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Legalized Drugs facts

While investigating facts about Legalized Drugs Countries and Legalized Drugs In Baltimore, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Elvis Presley asked President Nixon for a DEA badge because he believed ‘With the federal narcotics badge, he could legally enter any country both wearing guns and carrying any drugs he wished’.

how did ireland accidentally legalized drugs?

Tim Horton died at the age of 44 while attempting to drive from Toronto to Buffalo at 4AM with twice the legal Blood Alcohol Level, multiple drugs in his system, no seat-belt, and the police chasing him.

What countries have legalized drugs?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries have legalized all drugs. Here are 50 of the best facts about Legalized Drugs In Holland and Legalized Drugs In Colorado I managed to collect.

what country legalized all drugs?

  1. Elvis Presley met with Richard Nixon. He wanted to get a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs because with it “he [believed he] could legally enter any country... carrying any drugs he wished.” After denouncing America's drug culture to the President, the King got his wish.

  2. Jimmy Doyle, a boxer who died shortly after a fight with Sugar Ray Robinson, took the fight to buy his mum a house. Robinson, kindly gave all the money from his next 4 fights to Doyle's Mum, to buy that house. She spent the money on drugs and legal terms to try and sue Robinson for more money.

  3. Legal drugs now kill more people than heroin and cocaine combined.

  4. 13 years ago Portugal decriminalized the usage of drugs. This legalization has been proven a success, increasing the number of people seeking drug abuse support and lowering the rate of HIV spread through drug usage.

  5. Most drug overdose deaths are due to legal painkillers: "There's a general belief that because these are pharmaceutical drugs, they're safer than street drugs like heroin"

  6. In 2015, thanks to a legal loophole, Ireland accidentally legalised the possession of a number of hard drugs, including ecstasy and crystal meth for 2 days.

  7. In the Netherlands it is legal to be under influence of any drug, simply so users don't hesitate to seek medical help.

  8. Elvis Presley asked Richard Nixon if he could get a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Presley believed the badge would allow him to legally enter any country with whatever weapons and drugs he wanted. Nixon obliged.

  9. Nixon gave Elvis a federal narcotics badge which Elvis thought would legally allow him to enter any country both wearing guns and carrying any drugs he wished!

  10. A drug company tried to avoid legal challenges to one of its patents by transferring its patent rights to a Native American tribe (and exclusively licensing them back) so they could claim sovereign immunity against any patent lawsuits. It didn't work.

legalized drugs facts
What would happen if drugs were legalized?

Legalized Drugs data charts

For your convenience take a look at Legalized Drugs figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

legalized drugs fact data chart about . US prof in 1-year study, Manila. I harmonized categories a
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Facts about why drugs should not be legalized?

You can easily fact check why should drugs be legalized by examining the linked well-known sources.

Pure THC (the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) is a legal prescription drug in the USA

Drug dealers are legally required to pay a "drug tax" on their illegal contraband by buying a Drug Tax Stamp from the Department of Revenue - source

It is legal to consume any drug privately in Spain and that the Spanish rank amongst the highest in Europe for cocaine usage. - source

The US and New Zealand are the only countries in the world where direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs is legal

There's a drug called Actos, which side-effects include an increase risk of bladder cancer by 83 percent, heart failure, liver failure and bone fractures. It's been banned in France and Germany, but still legal in the United States. - source

When will drugs be legalized uk?

There is a molecule that essentially acts as an alcohol antidote by blocking GABA receptors. However, drug companies are fearful of legal consequences so they will not produce it.

How many countries have legalized drugs?

Between 1920 and 1992 duelling was legal in Uruguay and, on 1990, a police inspector challenged to a duel a journalist over an article linking him to drug trafficking

Police are using drones for surveillance and drug busts, however the legality of their use is in question due to warrant issues.

A 2001 supreme court case established that public hospitals couldn't legally drug test pregnant women without their consent when those women sought prenatal care.

The three deadliest drugs in America are all legal

Ibogaine - a drug that is used to cure addiction, is legal in most places but the US

What happens when drugs are legalized?

Dr. Sneha Anne Philip disappeared the night before 9/11 and was the subject of investigation by the NYPD and private investigators; they uncovered a double life, affairs with women, and alcohol and drug abuse. She was legally declared dead from the attacks in 2008, which is still disputed.

In 2007 Thailand legally circumvented Abbott Pharmaceutical's patent on AIDS drug Kaletra; in retaliation, Abbott pulled new medicines from being released to the Thai market.

Marijuana is legal in North Korea. You can buy bags of weed at grocery shops and smoke it freely, and nobody will care, since people there dont consider it to be a drug.

There are International treaties that prevent, or make difficult, for a country to legalize certain drugs at the federal level.

Prostitution and drugs were once legal in the early 1900's within the red light district of New Orleans.

How many countries have legalized all drugs?

In Portugal it is legal to possess up to ten days worth of almost any drug including Heroin, PCP, Cocaine and Morphine.

Smurfing refers to how bankers and drug dealers split up a single transaction above the legal limit into smaller parts to evade the authorities.

Medical grade, legal Methamphetamine is produced by drug companies and prescribed by doctors to treat narcolepsy and severe ADHD

An Israeli scientist created a coffee machine that makes and dispenses legal high drugs to circumvent government regulations.

Because of a legal loophole; crystal meth, ecstacy, ketamine, and many other drugs in Ireland were legal for several days during the March of 2015.

The United States and New Zealand are the only two countries where direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of prescription drugs is legal

In the 70s there were a TON of amazing, shameless print ads for cocaine, "drug paraphernalia ads are generally legal in the U.S."

When drug dealers and pimps get arrested, their cash can legally be confiscated but not their jewelry. This is why they wear lots of jewelry so that they can essentially "stash" their funds away from law enforcement.

In Tecumseh, Oklahoma, schools are legally allowed to ask students for mandatory drug test before they're allowed to join an extracurricular activity. It was challenged by students and brought to the Supreme Court and lost 5-4.

Boxer Sugar Ray Robinson killed a man, Jimmy Doyle, in the ring in 1947. Doyle had done the fight to buy his mother a house. Robinson used the money from his next 4 fights to buy Doyle's mother a house. She used most of the money on drugs and a legal team to sue Robinson for more money

Marijuana is legal and is not even classified as a drug in North Korea.

After Jack Kevorkian's medical license was revoked when two patients died using his original "Thanatron" euthanasia device, he no longer had legal access to the drugs it required, so he created the "Mercitron", which consisted of a canister of carbon monoxide attached to a face mask with a tube.

The drug Hyoscine hydrobromide (aka Devil's Breath, Scopolamine, and the scariest drug in the world) is legal and unregulated in the US

Marijuana is legal and is not even classified as a drug in North Korea

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Legalized Drugs. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Legalized Drugs so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor