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Hijacked Terrorists facts

While investigating facts about How Did Terrorists Hijacked Planes For 911 and Why Do Terrorists Hijack Planes, I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1960 a terrorist armed with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires off the bomb saving 49 lives.

how did terrorists hijacked planes for 911?

The first episode of an X-Files spin-off called "The Lone Gunmen", which aired March 4, 2001, involves a US government conspiracy to hijack an airliner, fly it into the World Trade Center, and blame it on terrorists - thereby gaining support for a new profit-making war

What four planes were hijacked on 9/11?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what three cities were the planes hijacked on 9/11. Here are 13 of the best facts about Twa Flight 847 Is Hijacked By Terrorists and Cruise Ship Hijacked By Terrorists I managed to collect.

from what three cities were the planes hijacked?

  1. In 1960 a terrorist armed with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia Flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires from the bomb saving all 49 passengers.

  2. The TV show "The Lone Gunmen" premier episode had members of the U.S. government conspire to hijack an airliner, fly it into the World Trade Center, and blame the act on terrorists to gain support for a new profit-making war. The episode aired six months prior to the September 11 attacks.

  3. Operation Northwoods: a plan (written by the Joint Chiefs of Staff) to persuade the American public to go to war with Cuba by launching a wave of terrorist attacks on US citizens. It called for innocent people to be shot, bombs to be planted in major cities, and planes to be hijacked.

  4. The September 11th, 2001 attacks in the United States involved a group of terrorists flying two airplanes into the World Trade Center towers, flying one airplane into the Pentagon, and the fourth place crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after the passengers and crew overtook the hijackers.

  5. The 80's show Airwolf had an episode where a flight was hijacked by terrorists. That flight was #93

  6. The Boeing 747 that made the first commercial flight was also the first 747 to be hijacked by terrorists AND ended its career when it was one of the two 747s in aviation history's most deadly accident.

  7. In August of 2001, actor James Woods traveled on a flight with 4 of the 19 terrorists involved in the September 11th hijackings. James Woods reported the 4 suspicious men to the pilots and a flight attendant; learning after the attacks that his suspicions were reported to the FBI.

  8. While on vacation in August 2001, George Bush was briefed that an attack inside the U.S. was imminent, and that the terrorists would hijack passenger aircraft to attack New York. His response to the panicked CIA briefer was, "OK, you've covered your ass now." Then he went fishing.

  9. In 1985 Palestinian terrorists hijacked the cruise liner Achille Lauro where they later executed Leion Klinghoffer, an elderly and wheelchairbound man, and tossed his body overboard. The PLO Foreign Secretary then claimed that Klinghoffer's killed her husband for insurance money.

  10. In 1960 a terrorist armed with a rifle and a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia flight 408. The co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the wires off the bomb saving 49 lives

hijacked terrorists facts
What 4 planes were hijacked on 9/11?

Why were planes hijacked to cuba?

You can easily fact check why do hijacked planes go to stansted by examining the linked well-known sources.

In 1960 a terrorist armed with a bomb tried to hijack Trans Australia flight 408 when the co-pilot punched him in the face and ripped the bomb wires saving 49 lives

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Hijacked Terrorists. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Hijacked Terrorists so important!

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