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Laughter Epidemic facts

While investigating facts about Laughter Epidemic In Tanzania and Laughter Epidemic 1962, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1962, the Tanganyika laughter epidemic caused contagious laughter in 1000 people in Tanzania, and resulted in 14 schools being shut down.

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An epidemic of contagious laughter broke out in Tanzania in 1962, which lasted over six months and affected thousands of people

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 17 of the best facts about Laughter Epidemic Tanganyika 1962 and Laughter Epidemic Japan I managed to collect.

what caused the tanganyika laughter epidemic?

  1. I learned about the 1962 Tanganyika Laughter epidemic that started with the laughter of one student and passed along to the rest of the school and other communities, causing 14 school closures in total

  2. In 1962 a "laughter epidemic" was started by three Tanzanian school girls. It spread to a nearby village, went on for months, and forced 14 schools to shut down due to the massive disruption.

  3. In 1962 a 'laughter epidemic' broke out in Tanganyika, affecting roughly 1,000 people who were unable to stop laughing for several months. It resulted in the closure of 14 schools and was believed to have been caused by stress

  4. The Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic in 1962 durong which schools had to be shut down due to contagious and incessant laughter.

  5. There was an 18 month long laughter epidemic, causing the temporary shutdown of a school. That school was sued when the laughter spread to other villages.

  6. In 1962 a Laughter Epidemic broke out in Tanzania (then Tanganyika) affecting up to a thousand people and lasted several months.

laughter epidemic facts
What are the best facts about Laughter Epidemic?

Why is it hard to stop laughing?

You can easily fact check why am i laughing so hard by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1962 in or near a village in Tanganyika, a laughter epidemic occurred.The cause was found to be an increase in stress due to higher expectations from parents and teachers placed upon the students after the nation's recent victory in gaining independence.

The Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic of 1962, which began when school girl fell into a fit of anxiety-induced laughter that affected nearly 1,000 others closing down 14 schools. The causes were Tanganyika’s recent independence and the unfamiliar rules imposed by the British-run school system. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Laughter Epidemic. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Laughter Epidemic so important!

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