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Intestinal Bacteria facts

While investigating facts about Intestinal Bacterial Infection and Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The appendix may not just be vestigial in humans; a 2007 study suggested that appendices serve as safe havens for "good bacteria" when illness flushes other bacteria from the intestines. Afterward, the useful bacteria can quickly repopulate the intestines.

how to treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

50%—80% of your poop (excluding water) is bacteria that had been living in your intestines. Many of the bacteria in poop are still alive, but some are dead—carcasses of species that bloomed as they fed on the indigestible plant matter you consumed, then died shortly afterward.

What causes small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what antibiotics treat small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Here are 22 of the best facts about Intestinal Bacteria Infection and Intestinal Bacteria Symptoms I managed to collect.

what is small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

  1. Your appendix could actually be useful. There's evidence that it functions as a "Safe House" for good bacteria, which can flush out infection in your large intestine.

  2. 70% of the world is lactose intolerant because they dont produce the enzyme lactase, but bacteria in the large intestine helps the majority digest lactose. Honey can prevent that bacteria from reproducing causing dysbiosis which is why a lot of people suddenly realize they are lactose intolerant

  3. Compared with hunter-gatherers, industrialized peoples’ intestines have fewer kinds of microbes—and are missing at least one major group of ancient bacteria. Yet even with all of these extra microbes, hunter-gatherers have fewer gut ailments, such as Crohn’s disease, colitis, and colon cancer.

  4. Young termites are not born with microorganism in their guts. Before they start consuming wood, they need to eat feces of other termites to equip their intestines with required number of bacteria and protozoa.

  5. Hippos are born with sterile intestines, and require bacteria obtained from their mothers' feces to digest vegetation.

  6. When the small intestine is not healthy or disorders develop a person can suffer from a variety of diseases and disorders including celiac disease, intestinal cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, obstructions and blockages, Crohn's disease, and overgrowths of unhealthy bacteria.

  7. Since langur diet consists of plants only, their intestines are home to different types of bacteria that help in digestion of plant material.

  8. The appendix is not a vestigial organ and may be a reservoir of good gut bacteria during times of intestinal distress.

  9. Gas that builds up in your large intestine causes flatulence. Most of these gasses are produced by friendly bacteria that live in your large intestine, and allow us to absorb different vitamins and nutrients that we can"t otherwise absorb. This gas usually takes about 30-45 minutes to pass through your system.

  10. Hippos use their tails to spray their poop up to 10 m behind them. Baby hippos also have to consume their mother feces because they do not have the bacteria in their intestines to break down nutrients

intestinal bacteria facts
What foods kill good intestinal bacteria?

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The human body is only made up of 43% "human" cells. The other 57% is comprised of bacteria, fungi and single-celled eukaryote. Bacteria far outnumber fungi and other microbes, and most of these microbes are found in the gut, thus almost all of the 57 percent are intestinal bacteria.

Essential oils extracted from cumin have beneficial effect on the human health. They have anti-bacterial (kill bacteria), anti-tumor (prevent growth of tumor) and immunogenic (boost immune system) properties. Certain substances in the cumin stimulate secretion of saliva and activity of intestinal enzymes which all together facilitate digestion.

Research is beginning to prove that the bacteria in the intestines are extremely important to human health. An overgrowth of the wrong type of bacteria can lead to a variety of health issues, even those that do not seem like they are related to the digestive system at all.

90% of the cells within us are not ours but microbes'. Bacteria live on the tongue, teeth, and skin and in the intestine. Viruses like herpes simplex may loiter for years inside nerve cells and viruslike pieces of DNA that infected ancient humans and still make up 8 percent of our genome.

Beans make you fart because they contain Oligosaccharides, a sugar which cannot be digested by the stomach. The bacteria that live in the small intestine break down the oligosaccharides. The gas is a byproduct of this process - source

When pathogenic bacteria meet the intestinal microbiota?

Termites cannot digest cellulose from the wood without help of the intestinal microorganisms. More than 100 species of bacteria and protozoa live inside their guts and help them in food digestion.

How to get rid of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth?

In herbivores, the cecum stores food material where bacteria are able to break down the cellulose. This function no longer occurs in the human cecum, so in humans it is simply a dead-end pouch forming a part of the large intestine.

To prepare for their future diet of hard to digest eucalyptus, baby koalas (joeys) eat from their mothers faecal pap. A mixture of predigested leaves and intestinal bacteria... Basically they eat a lot of crap.

Bacteria can sense the force of the fluid (fluid shear) moving past them. In the small intestine and stomach, fluid is moving quickly. If they can find an alcove in the gut, they bloom. In space, fluid shear is extremely low causing a bloom. This makes them 3 to 7 times more virulent in space.

Bacteria make up 3 to 5 pounds of your body weight and about 60% of the solid matter in your feces. That's why you need to constantly replenish and nurture your intestinal flora (such a pretty-sounding word for the bacteria that lives inside us).

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Intestinal Bacteria. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Intestinal Bacteria so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor