Inaugural Speech facts
While investigating facts about Inaugural Speech Sample and Inaugural Speech Sample Pdf, I found out little known, but curios details like:
William Henry Harrison, the 9th U.S. president, gave the longest presidential inauguration speech, in pouring rain, from which he contracted a cold that severely worsened, killing him and making him the shortest serving U.S. president.
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The notorious segregationist George Wallace, best known for pledging "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregationist forever" in his inaugural speech, ran for a fourth term as Governor of Alabama and not only won but earned over 90% of the Black vote.
What president has the shortest inaugural speech?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what president gave the longest inaugural speech. Here are 12 of the best facts about Inaugural Speech Student Council President and Inaugural Speech Jfk I managed to collect.
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Franklin Pierce was the first U.S. President to recite his inauguration address entirely from memory. The speech was 3,329 words long.
John F. Kennedy was the first president to not wear a hat during his inauguration speech. Sales of men's hats plummeted and due to this and other factors, have never recovered.
The day of Andrew Johnson's formal Vice Presidential inauguration Johnson got very drunk, was unable to swear in the new senators, and delivered a 'drunken foolish speech'.
President Franklin Pierce, was the first US president to deliver his inauguration speech by memory.
William Henry Harrison, the 9th President of United States, was only in office for 30 days, 12 hours, and 32 minutes after not wearing a coat during his inaugural speech, and getting a cold that lead him to his death.
In President James Buchanan's inaugural speech, he promised not to run again.
George Washington's second inaugural speech was only 135 words long.
The longest inaugural address was given, ironically, by the president who served the shortest in office. He delivered his speech without a coat and hat, which led, to the illness (pneumonia) that ultimately killed him.
The shortest inaugural speech was by William Harrison in 1841. He delivered the 1 hour 45 minute oration without wearing a hat or coat in a howling snowstorm, came down with pneumonia, and died one month later. His was the shortest tenure in the White House.
After President Bush Senior made his "Points of light" inaugural address speech, he established a "daily point of light award" to recognize people who volunteer to solve serious social problems. In 2013 he was invited back to the White House to award the 5000th point of light award.
Inaugural Speech data charts
For your convenience take a look at Inaugural Speech figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.