Halloween Candy facts
While investigating facts about Halloween Candy Sale and Halloween Candy Bowl, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The only instance of a kid dying from poisoned Halloween candy was when it was given to him by his own father. The father took out a $40,000 life insurance policy on his son beforehand. He gave the tainted candy to four other kids to set up the story that a local madman had poisoned the kids.
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Kids falling victim to tampered Halloween candy is an urban myth. None of the reports have found to be true. In one case a child died from heroin found at a relative's. In another a child died after eating cyanide-laced candy from his father who'd taken out a life insurance policy on him.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what halloween candy is gluten free. Here are 50 of the best facts about Halloween Candy Bags and Halloween Candy Walmart I managed to collect.
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Poisoned halloween candy is almost entirely a myth. Aside from a 1950s case of laxative laced candy, it's never actually happened.
Japan's largest Yakuza group, the Yamaguchi-gumi, holds an annual Halloween party for neighborhood children in Kobe. "Not only were the decorations great and the gift bags full of tasty stuff, there were two big lines for cotton candy. And the gangsters were super nice."
There is a law in over 9 US states that forbids registered sex offenders from handing out candy or having Halloween lawn decorations on Halloween night
There have been no documented cases of children dying due to eating poisoned Halloween candy.
Despite popular belief, there has never been a report of someone handing out poisoned candy to strangers on Halloween.
The only actual case of poisoned Halloween candy occurred in 1974 when a father killed his son with a cyanide-laced Pixy Stick so he could collect life insurance.
Poisoned Halloween candy is mostly urban legend and there haven't be any deaths as a result of stranger poisoning.
Candy pumpkins were placed on the seat of every U.S. Senator by the candy industry in 1985 in hopes of extending U.S. daylight saving time to cover Halloween.
One of parents' biggest fears is that their child's Halloween candy is poisoned or contains razor blades. In reality, this fear is almost entirely unfounded. There are only two known cases of poisoning, and both involved relatives, according to LiveScience.
In 1974, a man poisoned his son with cyanide laced Pixie Stix and used the old urban legend of malicious strangers handing out tainted candy on Halloween to try to cover the crime.
Halloween Candy data charts
For your convenience take a look at Halloween Candy figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why do we get candy on halloween by examining the linked well-known sources.
Only in Des Moines & St. Louis, local Halloween tradition calls for children not to say "trick or treat," but to tell a joke in order to earn candy. This stems from a Depression-era attempt to curb hooliganism.
There was a poll done in 2015 for each states favorite Halloween candy and candy corn actually won a few states. - source
In 1964 a woman gave "too old" trick-or-treaters inedible packages of clearly labelled poison. She even told the kids about it. She was arrested. This is probably an origin of the poisoned Halloween candy idea. - source
On All Saints" Day Portuguese children go door to door receiving gifts of sweets, candies, nuts, and cakes, similar to Halloween.
About Halloween candy buyback- a program that trades leftover candy (through local dentist's offices) for various dental items & sends the candy to the Troops - source
When does halloween candy go on sale?
The majority of children, 50%, prefer to get chocolate in their trick-or-treat bags on Halloween. Only 10% prefer gum, while 24% prefer candy that isn"t chocolate.
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Ronald Clark O'Bryan, The Candy Man killed his son on the Halloween of 1974. He hoped to rely on the famous urban legend of poison in trick or treat candies as an alibi. He was later put to death on the Halloween of 1984.
In Hawaii, Florida, and Kansas, M&M's are the favorite Halloween candy.
The KKK came to Dave Chappelle's house as a kid and his mom handed them candy as if it were Halloween.
In 1974 a man named Ronald Clark OBryan killed his 8 year old son by putting a potassium cyanide-laced Pixy Stix in his sons Halloween candy. He did this in an effort to claim insurance money. This crime is what began the massive paranoia of tampered Halloween candy.
The only kid got poisoned from eating a Halloween candy got it from his dad.
Halloween candy infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Halloween Candy numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.