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Highly Sought facts

While investigating facts about Highly Sought After Cup Used By Jesus and Highly Sought After, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A 1631 edition of the Bible published by the royal printers of London caused an uproar when it was found that the Ten Commandments included “thou shalt commit adultery.” Most copies of this Wicked Bible were found and ordered destroyed; the few that survived are highly sought by collectors.

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Chunks of whale puke sell for as much as $150,000. After aging, the chunks become known as ambergris, developing a sweet musky smell. The material is highly sought after by high-end perfume manufacturers.

What is highly sought after?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 28 of the best facts about Highly Sought After Synonym and Highly Sought After Cup Used By Jesus Codycross I managed to collect.

what does highly sought after mean?

  1. The Shaggs, a tone deaf and musically inept musical group from the 60s who were formed by their father, who was convinced they would one day become famous. They produced one album, Philosophy of the World, that, over time, became a highly sought after oddity by record collectors.

  2. Steel forged prior to the 1945 atom bomb explosions is highly sought-after because all steel forged after is 'contaminated' with Cobalt-60

  3. After declaring bankruptcy, Japan Airlines flight attendant uniforms were sold to the local sex industry after becoming highly sought after by fetishists.

  4. The type of Nike sneakers worn by members of the Heaven's Gate cult in their 1997 mass suicide are highly sought after by sneaker collectors

  5. Floronic Man who sought to get everyone in Gotham City high on his own inexpensive super-potent weed.

  6. Chocolate can cool and solidify in 6 different "crystaline" structures, and that each different structure has its own properties like melting point, hardness, gloss, etc. The most sought after are "type V" crystals that give chocolate a high melting point, good "snap" and gloss.

  7. Skateboarding pioneer Rodney Mullen is now a highly sought-after speaker on the Silicon Valley technology conference circuit. He now only skateboards alone at night, and doesn't allow anyone to watch because he doesn't want to spoil his mystique as a perfectionist.

  8. In Pennsylvania, the production of large highly tarnished and distorted crystals are often sought by mineral collectors.

  9. The Jacket that Michael Jackson wore on the cover of the "BAD" Album was designed by a cult leader, Tony Alamo, who ran a side business designing high-fashion jackets that were highly sought after by celebrities in the 80's . The Jackets were made by his cult members.

  10. Up until the 1980's Coors Beer was unavailable east of the Mississippi River but due to its lack of additives and preservatives became a highly sought after item in the East, so much so that even President Gerald Ford smuggled some cans back to Washington, D.C. in his suitcase

highly sought facts
What are the best facts about Highly Sought?

Why are the cowries a highly sought after gastropod?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Paul Michael Stephani was a serial killer that called the police anonymously to confess his crimes in a frantic high pitched voice. He was identified as the Weepy Voiced Killer when he sought medical attention for an injury he got from one of his victims

His work sought to address the high infant mortality rate that still affected society in that day.

As early as the 1700s, chromium was used to create highly sought after pigments, specifically red and yellow.

A Michigan judge wrote a rap to support her reasons for dismissing a $1 million lawsuit filed against Eminem by an alleged junior high bully whom the rapper sought revenge against in song.

Salvatore Giuliano became an outlaw after killing a police officer who tried to arrest him for black-market food smuggling when 70% of Sicily's food supply was provided by the black market. He was a flamboyant, high-profile criminal, attacking the police at least as often as they sought him. - source

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In 1939, in preparation for the first execution in the capital of the Territory of Alaska, 13 carefully selected witnesses received wedding-like invitations with blue paper tickets to attend the hanging. The tickets were “sought after” and the witnesses highly envied by peers

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"recording artist" Mingering Mike, who has over 150 records, all in an edition of one, and all made of cardboard, yet they are now highly sought out by record (and art) collectors.

The distinctive "stahlhelm" helmet used by German soldiers in WWII was also used by China (which had previously allied with Germany). They are now highly sought after and very rare.

Ancient Mayan men sought to emulate the power associated with the ability to create life, and participated in bloodletting from their own genitals in a highly ritualized symbolic gesture of menstruation.

At one point during Ted Bundy's trial, in his defense, he sought to prove that he was high and evading the police due to marijuana consumption, while the cops testified and maintained he was sober and NOT in possession...a freaky friday sort of situation ensued.

Portugal legalised drug usage and ownership when faced with an all time high drug death crisis. That resulted in lowered amount of deaths since addicts began soughting for rehabilitation rather than drug usage increased drastically.

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Highland cattle: A breed of cow unique to Scottland "with long, flowing hair and majestic, sweeping horns". This type of beef is highly sought because it is slow-aged, making it lean but well-marbled with low cholesterol levels.

A 188 square-foot house in London's highly sought-after Barnsbury neighborhood is considered to be one of the world's smallest stationary homes. In 2014, it went on the market for an asking price of approx $450,000.

In 1959 the US airforce was able to intercept a weather satellite with a missile. Along with an earlier, unsuccessful test of the High Virgo missile in the anti-satellite role, which led to the Eisenhower administration sought to establish space as a neutral ground for everyone's usage.

The 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner is a highly sought-after and valuable car today mainly because it was the Motortrend Car of the Year.

Color Blind soldiers are highly sought after by the military to become snipers, due to their increased ability to see through camouflage

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Highly Sought. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Highly Sought so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor