Kevin Durant facts
While investigating facts about Kevin Durant Injury and Kevin Durant Wife, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Nike’s pitch to Stephen Curry was so poorly executed that one of the PowerPoint slides still had Kevin Durant’s name on it from a previous presentation. It was after this that Curry went on to sign with Under Armour.
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Kevin Durant's "You the real MVP" line refers to his mother who sacrificed so much to help him succeed, and says that people who make memes from these words have "No morals"
What is kevin durant?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is kevin durant stats. Here are 11 of the best facts about Kevin Durant Stats and Kevin Durant Height I managed to collect.
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Kevin Durant wears #35 to honor his childhood coach Charles Craig, who has murdered at the age of 35.
NBA player Kevin Durant once helped an ambulance stuck in traffic by using his Ferrari to help clear lanes. Afterwards the paremedics waved thanks to him to which he jokingly replied, "Don't you have a job to do?"
Kevin Durant asked Nike to raise the price of his shoes, because he think's he is" ..not an $88 player."
Kevin Durant began wearing #35 at the U. of Texas as his jersey number in honor of his AAU coach, Charles Craig, who was murdered at the age of 35. Today, the #35 is retired by the U. of Texas in honor of Durant.
Despite becoming one of the best players in the NBA, at draft camp Kevin Durant couldn't bench press 185 pounds, also doing poorly in the vertical leap and agility drill.
Nike lost the renewal of their shoe contract with Stephan Curry because they continually mispronounced his name during the sales pitch and because they used the same slide show with Curry as they did with Kevin Durant, but left Durant's name in the slideshow instead of putting Curry's.
During the filiming of Thunderstruck, Kevin Durant (2014 NBA's Most Valuable Player) said that the hardest part was not the acting, but rather the fact that he had to miss jump shots on purpose for the film.
NBA player and Golden State Warriors superstar Kevin Durant was only player at the 2007 Draft Combine not to bench press 185 pounds and ranked 78th out of 80 in workouts. This lead to scouts questioning him and saying he was too weak for the NBA. Looks like they were wrong about him.
NBA player Kevin Durant once helped an ambulance stuck in traffic by turning on his hazard lights and moving behind the ambulance clearing lanes. Afterwards the paremedics waved thanks to him to which he jokingly replied, "Don't you have a job to do?"
Kevin Durant data charts
For your convenience take a look at Kevin Durant figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.