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Broken Heart facts

While investigating facts about Broken Heart Syndrome and Broken Heart Images, I found out little known, but curios details like:

After a great emotional shock, you can die suddenly due to an abnormal hreat rhythm. You can die from a broken heart.

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Broken Heart Syndrome is a real medical condition and is so-named because cases are often triggered by the death of a loved one. Diagnosed mainly in females, it results in a misshapen heart unable to pump blood properly and can trigger a heart attack or even death.

What broken heart feels like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's broken heart. Here are 47 of the best facts about Broken Heart Status and Broken Hearted Girl Lyrics I managed to collect.

what's broken heart syndrome?

  1. Margaret Cho was rejected by a producer on her show All American Girl. Still heart broken, she looked him up 17 years later to find out that he had bludgeoned his wife to death and put her in his attic where she partially mummified. She wrote a song about him.

  2. Having your heart broken will partially resonate in the part of the brain that responds to physical pain, so taking some Tylenol can actually help with heart break.

  3. You can literally die of a broken heart; Broken heart syndrome, also called stress-induced cardiomyopathy can cause severe heart muscle failure, and can be the result of the severe stress hormones released after serious emotional trauma.

  4. A group of doctors in Japan studied 5 grief-stricken patients who all exhibited symptoms of a heart attack... but did not have the tell-tale blockages of the coronary arteries. This study lead to the term "Broken Heart Syndrome"... or dying of a broken heart.

  5. While working as a missionary Mother Teresa became ill with a variety of illnesses including malaria, and pneumonia. She also experienced a broken collar bone and two heart attacks.

  6. A broken heart can lead to a literal broken heart. Takutsubo Cardiomyopathy is a heart condition associated with stress and grief.

  7. A "broken heart" from a breakup or loss of a loved one can actually cause potentially lethal arrythmias and congestive heart failure

  8. In 1929 John Dillinger's wife Beryl divorced him, leaving him heart broken.

  9. In 1991 NBA basketball player, Metta World Peace AKA Ron Artest, witnessed the murder of a fellow basketball player when, during an altercation, someone threw a broken-off table leg at the player and it went straight through his heart.

  10. Peacocks are polygamous (mate with more than one female) and usually form a harem that consists of 2-5 females. Left alone peacocks are very sad and heart-broken.

broken heart facts
What broken hearted lyrics?

Why is my heart broken?

You can easily fact check why do broken hearts go by examining the linked well-known sources.

Intense emotional stress can cause the left ventricle of the heart to swell or even burst, known as 'broken heart syndrome', and the reason why is "not fully understood".

Takotsubo syndrome, aka the "Broken Heart Syndrome". A person may experience the feeling of a heart attack and others may die from a broken heart. - source

Peter the dolphin, who died of a broken heart after falling in love with a human - source

When broken hearts go?

Swans have only one partner for their entire life. If their partner dies, they could pass away from broken heart.

How broken heart heal?

There is an actual clinical diagnosis called Broken Heart Syndrome, where part of the heart enlarges and doesn't pump well, leading to a heart attack. It is often caused by an emotionally stressful event.

In Gloversville, 16 years old golfer was killed by his own club when he slammed his golf club against a bench it in frustration and the club's broken shaft snapped back and pierced his heart.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (aka broken heart syndrome) is REAL. It's a temporary condition where your heart muscle becomes suddenly weakened or ‘stunned’. The left ventricle, one of the heart’s chambers, changes shape and enlarges. This means this part of the heart doesn’t pump well.

There was a dog named Tommy, so devoted to his owner that he was allowed to go to church with her. After her death, Tommy still went to church but soon died of a broken heart.

Bible verses when broken hearted?

Animals, including humans, can die of a broken heart after an emotional loss

The physical pain caused by a broken heart is widely believed due to your brain encouraging you to maintain your close relationships

The lowest heart rate ever recorded is 28bpm. It was broken by an 81 year old whose heart rate is lower than that of both professional cyclists and elephants.

There a real, medical "broken heart syndrome" where acute stress and sadness can actually break your heart

Acetaminophen treats broken hearts like physical pain.

How can you mend a broken heart?

It is possible to die from a broken heart. It’s called Cardiomyopathy.

A Nasa-funded project to teach dolphins english resulted in a woman living with dolphins, and once decomissioned and seperated the dolphin commited suicide due to a broken heart.

Mick Jagger made a unique appearance on the debut album of alt-rock band Living Colour, playing the harmonica on the song 'Broken Hearts'

There is a medical condition characterized by the apex of the heart enlarging and decreasing function. In 85% of cases, the onset of symptoms occurs following a stress event, often an emotional stress event, such as the death of a loved one, earning it the name "broken heart syndrome".

How sad it was when Johnny cash died. His last performance on 7 July 2003. His wife died 4 months before his death in September 2013. He had his last live performance just after his wife's death, and just before his. WikiP describes his death as "broken heart syndrome" (or diabetes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Jim Carrey is an amazing artist and started painting after his heart was broken 6 years ago. He has been drawing since childhood.

Elephants can die of a broken heart if their mate dies.

Dying of a broken heart" after a spouse dies is a real thing if you're white but not if you're black.

The chest pain you felt when breaking up, is real and is known as 'Broken Heart Sydrome'

Dying of a of broken heart is very real! 21x real!

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Broken Heart. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Broken Heart so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor