Injuries Sustained facts
While investigating facts about Injuries Sustained From Falling Down Stairs and Injuries Sustained Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:
A brain injury sustained during a mugging turned a man who used to think "math is stupid" into a mathematical savant with a form of synaesthesia that lets him see the world in fractals.
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George Clooney once contemplated suicide while recovering from a head injury sustained from filming a thriller movie, as the pain as so great. He basically bruised his brain and couldn’t take painkillers due to a family history of addiction. He had to use therapy to get through it.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does injuries sustained in course of employment mean. Here are 48 of the best facts about Injuries Sustained In A Rear End Collision and Injuries Sustained In Course Of Employment I managed to collect.
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A golden retriever, Figo, sacrificed his safety to protect his owner. He leaped in front of a school bus in an effort to protect a blind woman. The chief of police said he'd seen dogs protect their owners from intruders, but never automobiles. Figo only sustained a leg injury.
During the filming of Rocky IV Sylvester Stallone was hit so hard by Dolph Lundgren, he spent 8 days within intensive care. The injuries he sustained are usually caused by steering wheel trauma to the chest in car accidents. Stallone said "in a sense I was hit by a 'streetcar named drago'"
A study found that nearly half of all homeless men had suffered a "traumatic" brain injury, with 87% having sustained the injury prior to becoming homeless
Shoulder injuries are more common in Crossfit than in Olympic weightlifting and 73.5% of CrossFit athletes had sustained an injury that had prevented them from working, training or competing.
As comedian Sam Kinison lay dying from injuries sustained from a drunk driver he began saying, to no one in particular, "I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die." He paused as if listening, then said,"But why?" He paused once more, saying, "Okay, okay, okay," and peacefully passing away.
Charles D Barger was gassed in WWI, received the Medal of Honor and a record 10 Purple Hearts, became a policeman after the war and was shot 5 times during a shootout. Later in life he was shot by a deputy and died from self-inflicted burn injuries sustained during a mental breakdown.
The U.S. Military does training referred to as "live tissue trauma training." This is where pigs sustain injuries similar to shrapnel wounds and shotgun blasts. The personnel are then required to keep the pig alive despite numerous life threatening injuries.
Sgt Thomas Durrant who posthumously received the Victoria Cross following recommendation made by a German commander of an enemy destroyer that he fought against. He repeatedly refused to leave his exposed Lewis gun, sustaining severe injury until the enemies boarded his ship
10 years ago Petra Němcová was caught in the 2004 Tsunami in Thailand. She managed to hold onto a palm tree, for eight hours and sustained a broken pelvis and serious internal injuries while her then fiancé Simon Atlee drowned.
Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain, a hero at the Battle of Gettysburg, died in 1914 due to lingering injuries he sustained in 1864. He spent 50 years in "constant pain" and is considered "the last man to die of his Civil War wounds."
Injuries Sustained data charts
For your convenience take a look at Injuries Sustained figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why does the platypus inject its venom by examining the linked well-known sources.
In 1945, an elevator attendant survived after her elevator plummeted 75 stories (over 1,000 feet) into the basement. She was being sent to the ground floor after treatment of injuries sustained when a b-25 bomber hit the building and threw her out of a different elevator. On the same day.
The construction of the Brooklyn Bridge began in 1869, after being designed by John Augustus Roebling. During surveying for the Brooklyn Bridge he sustained an injury that resulted in tetanus and his untimely death.
Mail was successfully delivered via rocket in 1931 by German engineer Reinhold Tiling. The project never gained traction, however, because Tiling died in 1933 as a result from injuries sustained during a fuel explosion in his workshop. - source
A man robbed a store while Marines were collecting donations outside. The subject was taken to the hospital with broken arms, ankle, leg, ribs, nose, jaw, several missing teeth. Injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off the curb after stabbing a Marine.
In 1881 conservative MP Sir William Payne-Gallwey died as the result of severe internal injuries sustained after falling upon a turnip - source
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Swedish twin sisters who without history of substance abuse or mental illness, suddenly developed a rare 'shared psychosis'; whereby they ran onto a busy motorway sustaining multiple injuries, and even one the sisters stabbing an innocent man to death after being released the next day.
In 2000 a passenger aboard a Southwest flight broke into the cockpit, later dying from injuries sustained fighting the pilots
Russel Johnson, who played The Professor on Gilligan's Island was a combat pilot in WW2 and earned a Purple Heart for injuries sustained after his plane was shot down.
In 1990, British Airways 5390's windshield came apart at 17000ft, causing the pilot to be hanging out. The co-pilot safely landed the plane and the pilot only sustained minor injuries.
King Bela I of Hungary died as a result of serious injuries which he sustained when his throne broke beneath him.
Johnny Knoxville sustained an injury to his penis, requiring him to perform urinary catheterization twice daily for the rest of his life.