Hand Washing facts
While investigating facts about How To Clean And Washing Machine and Home Depot And Washing Machines, I found out little known, but curios details like:
One evening, while rushing for dinner after a long day at the lab, Constantin Fahlberg, a chemist at Johns Hopkins, forgot to wash his hands that had traces of benzoic sulfimide. This compound made his dinner taste sweet, and that’s how he discovered the artificial sweetener Saccharin.
how hand washing prevents infection?
Typhoid Mary refused to cooperate with investigators, even refusing an offer of royalties on a book about the outbreak. She was arrested in 1908, claiming ignorance about hand washing. After release she went back into work as a cook, against orders, starting another outbreak that killed 2.
What is the importance of hand washing?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is surgical hand washing. Here are 50 of the best facts about Hoover And Washing Machine and Haier Washing Machine I managed to collect.
what hand washing do?
In the 19th century, obstetricians did not wash their hands before examinations. In 1861 a guy called Semmelweis recommended hand washing to decrease very high mother mortality rates. He faced fierce opposition, had a nervous breakdown and died in a mental hospital 4 years later.
A doctor introduced hand-washing at his clinic in 1846 because he noticed a connection between women dying of childbed fever and the autopsies doctors performed before delivering babies, and that most didn't believe him, and he lost his job, and later died of sepsis in an asylum.
One man single handedly converted a washed out land into a 1,360 acre forest. The forest is now home to tigers & rhinoceros too
Washing dishes by hand uses almost 7 times the amount of water as a modern dishwasher (103L vs. 15L for a full load)
A Hepatitis A outbreak at 2 Subway locations in Seattle. The staff weren't washing their hands properly or using gloves, thus spreading infected fecal matter. One victim, a 6 yr old boy, suffered acute liver failure and required a liver transplant. He was awarded $10 million out of court.
Directly after JFK was assassinated, his wife Jackie refused to remove her blood-stained clothes or have the blood washed from her face and hands. She continued like this aboard Air Force 1 during LBJ's oath-of-office, telling Lady Bird Johnson, "I want them to see what they have done..."
Ignaz Semmelweis who made doctors wash their hands between autopsies and deliveries. He was later shunned by the scientific community, and beaten to death by asylum guards.
Dishwashers are significantly more efficient than hand-washing dishes.
The doctor who discovered that hand washing prevented the spread of disease was committed to an asylum, where he died after being beaten by the guards.
You don't have to display compulsive or ritualistic behavior (e.g. excessive hand-washing) to be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Up to 60% of OCD cases don't display compulsive behavior and are affected primarily by obsessive thoughts that become disruptive to their lives.
Hand Washing data charts
For your convenience take a look at Hand Washing figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why hand washing is so important?
You can easily fact check why hand washing clothes is better by examining the linked well-known sources.
Hand soap doesn't actually kill the germs. Instead, it weakens the structure they're holding onto you so that you can wash them right off.
Some flush toilets in Japan have a spigot on top of the tank,allowing users to conserve water by washing their hands in water destined for the next flush. - source
The doctor who discovered washing hands could practically eliminate fatal infections was committed to an asylum by his staff and beaten to death by guards. - source
Inadequate hand washing contributes to nearly 50 percent of all food borne illness outbreaks.
An experiment in a hospital where the sign at a hand-washing station was changed from “Hand hygiene prevents you from catching diseases” to “Hand hygiene prevents patients from catching diseases” resulting in a 45% increase in the use of soap or hand sanitizer. - source
How long to soak clothes when hand washing?
The Semmelweis reflex, a tendency to reject evidence that contradicts existing beliefs. Documented when doctors refused to wash their hands from autopsies to delivery rooms despite evidence this decreases mortality.
How hand washing clothes?
Washing your hands with good old soap and water is better than alcohol hand sanitiser at protecting you from catching Norovirus (winter vomiting bug)
Washing your hands with cold water is just as effective at removing harmful bacteria as washing them with hot water.
In 1983 a mentally ill young man who shot himself in the head in a suicide attempt suffered a brain injury that apparently eliminated his phobia of germs and his obsession with washing his hands.