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Jelly Bean facts

While investigating facts about Jelly Beans and Jelly Bean Bryant, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1966 Ronald Reagan wrote to JellyBelly, saying "We owe you a special measure of thanks for helping keep our state government running smoothly." "It's gotten to the point...where we can hardly start a meeting or make a decision without passing around a jar of jelly beans."

how jelly beans are made?

A 'bad' Bean Boozle flavor is made by super-heating the actual disgusting item, putting it through a "gas chromotograph," isolating the chemical makeup, and converting it into "flavor markers" for the jelly bean.

What's jelly beans real name?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what jelly beans are gluten free. Here are 43 of the best facts about Jelly Bean Factory and Jelly Bean Game I managed to collect.

what jelly bean am i?

  1. In 1966 Ronald Reagan wrote Jelly Belly a thank you letter for "keeping the state gov running smoothly" as the jelly beans worked as an alt. to smoking, allowing them to get through meetings and make decisions

  2. The Jelly Belly Candy Company was trying to create a pizza flavored jelly bean, but the taste was so bad that flavor was added to the recipe, making vomit flavored jelly beans instead.

  3. 170 people were able to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar accurate to .1% when their answers were averaged. Out of 4520 beans, the average guess was 4524. The phenomena is known as wisdom of the crowd.

  4. Jelly Belly collects, bags, and sells their discolored, conjoined, and irregularly-shaped jelly beans of every flavor. They call them Belly Flops.

  5. Ronald Reagan recieved shipments of Jelly Belly jelly beans during his presidency that helped successfully wean him off smoking. His favorite flavor was licorice.

  6. Jelly Belly tried to make a cheese pizza-flavored jelly bean, but it turned out so bad that they introduced it as a vomit flavored bean instead.

  7. The creator of Jelly Belly beans has now started making CBD infused Jelly Beans

  8. Almost all Android operating systems are named after desserts or candy, such as Jelly Bean, KitKat, and Ice Cream Sandwich.

  9. Ronald Reagan loved Jelly Beans. His taste for Jelly Belly jelly beans caused the demand for Jelly Belly jelly beans to explode, giving the company a year long backlog. They still supplied him with jelly beans throughout his presidency.

  10. When Koala bears are first born, they are no bigger than a jelly bean and weigh less than 0.5 grams (0.02 oz)

jelly bean facts
What jelly beans are vegan?

Jelly Bean data charts

For your convenience take a look at Jelly Bean figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

jelly bean fact data chart about Unofficial poll of my house's favorite jelly Bean flavors
Unofficial poll of my house's favorite jelly Bean flavors

jelly bean fact data chart about Coffee table sample of favorite jelly bean flavors.
Coffee table sample of favorite jelly bean flavors.

Why jelly beans are bad for you?

You can easily fact check why jelly bean bryant by examining the linked well-known sources.

It takes from 7-21 days to make a single jelly bean

Kobe Bryant's father was also a professional basketball player, named Joe "Jelly Bean" Bryant. This was the inspiration for Kobe's middle name.

There are statues at Google for each of the Android operating systems, such as Honeycomb and Jelly Bean.

The the Jelly Belly barf flavored bean started out as an attempt to make a pizza flavored bean

Pres. Ronald Reagan was a huge fan of Jelly Beans and once wrote to the head of Jelly Belly, saying "It's gotten to the point...where we can hardly start a meeting or make a decision without passing around a jar of jelly beans" - source

When were jelly beans invented?

The shellac coating on candy corn, Whoppers, Milk Duds, Jelly Belly jelly beans, along with numerous vitamins and pills is derived from the cocoon of Kerria lacca, a small insect

How jelly beans are flavored?

People suck at estimating the count of a jar of jelly beans, but as a group it's almost always spot on.

Dr Pepper also manufactures jelly beans.

The Jelly bean rule, a rule put forth by the FDA saying that companies can't claim their food to be healthy simply because it's low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and must contain at least 10% of Daily Values of nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, calcium, protein, fiber, or iron.

One point, specialty jelly bean holders were installed in Air Force One to keep Ronald Reagan’s precious jelly belly beans from spilling during turbulence.

Over 16 million jelly beans are eaten on Easter in the United States. This is enough jelly beans to circle the earth three times.

When is national jelly bean day?

President Ronald Reagan quit his pipe smoking habit by replacing them with jelly beans. He continued his Jelly Belly habit throughout his presidency to the point of giving specially made Jelly Bean jars with the presidential seal to dignitaries.

Hummingbird eggs are the size of jelly beans

The blue Jelly Bean was created for Ronald Reagan.

Jelly Belly jelly beans that are misshapen, discolored, or otherwise imperfect are known as "Belly Flops."

How jelly beans in a bag?

A newborn kangaroo is no bigger than a jelly bean

Tom Kenny, the guy who plays Spongebob, plays Mr. Jelly Bean in Rick and Morty.

The Blueberry flavor of Jelly Belly was specifically created for Ronald Reagan's presidential inauguration in 1981 where over three tons of Jelly Belly beans were consumed during the festivities.

The music video for the song “In Your Arms” by Kina Grannis is a stop-motion music video shot over two years with 288,000 jelly beans

Ronald Reagan loved Jelly Beans and had them shipped to the White House for all 8 years of his presidency.

Blueberry Jelly Belly jelly beans were developed specifically so there could be red, white and blue Jelly Belly's at Ronald Reagan's inauguration. Before that point the brand offered red and white jelly beans, but no blue ones.

There are 'sports' Jelly Beans marketed as energy replenishes for athletes.

It takes over three days to make a jelly bean.

Despite their massive size, blue whales feed almost exclusively on krill, a tiny shrimp-like animals about the size of a jelly bean. An adult blue whale can eat up to 40 million krill in a day.

President Ronald Reagan had a standing order of 720 bags of Jelly Beans per month (306,070 beans), to be distributed among the White House, Capitol Hill and other federal buildings.

The American National Jelly Bean Day is on April 22

There is a recipe for Milk Steak (served with jelly beans)

Jelly Belly markets its irregularly shaped jelly beans as "Belly Flops"

If I pinch my nose while eating a Jelly Bean, It will be hard to identify the flavor solely by taste.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Jelly Bean. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Jelly Bean so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor