James Bond facts
While investigating facts about James Bond Movies and James Bond Actors, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Steven Spielberg wanted to direct a James Bond film but was turned down by Eon Productions. When he told this to George Lucas, Lucas said he had a film that was just like it but even better. The story was about an archaeologist named Indiana.
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The reason Roger Moore stopped being James Bond was because of how much older he was than his female co-stars. He was in his 50s, and they were in their 20s. In his own words: “Well, the leading ladies were young enough to be my grand-daughter and it becomes disgusting.”
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what james bond movies to watch. Here are 50 of the best facts about James Bond Movies In Order and James Bond 2020 I managed to collect.
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James Bond has slept with 46 women and at least “kissed” a further 52 in the first 20 films. According to one doctor: "The likelihood of James Bond having chlamydia is extremely high,".
The last words of James Bond author Ian Fleming were an apology to his ambulance drivers for having inconvenienced them, saying "I am sorry to trouble you chaps. I don't know how you get along so fast with the traffic on the roads these days."
Queen Elizabeth I had a vast spy network and one of her spies signed his reports with "007." This was later used by Ian Fleming, writer of James Bond.
Unlike James Bond, real MI6 agents don't need a license to kill because everything they do outside the UK is already illegal. The UK spy agency makes Bond-like gadgets for operatives but, as one said after retiring, they "frequently fail to work upon arrival at our destination".
In 1989, a NY contractor decided to buy the contents of a storage container. He paid under $100 for what he would soon discover was the white Lotus Esprit submarine-car used in the James Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me. The car was bought at auction by Elon Musk for $1 million.
At the special screening of the James Bond movie 'Spectre' at the MI6 building in Vauxhall Cross, the real MI6 staff cheered when the building was blown up in the movie.
The Day of the Dead was not celebrated with a parade in Mexico city till Mexican tourism officials were inspired by the opening scene of the James Bond film, Spectre.
The Bond Movie trope of James Bond scuba diving somewhere, surfacing, then removing the wetsuit to reveal an unblemished full tuxedo, was inspired by a WW2 Dutch Spy who used the technique to sneak into Nazi-controlled Netherlands.
In 1995 Liam Neeson turned down the role of James Bond (Goldeneye) because "he has never been interested in starring in action movies"
James Bond data charts
For your convenience take a look at James Bond figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why james bond island by examining the linked well-known sources.
Sean Connery was once stopped for speeding by an officer named Sergeant James Bond
Ian Fleming, creator of James Bond, devised a WWII plan to plant false info about the Allies’ next attack on a dead man, drift him at sea, and hope he’d be found by Nazi sympathizers. Operation Mincemeat worked, turning the tide for the Allies, who stormed Italy while the Nazis defended Greece. - source
Actors who play James Bond "give away their rights to wear a tuxedo in any other film" and that this was circumvented by Pierce Brosnan in The Thomas Crown Affair by wearing an unbuttoned shirt and a white bow-tie which wasn't tied around his neck. - source
Sean Connery wore a hairpiece for every James Bond movie, as he began balding at age 21
Daniel Craig has been injured 5 times while playing James Bond. He does all of his own stunts, and has had his two front teeth smashed out, lost the tip of a finger, sprained his arm and knee in separate incidents, and pulled his ankle. - source
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Sean Connery was once pulled over and fined by a British police officer for over speeding. The Officer’s name was Sergeant James Bond.
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Michael Caine once held Sean Connery’s coat while the James Bond star single-handedly beat up four men in a nightclub.
MythBusters confirmed the myth that a scuba diver can wear a tuxedo underneath his drysuit, go underwater, resurface, strip off his scuba gear, and be able to present the tuxedo at a yacht party in the harbour as in James Bond Goldfinger.
Steven Spielberg asked to do a James Bond movie, but was refused. When he told George Lucas he was going to ask again, Lucas said "I’ve got something better than that. It’s called Raiders of the Lost Ark."
When the stunt team tried to flip James Bond’s Aston Martin DBS in ‘Casino Royale,’ they found the car too stable to be overturned by an 18” ramp. In their last attempt they fitted the DBS with a gas cannon and ended up rolling the car a total of 7 times, accidentally setting a new world record.
Actor Christopher Lee was a cousin of James Bond author Ian Fleming and a relative of American general Robert E. Lee.
James bond infographics
Beautiful visual representation of James Bond numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Box Office gross over production budget for every official James Bond film