that ships wouldn't run aground.

  3. That, in the 19th century, a French teenage sailor was abandonned in Australia, adopted by an aboriginal family, he grew up and lived 17 years with them before being "kidnapped" by a British crew, he finally spent the rest of his life as a lighthouse keeper in France

  4. Henry Hall, a 94 year old lighthouse keeper swallowed a large amount of molten lead during a fire at the Eddystone lighthouse on the 4th of December 1755 lived for 12 days after the incident, decpite it being considered imposible. He was even described as being energetic after the incident.

  5. One of the last-seen specimens of the now-extinct Stephens Island wren was killed by the lighthouse keeper's cat, Tibbles

  6. There is a "Flying Santa" that has been delivering presents to lighthouse keepers for almost 90 years.

  7. Thanks to Swedish inventor, Gustav Dahlén, lighthouse keepers are obsolete and a vast majority of lighthouses are automated.

  8. The Elean Mor lighthouse and the creepy disappearance of it's three keepers.

  9. It is forbidden by the military to visit Snake Island, Brazil. For a long time, the island's only inhabitant was a lighthouse keeper. Reason: an average of one poisonous viper snake per approximately 75 square meters covers the entire island.

  10. In the mid-19th century when women were expected to look for a husband and practice needlepoint, Ida Lewis was busy swimming, rowing boats, and saving people from drowning. Once the U.S.'s highest-paid lighthouse keeper, she's said to have personally saved 25 lives.

lighthouse keeper facts
What happened to the 3 lighthouse keepers of flannan isle?

Why 3 lighthouse keepers?

You can easily fact check why are there 3 lighthouse keepers by examining the linked well-known sources.

The only person to receive both the Medal of Honor and the Gold Lifesaving Medal was a lighthouse keeper named Marcus Hanna

A lighthouse keeper accidentally swallowed some molten lead from his burning lighthouse and lived to tell the tale. - source

About Tibbles, a lighthouse keeper’s cat who wiped out the entire population of Lyall’s Wrens within a year of their discovery. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Lighthouse Keeper. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Lighthouse Keeper so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor