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Hindu Goddess facts

While investigating facts about Hindu Goddess Names and Hindu Goddess Kali, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The word "thug" comes from a group of professional assassins called "thuggees"; a fanatical religious group in India that killed in the name of the Hindu Goddess Kali. Thuggees would find a group of travelers and gain their trust before strangling them at night with a handkerchief.

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An ivory statuette of the Hindu goddess Lakshmi was found in Pompeii

What hindu goddess are you?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering hindu gods and goddesses and what they represent. Here are 12 of the best facts about Hindu Goddess Names For Baby Girl and Hindu Goddess Of Love I managed to collect.

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  1. The Rolling Stones logo is based on Hindu goddess Kali's classic fierce open mouth. Mick Jagger is the one who made the suggestion to designer Jon Pasche.

  2. There is a Hindu water goddess named Danu, whose name is etymologically related to the names of some European rivers such as the Danube and Dnieper.

  3. Different cultures have different names for the Himalayas. In Nepal the Himalayas are called Sagarmatha, which means Goddess of the Universe. In Tibet the Himalayas are called Chomolungma. The Hindu religion refers to the Himalayas as Giri-raj which means King of the Mountains.

  4. The mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan had no formal mathematical training but achieved great advances in mathematics (partially through intuition rather than logic), which he attributed to visions from his family's Hindu goddess Mahalakshmi of Namakkal

  5. Important Hindu festivals include Diwali (festival of lights), Vijayadashami (victory of good over evil), Gudhipadawa (Hindu New Year), Mahashivratri (the day of the universe's creation), Makar Sankranti (Sun in Makar Rashi's transmigration), Navratri (nine day worship of Mother Goddess), Ramnavami (Lord Rama's birthday), and Ganesh Festival (Festival of Lord Ganesha).

  6. About Goa Inquisition which was proposed by Francis Xavier, in which Hindu weddings were forbidden, Hindu temples destroyed, owning an image of Hindu god or goddess was deemed a criminal and people were executed, burnt in effigy

  7. There is a Hindu festival celebrating menstruation. The festival (Ambubachi Mela) takes place during the monsoon season and the Hindu sect believes it represents their goddess (Kamakhya) is menstruating.

  8. The Rolling Stones logo was created from Mick Jagger's suggestion to copy the out stuck tongue of the Hindu goddess Kali.

  9. Most of Hindu God and Goddess has fair skin even though most of Hindu nowadays has dark skin color

  10. Rolling stones' iconic tongue logo is inspired by hindu goddess "kali"

hindu goddess facts
What does the hindu goddess kali represent?

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hindu Goddess. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hindu Goddess so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor