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Illegitimate Children facts

While investigating facts about Illegitimate Children's Rights Philippines and Illegitimate Children's Rights, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Princess Diana was a descendant of Charles II via two of his illegitimate children; since Charles II never had any legitimate children, Prince William will, if crowned, be the first descendant of Charles II to be King

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When Charles II died he had no legitimate heirs, but he did have several illegitimate children. Two of those children were ancestors of Princess Diana, so when William becomes king, he will be the first descendant of Charles II to take the throne.

What does illegitimate child mean?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what does the bible say about illegitimate child. Here are 15 of the best facts about Illegitimate Children I managed to collect.

what's illegitimate child?

  1. Due to Lord Byron's constant philandering and multiple affairs, several of which produced illegitimate children, the marriage ended unofficially within a month of Ada's birth; she never met her father, who died in Greece when Ada was eight years old.

  2. Benjamin Franklin's illegitimate son William himself had an illegitimate son, William Temple. Temple later had two illegitimate children as well, one from an affair with a married woman and one from an affair with his step-sister.

  3. In the original version of Rapunzel in 1812, Gothel discovers Rapunzel has had a visitor in her tower because her illegitimate pregnancy is making her clothes tighter. This was criticized as being inappropriate for children and removed from later printings.

  4. The Prince of Monaco has two illegitimate children

  5. Illegitimate children in Europe were commonly assigned a surname based upon nature... just like in the Game of Thrones series.

  6. Americans fathered more than 37,000 illegitimate children during the post-war occupation of Germany.

  7. Galileo had 3 illegitimate children, daughters Virginia and Livia, and a son Vincenzo. Due to the illegitimacy of the girls, they were accepted by convent San Matteo in Arcetri where they remained the rest of their lives. Vincenzo was later legitimized and became the legal heir of Galileo.

  8. Pope Alexander VI had at least 7 illegitimate children. The last of which he fathered while in his 60s and reigning as Pope.

  9. When Galileo presented his version of the telescope to the City of Venice in 1609, he did so at least partially because he needed the money to help support several illegitimate children.

  10. 87-year-old former postman, Johnny Cash look-alike and impressionist, has been proven to have fathered over 1,300 illegitimate children.

illegitimate children facts
What is the middle name of an illegitimate child+philippines?

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After the founder of DHL, Larry Hillblom, died in a plane crash, four illegitimate children he fathered on 'quests for teenage virgins' in South-East Asia, were awarded $90 million each from his estate.

Former British PM David Cameron is descended from King William IV, via William's mistress, with whom William had10 illegitimate children. - source

Olive Oatman the Illinois teenager who was abducted by Native Americans in 1851 and came to enjoy their way of life until she betrayed them and returned to civilization possibly to protect her illegitimate children. - source

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Illegitimate Children. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Illegitimate Children so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor