Incredible and fun facts to explore

Kerala India facts

While investigating facts about Kerala India Map and Kerala India Weather, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Amazon once delivered a package by canoe in Kerala, India, because it was the only way to get to the customer's location.

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Kodinhi a small town in Kerala India is reported to have a whopping 250 pairs of twins born to just 2000 families, that’s more than six times the global average and one of the highest twinning rates in the world.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what to do in kerala india. Here are 18 of the best facts about Kerala India Airport and Kerala India Images I managed to collect.

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  1. Kodungallur, a small town in the South Indian state of Kerala, has India's first mosque (629 AD) built during Muhammad's lifetime and a church (52 AD) built by Saint Thomas, one of the Twelve Aposltes of Jesus Christ.

  2. Red Rain fell in Kerala India and when examined it contained red cells from an unknown origin.

  3. In the South India region of Kerala there was a division between the "white" Jews and the "black" Jews where the white Jews would discriminate against the black Jews. A "Jewish gandhi" challenged this through boycotts and protest, leading to a reconciliation of the 2 communities.

  4. In India's state of Kerala the conch is the state emblem.

  5. Neelakurinji blossoms only once in 12 years In Kerala, India. Last it blossomed was in 2018. Next it will be in 2030.

  6. India Has a Spa for Elephants; Elephant Camp at Punnathoor Cotta in Kerala is spread across 11.5 acres of land and houses 58 elephants – largest number of elephants in a very small stretch of land

  7. A remote village in Kerala, India which has 2000 families and 250 sets of twins, the twins to population ratio is six times above average and highest in the world, doctors are still unable to explain this mysterious medical miracle

  8. The first democratically elected communist government (other than San Marino's) came into power in 1957. It was the CPI - the Communist Party of India, which set up a still-functioning communist government in Kerala.

  9. Doctors, according to a study in Kerala, India, have a shorter life expectancy than the general public

  10. In 19th century India, the state of Travancore (modern day Kerala) had a 'breast tax' - Women of lower castes had to pay a tax in order to cover their breasts; Nangeli cut off her breasts and offered them to the tax-collector on a banana leaf when he came to collect the tax

kerala india facts
What language is spoken in kerala india?

Why kerala is different from other indian states?

You can easily fact check why is kerala so different to rest of india by examining the linked well-known sources.

In Kerala, India, the average income is $1/day, but because of the social support structures and farms, life-expectancy, literacy, and other measures of life-quality are at a par with industrialized countries

Village in Kerala, India called Kodinhi with just 2000 families, has around 200 pairs of twins. No one knows the reason for this high occurrence of multiple births - source

The calculus invented by Isaac Newton was most likely influenced by mathematical work from Kerala which travelled to England via the trade corridor between South India and Europe. - source

Apostle Thomas traveled to Kerala, India in AD 52 bringing Christianity to India before many Western Nations

12 temple elephants in India have died in 2018 alone in just one state - Kerala , most of them tortured to death and that an Indian activist even made a film about this torture - "Gods in Shackles" - source

When to visit kerala india?

A plant, Neelkuranji flowers once in 12 years in the hilly stretch of Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu [India] is blooming now. It's mass flowering has transformed the whole valley purplish-blue and the scenery is quite spectacular.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Kerala India. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Kerala India so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor