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Induced Vomiting facts

While investigating facts about Induced Vomiting In Dogs Side Effects and Induced Vomiting After Eating, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The chemical Thioacetone is the world's smelliest substance. It's so bad that, after a lab technician dropped a vial of it, it induced instant vomiting from people in buildings almost 1/2 mile away.

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After the first attempt to assassinate Franz Ferdinand failed due to a mistimed bomb, the assassin swallowed a cyanide pill and jumped into the Miljacka River to kill himself. The pill was expired and only induced vomiting and the Miljacka was only 13 cm deep due to the hot, dry summer.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is self induced vomiting called. Here are 39 of the best facts about Induced Vomiting Meaning and Induced Vomiting Benefits I managed to collect.

what is self induced vomiting?

  1. There were 6 assassins sent to kill Archduke Franz Ferdinand and 1 of them threw a bomb that exploded under the wrong car. His assassination failed, he took a cyanide pill and jumped into the river. The pill only induced vomiting and the river was only 13cm deep. He failed at killing himself too

  2. Motion sickness is due to confusion between perceived movement and actual movement. The brain's conclusion is that one of the senses is hallucinating due to poison ingestion; the brain then induces vomiting to clear the supposed toxin.

  3. Motion sickness is a psychological defense mechanism against neurotoxins. Your brain realizes there is a disconnect between what your eyes see and what your inner ear feels and concludes you are poisoned and hallucinating so it induces nausea and vomiting

  4. Native Americans used inner bark of buttonbush to induce vomiting and cleansing of the body. Buttonbush was also used in treatment of kidney stones, sore eyes, rheumatism, headache, fever, bleeding, muscle inflammation and toothache.

  5. Juice squeezed from the plant can be used to improve condition of the skin. Orris root can be used for the purification of the body because it contains substances with laxative, diuretic and emetic (which induce vomiting) properties.

  6. Unlike the fruit, seed contain cyanogenic glycosides (group of toxic compounds) that can induce mild intoxication after consumption (typical sings of poisoning include nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath).

  7. Rhubarb can be used for the purification of the blood, to induce vomiting (and elimination of toxins), prevent disease of gums and as a cure for the constipation.

  8. All parts of chinaberry (including berries) contain neurotoxins (group of toxic compounds) that induce diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, stomach pain, seizures, pulmonary congestion and cardiac arrest in humans, house pets and farm animals.

  9. People can safely consume flowers and nectar of honeysuckle, but they should avoid berries because they contain substances that induce nausea and vomiting. Honeysuckle berries are not poisonous for bears, birds and other forest animals.

  10. Fruit of yaupon induces nausea and vomiting in humans. Tea made of leaves can be safely consumed (it is commercially available in America). Yaupon is the only USA plant that contains caffeine.

induced vomiting facts
What does self induced vomiting cause?

Why metoclopramide is contraindicated in levodopa induced vomiting?

You can easily fact check induced vomiting why by examining the linked well-known sources.

Native Americans used bark of box elder as emetic (substance that induces vomiting), for the purification of the body.

Leaves, flowers and seed of common sneezeweed contain compounds that are toxic for humans. Ingestion of large quantities of common sneezeweed can induce death. Lower doses are associated with excessive salivation, difficulty breathing, increased body temperature, vomiting and convulsions.

Wisteria produces poisonous seed, but flowers of some species can be used in human diet and for the manufacture of wine. All parts of Chinese wisteria contain toxic substances. Ingestion of even the smallest piece of Chinese wisteria induces nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in humans.

All parts of lily of the valley are poisonous (plant contains 38 different cardiac glycosides). Small amount of this plant induces abdominal cramps, vomiting and bradycardia, while large doses induce death due to heart failure.

Fruit of firethorn also contains small quantities of hydrogen cyanide. Consumption of raw fruit can induce mild gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal ache). Fruit of firethorn needs to be crushed and thoroughly washed before consumption (water eliminates toxic compounds). Bitter taste of the fruit can be eliminated by cooking. Firethorn can be consumed in the form of jellies, marmalades and sauces.

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Poinsettia produces milky sap that is not harmful for people, but it can induce nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in cats and other house pets.

How to stop alcohol induced vomiting?

Consumption of dog's mercury (when confused with spinach or brooklime) can induce nausea, vomiting, convulsions, lethargy and even death in children.

Consumption of milk obtained from cows whose diet was based on white snakeroot can induce disorder known as milk sickness (tremetol poisoning) in humans. Typical signs of intoxication include vomiting, constipation and weakness. Milk sickness may end up fatally.

Mulga snake produces large quantities of venom that induces muscle weakness and mild paralysis, nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness in humans. Luckily, antivenin for this venom is available in most hospitals.

Some types of ephedra contain tannins (group of chemical compounds) that can induce intoxication of pregnant cows and sheep. Consumption of ephedra is not fatal, but it is often accompanied with vomiting, diarrhea and anorexia.

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Typical signs of intoxication are nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, blisters in the mouth, burning sensation, confusion and headache. 2 to 6 baneberries contain enough toxin to induce cardiac arrest in children if they accidently swallow them. Luckily, berries has unpleasant, bitter taste and they are rarely consumed on purpose.

Seed of castor bean contains toxin called ricin which prevents synthesis of proteins in the cells. This is one of the deadliest toxins in the world. Ricin is 12.000 times stronger than rattlesnake venom. Small quantities of ricin induce nausea, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea and abdominal pain. 7 seeds contain enough toxin to kill adult human.

Native Americans used American pokeweed as laxative, to induce vomiting (and cleansing of the body) and to treat cancer and itch.

Native Americans were preparing tea, called "black drink", made of roasted leaves and shoots of yaupon. Men were consuming large quantities of this tea during various ceremonies to induce vomiting and purification of the body.

Fiddleheads need to be thermally processed before consumption to ensure elimination of bitter compounds, potential toxins and microorganisms that can be found on the surface. When they are not properly prepared, fiddleheads can induce diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and headache in humans. These symptoms usually appear few to 12 hours after consumption, and last one to three days.

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Marinol (THC) is approved by the FDA for the treatment of anorexia in HIV/AIDS patients, as well as for nausea and vomited induced by chemotherapy. It is considered to be non-narcotic and to have a low risk of physical or mental dependence.

Name "Helleborus" originates from Greek words "helle" which means "to take away" and "bora" which means "food". Name refers to the emetic (induces vomiting) properties of this plant.

Sap of jewelweed can be applied directly to the injured spot, or used in the form of poultices (made of leaves) and tea (oral application may induce diarrhea and vomiting).

All parts of butterfly weed contain cardiac glycosides, group of toxic compounds that can induce stupor, weakness, vomiting and spasms when they are consumed in large quantities.

Contrary to common misconception, swallowing gasoline does not generally require special emergency treatment, and inducing vomiting can make it worse. According to poison specialist, even two mouthfuls wouldn't be that dangerous as long as it goes to your stomach and stays there or moves on.

Gulls breath and stomach content is as putrid as a vulture and it induces vomit as a self defense mechanism.

Wat Tham Krabok a temple established as a monastery in 1957. Over 100,000 heroin and opium addicts have since gone through the unique detox program, consisting of Buddhist meditation, Asian herbal supplementation, induced vomiting, and the consumption of a secret detoxification potion.

The band Hawkwind used a machine dubbed the "Eliminator" on their audiences to induce vomiting, loss of balance, and loss of bowel control

After the first attempt to assassinate Franz Ferdinand failed due to a mistimed bomb, the assassin swallowed a cyanide pill and jumped into the Miljacka River to kill himself. The pill was expired and only induced vomiting and the Miljacka was only 13 cm deep due to the hot, dry summer.

The Sokushinbutsu mummified their bodies as quickly as possible by spending 3 years eating nothing but nuts and seeds until they had lost all of their body fat. They then spent another 3 years eating bark and drinking foul tea to induce vomiting. They then crawled into a cave and waited to die.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Induced Vomiting. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Induced Vomiting so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor