Heart Attack facts
While investigating facts about Heart Attack Symptoms and Heart Attack Grill, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Heart Attack Grill, a Las Vegas restaurant where people over 350 lbs. eat free. 3 people have died while eating there, and the only vegan option on their menu is cigarettes.
how heart attack happens?
When a man had a heart attack at a grocery story in rural Minnesota, 20 people lined up and performed CPR on him for over an hour and a half until paramedics arrived - and he survived
What to do at heart attack?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is blood pressure at heart attack. Here are 50 of the best facts about Heart Attack Lyrics and Heart Attack Movie I managed to collect.
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WALL-E (the Pixar film,) is dedicated to Justin Wright. Justin was 12 when he had a heart transplant and his make-a-wish was to visit Pixar. He survived the transplant and later became an animator at Pixar. He died of a massive heart attack 3 months before its release.
When he was 26, Pete Maravich said "I don't want to play 10 years in the NBA and die of a heart attack at age 40" in an interview. He went on to play 10 years in the NBA, and died of a heart attack at age 40.
After her owner suffered a heart attack, a pig named LuLu saved her owner's life by squeezing through a doggy door, pushing open a gate and lay down in the middle of a nearby road until a motorist stopped and followed the pig back to the house.
A man had a heart attack at a grocery store in rural Minnesota, 20 people lined up and performed CPR on him for over an hour and a half until paramedics arrived and he survived.
The captain of a United flight had a heart attack mid-flight, and so an off-duty air force captain, Mike Gongol, had to help land the plane, saving 160 lives. He knew he had to help when he heard the PA announcement "are there any non-revenue pilots on board, please ring your call button."
Lulu the pot bellied pig, who upon seeing her owner have a heart attack, ran into the street and played dead. When someone stopped, she led him into the house to her owner who was ultimately saved
In 1923, Frank Hayes became the first ever jockey to win a horse race despite being dead. He died from a heart attack mid-race but somehow his body stayed strapped onto the horse and he crossed the finish line in first place, beating 20-1 odds.
Losing an hour of sleep when daylight savings puts the clocks forward causes a 25% increase in heart attacks on the following Monday. They reduce by 21% when clocks go back.
A form of medieval torture, where the victims feet were covered in salt water and then a goat would start licking them. Sometimes the laughter and stress from the intense tickling resulted in a heart attack or a brain hemorrhage.
Hours before being killed by a massive heart attack at 51, James Gandolfini dined on a double order of fried king prawns and a pile of foie gras washed down with two pina coladas, four shots of rum, and a couple beers.
Heart Attack data charts
For your convenience take a look at Heart Attack figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why heart attack in young age?
You can easily fact check why heart attack left arm pain by examining the linked well-known sources.
A pig named Lulu saved her owner’s life while the woman was having a heart attack. The pig heard the cries of pain, forced her way out of the yard, ran into the road and ‘played dead’ to stop the traffic. A driver stopped, the pig led him to the trailer, he heard the woman and called 911.
Strongman Jon Pall Sigmarsson once said "there is no reason to be alive if you can't deadlift". He later died of a heart attack while deadlifting. - source
CIA created a gun that could shoot darts that caused heart attack. Upon penetration of skin the dart left just a tiny red dot. The poison itself worked rapidly and denatured quickly afterwards. It was revealed in 1975 in a Congressional testimony. - source
When you are under stress it triggers your body's defences.Your blood thickens to encourage blood clotting in the event of an injury.This thicker blood puts strain on your heart.That is why stress increases the risk of heart attacks
Hospitals in the US report a 24% spike in heart attack visits due to patients getting one hour less of sleep when switching to daylight saving time - source
When heart attack occurs?
Sweden has instituted a country-wide program where citizens can enroll to receive an SMS when there is a heart attack victim nearby, allowing them to reach them faster than an ambulance and provide CPR. In 40% of the cases, SMSlifesavers arrived before ambulances and started providing CPR.
How heart attack occurs?
After suffering a heart attack and being saved by one of the few ambulances in the state to be fitted with a defibrillator, Australian billionaire Kerry Packer went halves with the state government to get one fitted in every ambulance in the state.
British actor Gareth Jones died of a heart attack while performing in a live televised play in 1958 – in which his character was scripted to have a heart attack. The rest of the cast improvised around his death and finished the play.
Daylight Savings Time causes a 24% increase in heart attacks every day that the clocks move forward, and a 21% decrease in heart attacks every time the clocks move back.
Hockey goalie Clint Malarchuks throat got slashed by skate during a live NHL game, the injury was so bad that 11 fans fainted, 2 got heart attack and at least 3 players vomited on the ice. The wound was so bad that it needed 300 stiches. Clint was back on ice just a week later.
After a hoarder died in his home of a heart attack in 2012, a cleaning crew found a false hollow wall with human bones inside. They were those of his wife who disappeared 27 years earlier. He had murdered her and then claimed she ran away.