Incredible and fun facts to explore

Highly Sensitive facts

While investigating facts about Highly Sensitive Person and Highly Sensitive Person Test, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A New York sociologist observed that women are a good indicator of good public places because they are more sensitive to annoyances. "If a plaza has a markedly low proportion of women, something is wrong...if it has a high proportion, the plaza is probably a good and well-managed one"

how highly sensitive am i?

You have a greater risk of mental illness if you are highly intelligent. A survey of the top 2% of Mensa members showed that their rates of depression, bipolar disorder, BPD, SAD were all higher than the national average. Scientists suspect that a highly active brain might also be high sensitive

Highly sensitive man what type of woman?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes highly sensitive person. Here are 22 of the best facts about Highly Sensitive Child and Highly Sensitive Person Symptoms I managed to collect.

what is a highly sensitive person?

  1. In 2011 a study found that individuals with high social anxiety had high empathy. The study found that high empathy may make socially anxious individuals more sensitive and attentive to other people's states of mind.

  2. Highly sensitive devices used to detect radionuclides have to be made from steel salvage from sunken WWI&II ships, as steel since then has been contaminated too much from nuclear bombs.

  3. Chestnut trees produce more fruit when they are subjected to lower temperatures during the winter. Unlike old trees, young trees are highly sensitive to frost.

  4. Dogo Argentino has plenty of energy and it requires vigorous exercise each day. It can be an ideal partner for jogging. Dogo Argentino has sensitive skin and it should not spend too much time exposed to direct sunlight when temperature is very high.

  5. Salamander's skin is highly sensitive to environmental pollution because toxins easily pass the skin and reach inner organs. By tracking the number of salamanders in the wild, scientists can estimate whether environment is healthy or not. If there is a large population of salamanders that means that environment is clean, and vice versa.

  6. Cinnamon can induce allergy in sensitive persons. It also can induce liver and kidney disorders when consumed in high amount due to toxic substance called coumarine.

  7. Raccoons often place food in water before they start to eat it. They have highly sensitive sense of touch and water increases sensitivity even more. By touching the food they get better insight about things they will eat.

  8. Japanese scientists captured the first human bioluminescence images with ultra-sensitive cameras (1000x weaker than we can perceive). The light follows a 24hr cycle (high:afternoon, low:night) & is brightest at cheeks, forehead & neck; even when these areas don’t correspond with thermal imaging.

  9. Atlantic City uses highly sensitive microphones placed around the city to triangulate the source of gunfire.

  10. There is a gene in fruit flies called the "Cheap Date" gene that makes certain flies highly sensitive to alcohol.

highly sensitive facts
What is a highly sensitive child?

Why am i highly sensitive?

You can easily fact check why am i a highly sensitive person by examining the linked well-known sources.

AMC theaters offer autistic friendly movie screenings. The screenings set up the theaters in such a way where they are less overwhelming to children with high sensitivities to sound and light.

Xeroderma Pigmentosum or “Vampire Syndrome”, where a person is highly sensitive to sunlight and can get third-degree burns after a few minutes of sun exposure. - source

A dog’s whiskers are actually highly tuned, multi-functional, sensitive sensory hairs they need and use every day to perform specific functions that help them move around in their world. - source

There is a town in West Virginia where radio technology like Wifi and cell phones is strictly prohibited due to a highly sensitive telescope

When Dr Marmottant combined a microscope with a high-speed camera he discovered that horsetail spores were not only moving, but walking and jumping. Their motion is driven by four moisture-sensitive legs, or elaters, which curl when the moisture level changes. The legs are made of two materials - source

When highly sensitive child?

Bananas are a source of radioactive isotopes. Research shows a few bananas can trigger the highly sensitive radioactive sensors at US ports - used to detect smuggled nuclear material.

How to communicate with a highly sensitive person?

During a study of subjects' reported level of disgust linked to various scenarios, it was shown that people who scored highly on the "disgust sensitivity" scale tended to hold more politically conservative views.

There are individuals known as Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) who may process sensory data much more deeply and thoroughly due to a biological difference in their nervous systems.

Our political affiliation correlates very strongly with our propensity to feel physical disgust; it goes so far that the reaction to just a single image can predict a person's political leanings with 95% accuracy. High levels of sensitivity tend to go hand in hand with a conservative ethos.

The naked mole rat is remarkable long lived, resistant to cancer, lacks pain sensitivity in its skin and is capable of surviving in both low oxygen and high carbon dioxide environments

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Highly Sensitive. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Highly Sensitive so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor