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Internet Meme facts

While investigating facts about Internet Memes 2019 and Internet Meme Definition, I found out little known, but curios details like:

German internet users have a 23-year-old meme where they pretend the town of Bielefeld (330,000) does not exist

and how internet meme?

When Daler Mehndi was criticized for using beautiful women to make his music popular, he made a video featuring only himself. It rose to become a hit in India and an internet meme.

What internet meme are you?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is an internet meme. Here are 50 of the best facts about Internet Meme Database and Internet Memes 2020 I managed to collect.

when the internet is down at work meme?

  1. The Miss South Carolina teen who became an internet meme for her incomprehensible answer contemplated suicide after her pageant flub

  2. There is a popular internet meme based on the Pokemon character Slowpoke.

  3. German internet users have a meme since 1999 where they pretend the town of Bielefeld (population of about 323,000, 18th largest city) does not exist.

  4. As of this month, "Hampster Dance", one of the first Internet memes, turns 18 years old.

  5. German internet users have a 17-year-old meme where they pretend the town of Bielefeld (330,000) does not exist

  6. 'meme' the word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene to explain how cultural information spreads. The internet meme is just a subset of the same concept.

  7. The original "on the Internet, no one knows you're a dog" meme comes from a comic a 1993 issue of the New Yorker

  8. Memetics' is the study of "the concepts and transmission of memes in terms of an evolutionary model" and is applicable to far more cultural phenomena than the internet meme.

  9. The meme "on the internet, nobody knows you're a dog" was coined 1993

  10. The term “meme” was actually coined back in 1976 by Ricard Dawkins. The term “mimeme” describes how organisms can spread and mutate. This is exactly what memes do – they are living documents that are changed and shared by internet users. The first meme appeared in 1996 - Dancing Baby

internet meme facts
What was the first internet meme?

Internet Meme data charts

For your convenience take a look at Internet Meme figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

internet meme fact data chart about Relative popularity of internet memes on Google Trends (ft.
Relative popularity of internet memes on Google Trends (ft. Logan Paul, Pewdiepie, Belle Delphine, Area 51)

Why is internet explorer a meme?

You can easily fact check why is internet meme by examining the linked well-known sources.

Cat pic memes and the funny captions that accompany them was NOT invented by the Internet. It actually started with British photographer Harry Pointer in the 1870s.

Godwin’s Law is one of the oldest and most well-known internet memes that says “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Hitler approaches 1.” This means that as a conversation on the internet goes on, the likelihood of someone mentioning Hitler increases - source

Faxlore - how bored office workers passed jokes and memes around via fax before the internet! - source

Valve expected 'Hoopy the Hoop' to be the Internet meme from Portal instead of the cake.

The word Meme isn't a made up word from the internet. It's derived from the scientific term founded in the 70's. - source

When the internet is down meme?

Medjed, an ancient egyptian god who, after ancient egyptian art depicting him was exhibited in Japan, became a internet meme with fanart, merchandise and even a phone game

How to slap someone through the internet meme?

Scumbag Steve" reached out to "Annoying Facebook Girl" to offer her support and advice on dealing with becoming an internet meme.

In 2014, the Journal of Visual Culture had an issue about internet memes, including the articles 'Because of the Pixels: On the History, Form, and Influence of MS Paint', 'A Brief Introduction to Impact: ‘The Meme Font’' and 'It’s Supposed to Look Like Shit: The Internet Ugly Aesthetic'

At the end of Portal, a hoop falls from the sky among the wreckage. The developers originally wanted the hoop to become an Internet sensation, with the name 'Hoopy the Hoop', but instead, 'the cake is a lie' became the go-to meme, and Hoopy remains mostly unrecognized to this day.

After critics complained that his music was only popular due to his videos that featured beautiful women dancing, Daler Mehndi, an Indian pop artist, created a video starring only himself dancing. The song and video was a success and also became an international internet meme

The most often used font in internet memes called "Impact", was already designed in 1965, in the time of metal typesetting, and each letter of the typeface was created by using hand-cut metal.

When did internet memes start?

In 2004, a Japanese 11 year old girl murdered her 12 year old classmate and shortly after she became a popular internet meme known as "Nevada-tan" and even had cosplays, artwork, and songs centered around her and this incident.

Rachel Maddow devoted an entire episode of her show on the evil of internet memes

The “mmm whatcha say” music used in both the 2007 SNL skit “The Shooting AKA Dear Sister” and in memes across the internet isn’t actually from Jason Derulo’s song “Whatcha Say”, but really from Imogen Heap’s 2005 song “Hide and Seek”.

“meme” is an actual scientific term, which doesn’t originally come from the internet culture. “Meme” is a neologism coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book “The Selfish Gene”.

23-year-old Maggie Goldenberger was in the middle of a six-month trip to India and the Philippines found out she was a internet meme (Ermahgerd Girl)

How to punch someone through the internet meme?

Possibly the first Internet meme ever started in the mid-90's with the "Mr.T ate my balls" page. This lead to an Internet craze for making webpages where various celebrities declared their love for "eating balls." Most of these pages are lost to the ages, but some are still around.

The star behind the Internet meme sensation Techno Viking sued the guy who originally made the film for hundreds of thousands of euros for using his face and likeness for profit without permission.

Users who comment "F" on post are making a reference to a scene in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (on PC) where you have to press "F" to pay respects during a funeral. It became an internet meme.

In Poland the internet meme Doge has an own name (Pieseł)

The 20 Funniest Memes ever on cats on the internet

Rick Astley lives his best life from internet fame, getting fans to sing along while on stage and mostly disappear once he's done. Also, it's pronounced Meme (rhymes with creme).

About myoclonus affecting dogs brought on by canine distemper. The symptoms make it appear as if the dog is dancing. Which sadly the internet memes a lot and find funny. It’s severe and chronic for the animal and in most cases there are no cure, they have to be euthanized.

After reading about the celebrity chef who wouldn't grand a young boys make a wish, John cena is more then an Internet meme and has granted the most wishes out of anyone (500+)

Teaching indian kids inappropriate but funny internet memes is.. wrong.

The word "Meme" was coined way before the internet and means, "A piece of information that is spread person to person non-genetically" making the discovery of how to create fire a "Meme."

An internet meme from the early 2010s got sent to jail for 57 years after killing a man who drugged and raped him

A minor Egyptian god that can shot eye lasers, breath fire, is invisible and looks like a guy with a bed sheet over his head. Also he became a Japanese internet meme

The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, as an attempt to explain the way cultural information spreads; Internet memes are a subset of this general meme concept specific to the culture and environment of the Internet

A "meme" predates it's current internet picture with text definition and is actually an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

In the 2012 Sight & Sound greatest films poll, one critic voted for "Downfall Reworked for YouTube", meaning that rather than voting for the actual film "Downfall", he instead voted for the internet meme it spawned

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Internet Meme. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Internet Meme so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor