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Insect Repellent facts

While investigating facts about Insect Repellent Plants and Insect Repellent Clothing, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Researchers testing insect repellents used a Victoria Secret perfume as a standard, accidentally discovered that it repels mosquitos better than many repellents on the market

how insect repellent works?

Catnip is 10 times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET, the compound used in most insect repellents.

What insect repellent is safe for pregnancy?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what insect repellent is safe for dogs. Here are 43 of the best facts about Insect Repellent Spray and Insect Repellent For Babies I managed to collect.

what insect repellent is safe for babies?

  1. Lemurs use a certain kind of millipede to get high. The millipedes also act as a kind of insect repellent too, keeping mosquitos away from the lemurs for a bit

  2. A Hippopotamus's body secretes an oily red fluid that works like an insect repellent, sunblock, antiseptic and moisturizer to protect their skin.

  3. Solution made of crushed wild persimmons and water is used as natural, homemade insect repellent.

  4. Oil extracted from the lemon skin contains chemicals which repel insects. Because of that, lemon oil is used in the production of non-toxic insecticide.

  5. A 100-million-year-old insect trapped in amber has been found that defines a new order. These now-extinct creatures are thought to have been able to secrete a chemical repellant and rotate their heads 180 degrees

  6. Dried fenugreek leaves can be used as natural insect repellent.

  7. Entire plant emits unpleasant smell which repels insects. Juice obtained from the plant can be used instead of conventional insect repellents. That's how black cohosh earned its nickname "bugbane".

  8. Leaves of lemon-scented gum are important source of essential oils that are used in the perfume industry (unrefined oils) and for the manufacture of insects repellents (refined oils). Insect repellents based on the essential oils of lemon-scented gum are especially effective against mosquitoes.

  9. Tansy naturally repels insects such as mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches, fleas and ticks.

insect repellent facts
What insect repellent is safe for toddlers?

Why deet free insect repellent?

You can easily fact check why does insect repellent work by examining the linked well-known sources.

Some gardeners plant marigold in their vegetable gardens to protect vegetables from the pests. Insect repelling properties of marigold are not scientifically proven yet.

Citronella-scented geranium repels mosquitoes. It can be used as natural insect repellent, instead of chemical, industrially manufactured insecticides.

Basil contains chemicals which repel insects. Certain experiments showed that basil is toxic for mosquitoes.

Chaste tree can be used as insect repellent. Extract of this plant efficiently repels insect when it is applied on the skin.

Fragrant flowers and leaves of common myrtle repel insects. They can be used against mosquitoes and cockroaches instead of conventional insecticides in the homes.

Insect repellent when pregnant?

Black lemurs rub millipede secretions on themselves as insect repellent. Some apply too much and enter a drug induced state.

How insect repellents?

Paracress is natural repellent for many insects. Extract of this plant is used as biological weapon against yellow fever mosquito and corn earworm moth.

Essential oils obtained from the lemongrass can be used to prevent insect bites (these oils effectively repel mosquitoes). Lemongrass can be also used instead of conventional pesticides to repel whiteflies and other pest insects from the gardens.

Black lemurs have a habit of picking up and biting at toxic millipedes. Once this is achieved the black lemur will rub the millipede around its body to get the toxins on its fur to help repel insects and since they inhale the toxin, they get high.

Leaves of rhubarb contain substances that repel insects. By boiling the leaves in water, people can produce homemade insecticide that can eliminate pest from the garden.

Plants use chemicals to communicate with one another, and some plants can even warn others that there is an insect attack coming. When the other trees sense the warning, they produce bug-repelling chemicals to ward off an attack.

Can you use insect repellent when pregnant?

Flowers of feverfew emit strong, pungent odor that repels bees. They can be used as insect repellent in the gardens.

Smell of burned Canada fleabane repels various insects.

Insect-repelling properties of cedar are appreciated in the industry of furniture. Closets made of cedar are moths-free. Wood of cedar is also used for the manufacture of shoe trees because it absorbs moisture and neutralize unpleasant smell.

Camphor tree has yellow-red wood that is used for the manufacture of chests, coffins, instruments and sculptures. Items made of camphor tree repel insects thanks to the strong scent of the wood.

Chives can be used instead conventional insecticides in the gardens because this plant contains chemicals which repel most types of pest insects. Chives can facilitate pollination of other plants in the garden due to ability to attract bees.

How to make insect repellent?

Chemical compounds from oregano repel insects. Because of that, oregano may act as natural insecticide when it is planted in the garden.

Bay leaves has intense aroma that repel many insects. They can be used instead conventional insecticides in the gardens.

All types of wormwood leaves are greenish-grey on the upper side and silver white on the bottom side (due to white hairs). Leaves are covered with miniature glands that release substance that repels insects.

Scientists believe that mimosa folds its leaves to repel predators (sudden movement of leaves can scare them) and to eliminate annoying insects.

Certain shades of blue paint repels insects

Violas contain substances such as anthocyanins and cyclotides which act like antioxidants and show anti-microbial and anti-viral properties. These chemicals also repel insects.

There are not many insects in Muir Woods due to the tannin in the trees which acts as a natural repellant. The canopy created by the trees also limits the growth of fruits and flowers. These factors contribute to the fact that only about 50 bird species are found in the national monument.

Great Valley gumweed does not have natural enemies thanks to resin which repels insects and large herbivores (such as deer).

Mosquitoes do not have noses, but they do have antennae and other structures that detect odors, and insect repellents work in part by disrupting that sense of smell

Pyrethrins - organic compounds found in insecticides and insect repellents - can be especially toxic to cats even in small quantities since they lack a specific liver enzyme

Ultrasonic sound emitters are completely ineffective in repelling, controlling, or affecting in any way the behavior of any wild animal or insect.

Lemurs rub themselves with millipedes to repel insects and to get high.

Cow dung is used to clean floors, and line walls of houses. It is a natural antibacterial and insect (and scorpion) repellant.

The Beautyberry plant is a natural, scientifically proven, biting insect repellent (including mosquitos and ticks)! [Warning Detailed Scientific Publication Linked]

Catnip oil an an insect repellant that works just as well as DEET.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Insect Repellent. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Insect Repellent so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor