Kill Pedestrians facts
While investigating facts about Suvs Kill Pedestrians and Cars Kill Pedestrians, I found out little known, but curios details like:
When the Brooklyn Bridge opened in 1883, the public doubted the stability of the bridge. Six days later, a pedestrian fell, causing a woman to scream, which led to a stampede that killed 12. Public concern was only dispelled a year later when P.T. Barnum marched 21 elephants across it.
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SUVs, with their higher front-end profile, are at least twice as likely as cars to kill pedestrians; higher SUV sales have led to huge increase in pedestrian fatalities in the US during the past decade
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the book to kill a mockingbird about. Here are 38 of the best facts about Carmageddon Kill All Pedestrians and Pedestrians Killed I managed to collect.
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After a female pedestrian in his community was killed by a red-light runner, a 74 year old Chinese man spent an entire day hurling bricks at bad drivers. He smashed over 30 red-light runners' cars before the police asked him to stop.
It is common in china for drivers who have accidentally hit pedestrians to drive over them again to kill them, because they pay less restitution that way.
Alice Walton (Walmart heir) killed a pedestrian in a driving accident and was never charged. She has also be arrested for DWI twice but never charged.
A teenager killed four pedestrians while drunk driving and was given no prison time by claiming affluenza: a mental illness from being too wealthy
“double-hit" cases in China, where drivers who hit pedestrians will intentionally run over them again until they are killed in order to avoid paying for their lifetime medical bills.
Car companies like Jaguar, Cadillac, and Dodge discontinued hood ornaments in part because they would kill pedestrians in otherwise minor traffic incidents
In 2011, The Canadian version of the game show Cash Cab hit and killed a pedestrian in Vancouver
The city of Kirkland, WA has brightly colored handheld flags for pedestrians to use at every crosswalk. Since the program started, 62 people have been injured or killed at crosswalks. Of those, 62 were not carrying flags and 0 were.
Bridget Driscoll was the first pedestrian killed by an automobile collision, with the car going at "a reckless pace" of 4 MPH
The first pedestrian killed by a moving car was Bridget Driscoll in London, the car was going 4mph while doing demonstration rides.
Kill Pedestrians data charts
For your convenience take a look at Kill Pedestrians figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why is it called to kill a mockingbird by examining the linked well-known sources.
Elaine Herzberg was the first pedestrian to ever be killed by a self-driving car. On March 18, 2018, Herzberg was pushing a bicycle across a four-lane road when she was struck by an Uber test vehicle. She later died in the hospital from her injuries.
Drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit. In 2007 a driver in Guangdong province knocked down a 2-year-old girl. The BMW’s driver then switched into reverse and backed up over the girl. The woman at the wheel drove forward once more, crushing the girl for a third time - source
11 pedestrians were struck and killed by bicycles in New York City in the years 2000-2014. In that same time frame, 2434 pedestrians were struck and killed by cars. - source
Over 120 motorists and pedestrians have been killed at Blue Line (Los Angeles Metro) level crossings since 1990, making the line easily the country's deadliest rail line.
Drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit as they get off easier financially than they would if they leave the victim injured - source
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Some drivers in China will back up and kill a pedestrian they have hit to ensure they are dead because it costs less money to pay off a dead person's family than it does to take care of their medical bills for life.
In 2007 a pedestrian was killed by an airborne fire hydrant that was dislodged by an SUV that crashed into it.
A Texas teenager was sentenced to 10 years probation after being convicted of killing four pedestrians and seriously injuring two others while driving drunk.
If a driver in China hits a pedestrian, drivers will go back to intentionally kill the person. The driver must continue to pay the medical bills for the disabled. Killing the pedestrian, however, will result in a one-time fee.
It is common practice for drivers in China to intentionally kill pedestrians they hit, in order to avoid paying the victim's medical bills for life
Kai the Machete welding hitchhiker. Kai killed a man with a machete who'd purposely ran over a pedestrian and attacked another in what could've been the start of a rampage.