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Jesus Crucified facts

While investigating facts about Jesus Crucified, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Angel Lust (Death Erection) is when an erection in occurs in men after death. A number of Renaissance artists depicted a crucified Jesus with a death erection. This art was suppressed by the Catholic Church for several centuries.

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The oldest known depiction of Jesus is graffiti of a man venerating a crucified man with the head of a donkey, accompanied by the caption "Alexamenos worships his god"

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the h in jesus h christ. Here are 25 of the best facts about Jesus Crucified I managed to collect.

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  1. The inverted cross is not a satanic symbol.It is the cross of St.Peter. It is believed that he requested this form of crucifixion as he felt he was unworthy to be crucified in the same manner that Jesus died.

  2. Saint Peter, the fist Pope, was crucified upside down at his own request, since he saw himself unworthy to be crucified in the same way as Jesus.

  3. According to the legend, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross made of dogwood. God was angry and he transformed this once tall plant into the small tree to prevent similar abuse of wood in the future.

  4. The "true cross" or the cross that Jesus was crucified on was carried into battle against Saladin and the Muslims in 1187 and was supposedly taken as booty by the victorious Muslims never to be returned and lost to history.

  5. A legend states that carnations were made from the tears of Jesus" mother when she wept at his feet when he was crucified.

  6. After the Siege of Jerusalem in the First Crusade, Crusaders found what they believed to be the cross Jesus was crucified on, known as the True Cross. They would carry this cross into battles, more specifically into the Battle of Ascalon.

  7. Every Holy Week in San Pedro Cutud, penitents reenact the crucifixion of Jesus by actually crucifying themselves

  8. The word 'gadzooks' comes from 'God's hooks', in reference to the nails used to crucify Jesus.

  9. Crucifixion in the Philippines is a devotional practice held every Good Friday, and are part of the local observance of Holy Week. Devotees or penitents called 'magdarame' in Kapampangan are willingly crucified in imitation of Jesus Christ's suffering and death.

jesus crucified facts
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You can easily fact check why jesus h christ by examining the linked well-known sources.

The earliest known pictorial representation of the crucifixion of Jesus is a graffiti of a man worshiping a crucified donkey

"most Muslims believe Jesus was raised to Heaven without being put on the cross and God transformed another person to appear exactly like Jesus who was crucified instead of Jesus". - source

The Sagrada Familia Magic Square is a 4x4 "magic square" featuring the magic sum of 33, for the age of Jesus when he was crucified. - source

Islam, despite believing that Jesus was the Messiah, do not actually believe he was crucified as God would not allow this to happen.

There are 2 facts agreed on about the historical Jesus. 1. He was baptised. 2. He was crucified. - source

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Jesus was crucified on a straight or T-shaped beam, and that the image of the cross only came 300 years later, once the pagan emperor Constantine 1, who worships a sun god symbolized by a cross, made Christianity the official religion of Rome.

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Friday the 13th is feared because in the Bible Judas was the 13th person to arrive at the Last Supper & Jesus was crucified on Friday

Virtually all modern scholars of antiquity believe Jesus existed and that he was baptized and crucified.

Superstition regarding Friday the 13th is likely rooted in Judas being the 13th person at the Last Supper & Jesus being crucified on Friday

The upside-down cross originally wasn't perceived as anti-christian, it was actually the symbol of one of the 12 disciples, Peter. It was his symbol because when he was being crucified he asked the cross to be turned upside down, not believing he was worthy of dying as Jesus did.

The 1500 year old Bible that confirms that Jesus was not crucified.

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Rome crucified tens (maybe hundreds) of thousands of people, and Jesus was at the time considered just another one of many.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Jesus Crucified. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Jesus Crucified so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor