Grocery Stores facts
While investigating facts about Grocery Stores Near Me and Grocery Stores Open Near Me, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The German grocery store Aldi is actually two stores: Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. In the US, Aldi Sud has been rebranded as Aldi, and Aldi Nord is what we now know as Trader Joe's.
how grocery stores are organized?
A Russian MIG Pilot defected during the cold war along with his aircraft. When he arrived in the USA he was convinced the CIA had specially stocked the grocery stores he went to because he couldn't believe the vast array of products for sale.
What grocery stores are open today?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what grocery stores deliver. Here are 50 of the best facts about Grocery Stores Open On Christmas and Grocery Stores Open On Thanksgiving I managed to collect.
what grocery stores are open on christmas day?
A man had a heart attack at a grocery store in rural Minnesota, 20 people lined up and performed CPR on him for over an hour and a half until paramedics arrived and he survived.
The apples you buy in the grocery store are 5-12 months old. They are stored in a special low temperature, low oxygen (2%) environment, which preserves the nutritional content of the fruit.
Breakfast wasn’t regarded as the most important meal of the day until an aggressive marketing campaign by General Mills in 1944. They would hand out leaflets to grocery store shoppers urging them to eat breakfast, while similar ads would play on the radio.
There is a grocery store named "Thanksgiving" in Paris that sells U.S. "cuisine" like Pop-Tarts, Heinz ketchup, and Skippy peanut butter to homesick ex-pats.
Emmett Till a 14-year-old African-American was lynched in Mississippi in 1955, after a white woman said she was offended by him in her family's grocery store.
In France, it’s against the law for grocery stores to throw away food. It must either be composted or donated to charity.
20 people once saved a man performing CPR for 96 minutes, rotating positions while keeping the compressions going. This happened in a Minnesota grocery store in 2011
There is a town in Alaska with 217 residents and everybody lives in the same 14 story building. It includes a school, hospital, church, and grocery store.
WinCo, a grocery store in the western U.S. not only undercuts Walmart on prices, but is employee owned, offers health benefits, and a pension plan for their employees.
UK scientists discovered 3 new species of mushroom after buying dried porcini mushrooms from a local grocery store and testing them.
Grocery Stores data charts
For your convenience take a look at Grocery Stores figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why are grocery stores regional?
You can easily fact check why should plastic bags be banned in grocery stores by examining the linked well-known sources.
Boris Yeltsin's faith in communism was shattered after a trip to a grocery store in a Houston suburb in 1989.
In France, it is illegal for grocery stores to throw away edible food. Stores must donate edible, unused food to charity or facilities that process it into animal feed or compost. - source
Seth Rogan is making an R-rated Pixar-style film about "food in a grocery store that believes when you get purchased all your wildest dreams come true. They don’t realize that you get eaten. And its about them slowly realizing what happens in their after life." - source
An image of Jesus Christ that appeared on the side of a South American grocery store after a rain storm attracted hundreds of visitors and was claimed to be able to heal the sick. It was later discovered to be a whitewashed Willie Nelson tour poster.
DNA testing showed that one in three fish sold at restaurants and grocery stores is mislabeled as the wrong species. - source
When do grocery stores restock?
Boris Yeltsin abandoned communism partly due to a visit to a Randall's Grocery store in Clear Lake, TX
How often do grocery stores restock?
Since 2007, an unfinished skyscraper in Caracas, Venezuela, has been re-appropriated by squatters into a vast 'vertical slum' which now includes grocery stores, hairdressers, and an unlicensed dentist.
When Jeff Bridges was 14, he and his brother, Beau, would go to grocery store parking lots and pretend to start a fight. Once a crowd gathered, they would both jump into the back of their pickup truck and proceed to do dramatic line readings.
A man received 5 years in prison after being caught sprinkling his feces onto baked goods at a grocery store.
BP stations and Food Lion grocery stores sold the most cigarettes to minors in 2014. Each received one FDA warning letter for every 200 stores in the US
Kurt Warner was cut from the NFL and got a job at a grocery store in Iowa. Four years later, at 27, Warner would lead the St. Louis Rams to their only Super Bowl Championship, setting several league records, as well as being the only player in history to win the NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP
Grocery stores infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Grocery Stores numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.